
Search All Columns in KendoUI Grid

你。 提交于 2020-01-10 12:16:16
问题 I am trying to create a search box for a kendoUI grid. I have been able to get a start on doing a search based on one field however I would like the value in my search box to search all columns in the grid. function() {"kendoGrid").dataSource.filter({ field: "ProductName", operator: "contains", value: $('#category').val() }); } See js fiddle example I tried using the or logic operator here: however I can't seem to get it to work.... (see or logic button) 回答1: I think

Search All Columns in KendoUI Grid

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-10 12:15:38
问题 I am trying to create a search box for a kendoUI grid. I have been able to get a start on doing a search based on one field however I would like the value in my search box to search all columns in the grid. function() {"kendoGrid").dataSource.filter({ field: "ProductName", operator: "contains", value: $('#category').val() }); } See js fiddle example I tried using the or logic operator here: however I can't seem to get it to work.... (see or logic button) 回答1: I think

Search All Columns in KendoUI Grid

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-10 12:13:31
问题 I am trying to create a search box for a kendoUI grid. I have been able to get a start on doing a search based on one field however I would like the value in my search box to search all columns in the grid. function() {"kendoGrid").dataSource.filter({ field: "ProductName", operator: "contains", value: $('#category').val() }); } See js fiddle example I tried using the or logic operator here: however I can't seem to get it to work.... (see or logic button) 回答1: I think

Set Today date to kendo datepicker

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-09 10:15:10
问题 I want to set today date to Kendo DatePicker on clear button click. I tried following but it is not working. $('#btnClear').click(function () { $("#StartDate").data("kendoDatePicker").value(new Date()); }); Above code don't give any error and don't set today date. It clears kendo DatePicker's textbox value. Note: Kendo DatePicker format is MM/dd/yyyy. 回答1: I tried following and works perfectly for me. $('#btnClear').click(function () { var todayDate = kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(new Date()

How do I load data into Kendo UI Grid using server side paging?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-07 06:33:31
问题 I have the following code that builds a kendo ui grid: // build grid columns // the check box column is always visible for all users var columns = [{ field:'<input id="masterCheck" class="check" type="checkbox" /><label for="masterCheck"></label>', template: '<input class="check rowSelect" id="${id}" type="checkbox" /><label for="${id}"></label>', filterable: false, width: 33, sortable: false // may want to make this sortable later. will need to build a custom sorter. }]; // build the rest of

How do I load data into Kendo UI Grid using server side paging?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-07 06:33:06
问题 I have the following code that builds a kendo ui grid: // build grid columns // the check box column is always visible for all users var columns = [{ field:'<input id="masterCheck" class="check" type="checkbox" /><label for="masterCheck"></label>', template: '<input class="check rowSelect" id="${id}" type="checkbox" /><label for="${id}"></label>', filterable: false, width: 33, sortable: false // may want to make this sortable later. will need to build a custom sorter. }]; // build the rest of

Add to kendoMultiSelect

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-07 04:43:30
问题 With the new kendo multiselect how would I add options to the list and make them selected? For instance if I have a dropdown containing: 1,2,3 and I wanted to add 4 and 5 how do I do that? Do I have to destroy the multiselect, add the options and then reinit the multiselect? 回答1: Given the following multiselect definition: var data = [ { text: "Africa", value: "1" }, { text: "Europe", value: "2" }, { text: "Asia", value: "3" }, { text: "North America", value: "4" }, { text: "South America",

Add to kendoMultiSelect

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-07 04:43:11
问题 With the new kendo multiselect how would I add options to the list and make them selected? For instance if I have a dropdown containing: 1,2,3 and I wanted to add 4 and 5 how do I do that? Do I have to destroy the multiselect, add the options and then reinit the multiselect? 回答1: Given the following multiselect definition: var data = [ { text: "Africa", value: "1" }, { text: "Europe", value: "2" }, { text: "Asia", value: "3" }, { text: "North America", value: "4" }, { text: "South America",

Custom filtering with multi-select drop downs

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-07 04:41:10
问题 I have a grid containing three multiselect controls in the toolbar which are to be used to filter the grid datasource based on selections made. At the moment, I have the below function, fired during a change event in any of the multiselect controls. This function accepts values containing the selected items in the multiselect control changed and filterID which is the field name to be used during the filtering. function applyClientFilters(values, filterID) { var grid = $("#grid").data(

how to get query string of kendo datasource

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-07 04:38:16
问题 I am using kendo grid to which data is provided by kendo data source. I am using quite a complicated filter and thats why I have to use parameterMap function to do some sorting and filtering. When the query is sent, the query string is automatically prepared by the data source and everything works fine. I need a way to store this url (at least the query string) for every read request. Is there a way to access it? 回答1: After some research... that was pretty easy. It is enough to use