

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-25 17:43:39
IDEA上原生是不支持热部署的,一般更新了 Java 文件后要手动重启 Tomcat 服务器,才能生效,浪费不少生命啊。目前对于idea热部署最好的解决方案就是安装JRebel插件,这样不论是更新 class 类还是更新 Spring 配置文件都能做到立马生效,大大提高发效率。但是JRebel插件是需要收费使用的。 首先IDEA打开,File->Settings->Plugins,搜索Jrebel下载。 下载完成后重启IDEA打开settings 点击这两个框框中的一个会提示进行激活,由于我已经激活过了,随便找一个别人的图来讲解。 邮箱:test@123.com,IP地址填写也可以随意,这里大家可以写 如果GUID失效可以自己生成,网址为: 生成GUID 注意这时候可能会提示需要注册失败,需要VPN,必须开着代理才可以哦。 代理下载地址如下: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/164e7I-wKGQ2wa2ejxq08qw 提取码:4oqa 这样就激活完成了! JREBEL激活成功,启动成功却无效? 首先 其次 最后设置 compiler.automake.allow.when.app.running ctrl+shift+A 或者 help-

How does JRebel work?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-31 09:09:08
问题 Does JRebel use Javassist or some kind of bytecode manipulation? I'm asking this out of pure interest, I don't actually "need" to know :) 回答1: JRebel uses class rewriting (both ASM and Javassist) and JVM integration to version individual classes. Plus it integrates with app servers to redirect class/resource and web server lookups back to the workspace. And it also integrates with most app servers and frameworks to propagate changes to the configuration (metadata or files). That's the short

Getting JRebel to work with 'mvn tomcat:run'

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-30 01:03:31
问题 I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of getting JRebel to work when I execute 'mvn tomcat:run' from the command line. I can get JRebel to work in my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA), but it feels a little clunky to be running inside of the IDE. When I run tests, I don't like having another process running right next to it - call it a habit. More than that though, I've been having some server lock ups with JRebel as I try it out... and I don't want IDE to hang as a result. I've been

不吹不黑,关于 Java 类加载器的这一点,市面上没有任何一本图书讲到

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-23 07:31:06
一篇大神的译文,勉强(嗯。。相当勉强)地放在类加载器系列吧,第8弹: 实战分析Tomcat的类加载器结构(使用Eclipse MAT验证) 还是Tomcat,关于类加载器的趣味实验 了不得,我可能发现了Jar 包冲突的秘密 重写类加载器,实现简单的热替换 @Java Web 程序员,我们一起给程序开个后门吧:让你在保留现场,服务不重启的情况下,执行我们的调试代码 @Java web程序员,在保留现场,服务不重启的情况下,执行我们的调试代码(JSP 方式) 不吹不黑,关于 Java 类加载器的这一点,市面上没有任何一本图书讲到 一、前言 手里是锤子,看哪里都是钉子。最近学习类加载器的感觉就是如此,总是在想,利用它可以做到什么? 可以做到类隔离、不停服务执行动态调试代码,但是,还能做什么呢? 毕竟,Tomcat 出到现在了,也不支持更新某一个class 而不重启应用(这里重启应用的意思是,不是重启 Tomcat,而是重新部署 webapp),而热部署同样也是一个耗时的操作。有经验的同学应该知道Jrebel,开发环境的神器,有了它,平时用开发机和前端同学联调,再也不用频繁重启应用了。Jrebel可以做到动态更新某个class,并且可以马上生效,但是它的实现原理是迂回了一圈去解决这个问题的,且会有性能上的损耗,所以在生产环境也是不建议的(jrebel原理参考:

JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [../../../src/share/back/debugInit.c:690]

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-18 19:10:43
问题 I have been trying to run with JRebel this configuration: Here is my output: c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7.2\bin\run.bat -c default c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7.2\bin>set JAVA_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 -DproxySet=true =============================================================================== JBoss Bootstrap Environment JBOSS_HOME: c:\JBOSS\jboss-portal-2.7.2 JAVA: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin\java JAVA_OPTS: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address

IntelliJ IDEA “Make project automatically” woes

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-18 14:16:44
问题 Back in December I switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA but within a couple of days I switched back. Today I tried IntelliJ again and basically I have only one issue left. The issue is I want to compile Java classes on saving. The reason is I'm using JRebel which will pick up the new class. I don't want to hit ⌘ + F9 every time to compile the changed class. I read about the EclipseModel plugin but this does not seem to work (anymore) as can be read in the comments on the plugin's page: http


99封情书 提交于 2019-12-17 11:55:22
不管用的哪个工具都可以通过下面的教程获取注册码,激活你的开发工具 原文出自:http://www.gezila.com/tutorials/11476.html 首先打开Myeclipse,点击“help”-->“Jrebel config center”,选择“Activation” ,点击“free”就会自动打开浏览器(用google浏览器打开网址)进入Jrebel官网。       获取激活码需要使用facebook或者twitter分享一下才可以得到 。这里我们用twitter(这个好注册),点击twitter图标后,填写twitter帐号信息,然后点击“授权”。就像空间中那种授权一样,等一会就好了。      登录进去后,填写相关信息,邮箱、公司、职位神马的。点击“sign up”,然后就会跳转到一个页面,提醒你到邮箱去激活你的帐号。      进入你之前填写的邮箱(如果不能收到,换一个邮箱,最好是类似gmail的国外邮箱),打开邮件,点击邮件中激活链接。      打开链接会跳到一个页面,让你选择“plans”,你就选择“Social(免费)”,点击“subscribe”提交。下一步他会将JRebel的信息分享到Twitter中去,还是点击“subscibe”提交。      输入手机号,手机号暂时不验证,“postal code”就是我们手机号前缀0086,点击

JRebel and Dynamic Class Loading

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-13 07:19:46
问题 I have a few questions regarding JRebel and Java's Dynamic Class Laoding. Say for example, In a servlet I can reload servlet classes in the classes directory of the WEB-INF directory such that any time I change the class's contents and after complation I can see the changes reflected straight in my web-app without re-building my web appliaction. What does JRebel offer beyond what's mentioned above ? 回答1: Besides Java class reloading JRebel provides the integration for the wide range of

Redeploying Java EE applications immediately

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-12 09:35:16
问题 I am quite new to Java EE and have been struggling with the slowness of the deployment process, and wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I am experienced with Django where the changes to code immediately occur, and it seems that hot deploying Java EE applications are a bit confusing -- there are multiple things which claim to hot deploy (Glassfish, Eclipse manic hotdeploy, Jetty hotdeploy, JRebel etc.). My project is a Maven project and I'm using Netbeans to deploy. The site uses Spring, JSF