

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-11-27 18:42:22
工具:idea+jrebel+tomcat 安装: 从本地安装包安装: 激活jrebel 将jrebel.jar拷贝到远程服务器上的任意目录: java -jar jrebel.jar -set-remote-password <NewPassword>, 密码最少8位, 该密码用于远程热部署时远程服务器认证idea; 我的配置为:12345678 如下: 增加远程tomcat的Catalina.sh配置: JAVA_OPTS=" -javaagent:/home/hadoop/jrebel.jar -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true -Drebel.remoting_port=8888 -Xbootclasspath/p:/home/hadoop/apache-tomcat-7.0.73/temp/rebelboot.jar" 说明:这里的8888是指jredel本地与远程之间同步的端口,-javaagent指的是拷贝到远程上的jrebel.jar位置, -Xbootclasspath/p是指重启的rebelboot.jar位置(根据自己的tomcat位置而定,第一次没有此路径,但是可以事先配置好,tomcat启动之后就会存在) 先启动tomcat,再重启tomcat: 记录日志: 启动成功 访问8080端口,验证tomcat启动成功

【Spring Boot】28.开发热部署

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-27 16:31:48
简介 在开发中我们修改一个Java文件后想看到效果不得不重启应用,这导致大量时间花费,我们希望不重启应用的情况下,程序可以自动部署(热部署)。有以下四种情况,如何能实现热部署。 模板引擎 在Spring Boot中开发情况下禁用模板引擎的cache 页面模板改变ctrl+F9可以重新编译当前页面并生效 Spring Loaded Spring官方提供的热部署程序,实现修改类文件的热部署 下载Spring Loaded(项目地址 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-loaded) 添加运行时参数; -javaagent:C:/springloaded-1.2.5.RELEASE.jar –noverify JRebel 收费的一个热部署软件 安装插件使用即可。 Spring Boot Devtools 这是springboot官方推荐的官方插件 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-devtools</artifactId> </dependency> 之后修改类文件之后,通过IDEA使用ctrl+F9进行热重启即可。 LiveReload server is running on port 35729

JSF and automatic reload of xhtml files

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-27 13:08:49
I had some problems with hot-reloading XHTML files using JRebel, Spring, JSF Mojarra 2.0.3 and WebLogic 10.3. JRebel reloads regular Java classes and js/css files under /WebContent successfully, but not JSF's .xhtml files. A full republish was necessary to get xhtml files updated on the server. By trial and error I finally got it to work by adding some facelets parameters to web.xml and creating a custom ResourceResolver as described in this blog post . However, I wonder WHY this works, and more specifically: Why is a custom ResourceResolver needed? Isn't JRebel supposed to handle this by


坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-27 04:14:24
JRebel 使用 JRebel 可以在修改代码后,动态重新加载修改的代码,免去了代码工程全量重建、重启的耗时流程,有效地提高开发者的效率。在 IDEA 的插件市场搜索 JRebel for IntelliJ 找到安装即可。 JRebel for IntelliJ 版本:2019.1.4 1、启用自动部署 此处勾选后,当用 JRebel 启动应用时,会自动勾选 Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Build project automatically,否则需要自己手动来选中 Build project automatically ,这个是自动构建工程的选项。 2、生成 rebel.xml 配置 这个配置文件是 JRebel 为当前项目生成的配置,默认生成指向 .../target/classes 路径的 classpath。 3、运行配置 将下面的两个选项框换成 Update classes and resources ,表示会自动更新变更的类和资源。 4、运行/Debug 想要通过 JRebel 运行程序,下图两个分别是运行和Debug选型,通过他们来运行应用即可。 5、效果 代码修改完后,鼠标点击 IDEA 窗口外的任意位置,便会触发类重新加载,此时会打印如下的日志,说明重新加载成功了。 JRebel VS Devtools

Redeploy alternatives to JRebel [closed]

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-27 02:29:28
JRebel allows for newly compiled code to be redeployed without restarting the application. I am wondering if there are any alternative (free?). The FAQ page answers this question, but I am sure it's biased towards JRebel. This question was asked a year ago on this site, but I am bringing it back up to see if anyone has any new information. On a side note, I really like JRebel, but if there is a free alternative, I am willing to try it. One additional note, I am working on an open source project, and they offer free one year licenses to people who can prove they are on an open source project.

JSF and automatic reload of xhtml files

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-11-26 16:13:53
问题 I had some problems with hot-reloading XHTML files using JRebel, Spring, JSF Mojarra 2.0.3 and WebLogic 10.3. JRebel reloads regular Java classes and js/css files under /WebContent successfully, but not JSF's .xhtml files. A full republish was necessary to get xhtml files updated on the server. By trial and error I finally got it to work by adding some facelets parameters to web.xml and creating a custom ResourceResolver as described in this blog post. However, I wonder WHY this works, and

Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-26 14:00:00
Yesterday I switched to IntelliJ IDEA from Eclipse. I am using JRebel with WebSphere Server 7 as well. Everything now seems to be working somewhat fine, except that when I modify a Java file, and hit save , IntelliJ does not re-compile the file, in order for JRebel to pick it up. The Eclipse " Build Automatically " feature resolved this issue. In IntelliJ IDEA, I have to hit CTRL + SHIFT + 9 to re-compile the relevant class for JRebel to pick it up. If changes are done across two files , I have to do this on each and one of them and since IntelliJ uses the save all mechanism, its pretty hard

IntelliJ IDEA 插件推荐

久未见 提交于 2019-11-26 12:14:18
1.GenerateAllSetter 自动生成类set方法 2.GsonFormat 根据JSON创建实体 3.Lombok plugin 简化代码 4. .ignore 忽略git提交文件 5.Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines 代码质量 7、CodeGlance 代码小地图 8.Translation 翻译插件 9.Grep Console 控制台颜色控制 10.FindBugs 隐藏BUG 11.restfultookit web开发利器 12.Maven Helper maven依赖管理工具 13.aiXcoderservice 一个人工智能技术的提示。 14.MyBatis Log Plugin mybaits sql输出 15.JRebel Plugin 代码热部署(需要激活) 16.Iedis redis 可视化客户端插件,很不辛笔者升级到最新版,也需要激活........ 17.HighlightBracketPair 自动化高亮显示光标所在代码块对应的括号, 18.Properties to YAML Converter properties 转 yml 19.AceJump 键盘流神器 20.Google CheckStyle 编码规范 1.Rainbow Brackets 彩色括号 2.Nyan progress bar