

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-04 22:48:46
转: http://blog.csdn.net/wangwq87/article/details/7106240 JTAG用的计算机的并口,JTAG也是一种国际标准测试协议(IEEE 1149.1兼容),主要用于芯片内部测试。现在多数的高级器件都支持JTAG协议,如DSP、FPGA器件等。标准的JTAG接口是4线:TMS、TCK、TDI、TDO,分别为模式选择、时钟、数据输入和数据输出线。 相关JTAG引脚的定义为:TCK为测试时钟输入;TDI为测试数据输入,数据通过TDI引脚输入JTAG接口;TDO为测试数据输出,数据通过TDO引脚从JTAG接口输出;TMS为测试模式选择,TMS用来设置JTAG接口处于某种特定的测试模式;TRST为测试复位,输入引脚,低电平有效。 JLINK用的是USB,J-LINK仿真器V8版,其仿真速度和功能远非简易的并口WIGGLER调试器可比。J-LINK支持ARM7、ARM9、ARM11、Cortex-M3核心,支持ADS、IAR、KEIL开发环境。V8.0版本除拥有上一版本V7.0的全部功能外,软硬件上都有改进:(1)V8.0版的SWD硬件接口支持1.2-5.0V的目标板,V7.0只能支持3.3V的目标板。(2)V8.0使用双色LED可以指示更多的工作状态,V7.0只有1个LED指示灯。(3)V8.0增强了JTAG驱动能力,提高了目标板的兼容性。(4


自作多情 提交于 2019-12-04 17:57:12
一、集成开发环境 软件部分:eclipse , GDB Server , Jlink软件 硬件部分:Jlink硬件 准备工作1 :从SD/NOR Flash启动, 格式化nand flash 准备工作2 :硬件连接 1. Jlink连接 2. 串口连接 3. nand启动 二、安装GDB Server 解压:tar xvzf arm-linux-gdb-7.5.tar.gz 进入目录:cd arm-linux-gdb-7.5 编译安装:./build-all 上面执行好后,gdb工具就安装好了,安装在/opt/arm-linux-gdb 为了方便使用,需要添加环境变量:vim /root/.bashrc 在交叉编译链的 前面 添加gdb的环境变量: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/arm-linux-gdb/bin/ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin/ 之后保存,退出。这就可以直接运行arm-linux-gdb,如果不行的话则可能是添加错误,或者需要注销。 问:为什么一定要添加到交叉编译链之前呢? 答:因为在交叉编译链中也包含了arm-linux-gdb,linux系统会根据path环境变量的先后顺序来寻找,我们需要找的是我们上面安装的,而不是这里的(因为版本可能不对),所以在添加环境变量的时候

Java 9: Generating a runtime image with JLink using 3rd party jars

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-04 09:35:07
问题 I'd like to create a Java 9 runtime image that contains 3rd party jars. I have made a simple Java project (let's call this Example ) to call a utility jar (let's call this ExampleUtil.jar ). Example contains the module-info.java in the src directory and runs fine in Eclipse (I had added ExampleUtil.jar as a module dependency). If I call: jlink -v --module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\jmods";C:\Temp --add-modules com.example.steven --output C:\Temp\image.steven --launcher launch=com

jlink commander使用

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-04 07:55:51
1.将JLink.exe拷贝到某个文件夹底下 2.建立bat文件,内容如下: JLink.exe -device Cortex-A7 -if JTAG -speed 4000 -jtagconf -1,-1 -autoconnect 1 -CommandFile E:\CommandFile.jlink 3.建立命令行文件CommandFile.jlink,内容如下: h loadbin E:\05_Project\56_procise\Procise_prj\fmql_sdk1030_prc201910281217_release\uboot_bit_image\fsbl.bin 0x20000 setPC 0x20000 g waithalt loadbin E:\05_Project\56_procise\Procise_prj\fmql_sdk1030_prc201910281217_release\uboot_bit_image\u-boot.bin 0x4000000 setPC 0x4000000 g readme JLink.exe -device Cortex-A7 -if JTAG -speed 4000 -jtagconf -1,-1 -autoconnect 1 -CommandFile E:\03_Work\32_PSOC\3226_jlink

GDB Monitor commands in CLion

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-04 06:47:21
I'm trying to debug an embedded project using remote GDB. My system: Target: ARM Cortex M0. SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.10 Command Line Version arm-none-eabi-gdb CLion 2016.2.2, Build #CL-162.1967.7 Ubuntu 16.04 I have the following in my .gdbinit file: target remote localhost:2331 #(I remove this line when debugging with CLion) set verbose on file "/path_to_output_file/blinky.elf" monitor reset break main The thing that has troubled me for days now, is that this works fine if I debug with gdb directly from a terminal, but not when I use the debugger in CLion. In CLion I

spring with jlink, moditect and java 11

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-03 21:42:10
thanks to pupeno for his precedent work on spring and moditect that helped me for most of my problem on the subject, however I'm blocked a bit further that he was. my problem is the illegal access exception my poc is available on github I used to add this bit of code to make it work with intelliJ IDEA : <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.0</version> <configuration> <compilerArgs> <arg>--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNAMED</arg> </compilerArgs> <source>11</source> <target>11</target> </configuration> </plugin>

java 9: JLink created invalid images - missing module executable script

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-03 14:43:51
I am creating a sample application with 3 modules user , dept and account . In my user module, I have a main class and compile my modules with the following command: javac -d target --module-source-path src $(find -name "*.java") After compiling, execute following command for run: java -p target -m com.user/com.user.info.Launcher The output after running java modules are successful. But when trying to create runtime image using jlink the image created successfully but module executable script is not there. For create an image, I am using the following command: jlink --module-path $JAVA_HOME

How do I upgrade to jlink (JDK 9+) from Java Web Start (JDK 8) for an auto-updating application?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-03 06:29:08
问题 Java 8 and prior versions have Java Web Start, which auto-updates the application when we change it. Oracle has recommended that users migrate to jlink, as that is the new Oracle technology. So far, this sounds good. This comes with a host of benefits: Native code on Windows, Mac and Linux Modularization of the code (although Proguard does this as well) The use of new, supported technology. The problem: I can't find the canonical Java solution to auto-update with jlink. One would think that


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:36:02
太容易掉固件了 太容易掉固件了 太容易掉固件了 开程序用IAR下载容易出现重启程序消失的情况,可以用下图方法 把IAR生成的.bin文件拖到框里面, 从8000开始然后下图 出现固件更新前往不要点,绝对更新不成功,然后掉固件,因为都是盗版的吗,还有各种版本限制 大概几秒就能下载完成 一下是烧固件过程: 0 USB . Erase Vcc 1 Tst Vcc20 找不到引脚参考下图 usb ,一般来说,第一遍不成功,就再原样重复一遍 1 sam-ba_2.16_windows.exe AT91 usb usb_noties.html 2 sam-ba ; usbserial at91sam7s64-ek connect sendFile usb 灯会亮 下图资料 https://download.csdn.net/download/fei_yang_yf/10498951 转载请标明出处: 关于SEGGER和Jlink下载的问题 文章来源: 关于SEGGER和Jlink下载的问题

已解决:no jlink device found Error: Flash Download failed - Target DLL has been cancelled

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:32:02
导致程序无法成功烧进板子。 这个问题一般情况下可以先看看Debug的配置是否不对,我以ST-Link为例吧: 如果我用ST-Link来烧程序,首先,要选择ST-Link Debugger 然后再点击刚刚所选择的ST-Link Debugger旁边的Setting,然后进入新的窗口,如下所示: 只有当该窗口出现图中标注的ARM CoreSight...(当然是针对于ST-Link而言,如果是JLink则应出现与JLink相关的字即可)时,点击确定,ST-Link才能正常工作;如果没有出现ARM CoreSight... 的话,要么是时钟线和数据线接反了,要么就是没有安装驱动,或者是硬件有问题,此时可以交换时钟线和数据线的位置,再不行就试试重装驱动。 此时再点击进入Utilities,如下图: 由于本例用的是ST-Link,那么图中方框的位置也应当选择相应的ST-Link Debugger(其他比如J-Link或者其他的就选择相应的配置),最后点击OK即可。 到了这一步,基本上就已经解决问题了。如果还不行,可以试试重装驱动,检查硬件问题,或者重启电脑。 文章来源: 已解决:no jlink device found Error: Flash Download failed - Target DLL has been cancelled