
how to verify nginx SSL that is forwarding to another nginx that also needs verifying (jitsi)

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-11 13:58:41
问题 I am trying to have a subdomain go to a Jitsi Video Chat service on a VM I'm running on my local homelab by way of an nginx reverse proxy. Currently this is how I'm trying to achieve this: I have my subdomain CNAME'd and pointed to a dynamic DNS address provided by NetGear. It sends traffic to my router which has ports 80, 443, and 81 forwarding to my nginx reverse proxy VM. I want the nginx reverse proxy VM to forward to the Jitsi VM (which is also running nginx). I'm doing a simple proxy

how to verify nginx SSL that is forwarding to another nginx that also needs verifying (jitsi)

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-11 13:57:46
问题 I am trying to have a subdomain go to a Jitsi Video Chat service on a VM I'm running on my local homelab by way of an nginx reverse proxy. Currently this is how I'm trying to achieve this: I have my subdomain CNAME'd and pointed to a dynamic DNS address provided by NetGear. It sends traffic to my router which has ports 80, 443, and 81 forwarding to my nginx reverse proxy VM. I want the nginx reverse proxy VM to forward to the Jitsi VM (which is also running nginx). I'm doing a simple proxy

How do I play Opus encoded audio in Java?

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-06 19:02:32
问题 When playing back the decoded audio, I've managed to produce a variety of sounds from gurgling to screeching to demonic chants. The closest of which sounds similar to being played in fast-forward and playback only lasts about 15 seconds. I've tried with a large combination of parameters for the decoding and AudioSystem API methods, nothing seems to be working. So, what is causing this audio distortion? Opusinfo for this file shows the following: Processing file "test.opus"... New logical

Jitsi - meet framework configuration in iOS

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-01-07 03:33:26
问题 How to configure Jitsi-meet framework in iOS swift project to enable video call service? 回答1: After adding pods, you must close the project and open .xcworkspace. And don't forgot to clean the build folder using "command + alt + shift + k". 回答2: EDIT : This is also working for Xcode Version 12.2 (12B45b) on Mac OS Big Sur. For anyone who want to embed jitsi meet iOS SDK with swift app, Following steps worked for me in Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C505) Clone the jitsi-meet repository from Github

Jitsi - meet framework configuration in iOS

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-07 03:33:09
问题 How to configure Jitsi-meet framework in iOS swift project to enable video call service? 回答1: After adding pods, you must close the project and open .xcworkspace. And don't forgot to clean the build folder using "command + alt + shift + k". 回答2: EDIT : This is also working for Xcode Version 12.2 (12B45b) on Mac OS Big Sur. For anyone who want to embed jitsi meet iOS SDK with swift app, Following steps worked for me in Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C505) Clone the jitsi-meet repository from Github


浪尽此生 提交于 2021-01-03 11:23:09
Python实战社群 Java实战社群 长按识别下方二维码, 按需求添加 扫码关注添加客服 进Python社群▲ 扫码关注添加客服 进Java社群 ▲ 作者 | antranigv 译者 | 张健欣 策划 | 万佳 来源公众号丨InfoQ(ID:infoqchina) 本文不是一篇如何从 macOS 迁移到 FreeBSD 的技术文档。而是从较高的层次,解释我为什么要从 macOS 迁移到 FreeBSD。 不久前,macOS 还是我的日常工作必备之一。我购买了一台 macbook 笔记本,原因是底层的 BSD Unix 和它漂亮的图形界面。另外,我还有一个 iPhone 手机。但是,我放弃 macOS 也是因为这些相同的原因。 我不想在迁移后马下就写这篇文章。我想慢慢来,每天使用 FreeBSD,看看我是否会怀念 macOS。 这是我 8 个月前的一个推文: 1macOS 的槽点 我们可以这样看。macOS 每年都变得越来越没有 Unix 风格, date(1) 已经过时,在系统启动时,有 100 多 Unix 进程运行,其中大部分对于普通用户是没用的,它没有本地的包管理器(至少还有 MacPorts/homebrew/pkgsrc),而对于一个高级用户,没有合适的文档。你看过 FreeBSD 的手册吗?所有的东西都在里面写得很清楚! 关于漂亮的图形界面部分。你看过最新最棒的

How to add Jitsi Meet to Vuejs

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-01-03 06:17:32
问题 I have loaded the jitsi meet script in the body of my public.html, and i have a component as follows: <template> <div class="container"> <div id="meet"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "ServiceMeet", mounted() { const domain = "meet.jit.si"; const options = { roomName: "PickAnAppropriateMeetingNameHere", width: 700, height: 700, parentNode: document.querySelector("#meet"), }; const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options); console.log(api.getVideoQuality()); },

How to add Jitsi Meet to Vuejs

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-01-03 06:17:05
问题 I have loaded the jitsi meet script in the body of my public.html, and i have a component as follows: <template> <div class="container"> <div id="meet"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "ServiceMeet", mounted() { const domain = "meet.jit.si"; const options = { roomName: "PickAnAppropriateMeetingNameHere", width: 700, height: 700, parentNode: document.querySelector("#meet"), }; const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options); console.log(api.getVideoQuality()); },

5 个我不可或缺的开源工具 | Linux 中国

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-11-09 09:31:06
通过将这些工具放在自己的技能包中,提高你在终端内、外的工作效率。 来源: https:// linux.cn/article-12804- 1.html 作者:Victoria Martinez De La Cruz 译者:geekpi (本文字数:2206,阅读时长大约:3 分钟) 前段时间,我参与了一个在科技人士中广为流传的 Twitter 话题。“挑战?只挑选五个你不能没有的工具。”我开始结合我的日常生活来思考这个问题,只挑出五个工具并不容易。我使用了许多我认为必不可少的工具,比如用来与同事和朋友联系的 IRC 客户端(是的,我仍然使用 IRC),一个用来做各种事情的出色的文本编辑器,一个用来保持有条不紊的日历应用,以及当需要更直接的互动时的一个视频会议平台。 所以,让我给这个挑战来个变化:选出五个能提高你工作效率的开源工具。这是我的清单。请在评论中分享你的清单。 tmate tmate screenshot 哦,我喜欢这个工具。 tmate 是著名的 tmux 终端多路复用器的一个复刻,它允许你启动一个 tmux 会话并通过 SSH 共享。你可以用它来进行 结对编程 (这是我的主要使用场景),也可以用来进行远程控制。 如果你经常与你的团队成员合作,并且你想要一个简单的、与发行版无关的、开源的方式与他们一起编程(而且共享终端访问对你来说已经足够了)


こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-08-18 20:51:24
想学更多的WebRTC知识,请关注 WebRTC中文社区 前言 在疫情的推动下视频会议和线上办公大力发展,如果你也想了解视频会议,看看这篇文章吧 准备工作 一台Ubuntu18.04拥有公网IP的服务器 一个域名提前解析到这台服务器上 安全组设置规则tcp80,443,4443,udp:10000 关闭防火墙 Ubuntu上检查防火墙状态 sudo ufw status 出现以下说明防火墙关闭 Status: inactive 如果出现不是上面的内容,执行命令关闭防火墙 sudo ufw disable 如果不想关闭请执行以下命令 sudo ufw allow 80/tcp // 安装软件包时需要,安装后可以关闭 sudo ufw allow 443/tcp // 访问界面端口 sudo ufw allow 4443/tcp sudo ufw allow 10000/udp sudo ufw allow OpenSSH // ssh 远程访问 sudo ufw enable sudo ufw status 安装依赖包 # Run as root or with sudo # Retrieve the latest package versions across all repositories apt update # Ensure support for apt