
JCE in AdoptOpenJDK 11

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2021-02-16 19:23:22
问题 Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) can be found here, but that page says Current versions of the JDK do not require these policy files. They are provided here for use with older version of the JDK. JDK 9 and later ship with, and use by default, the unlimited policy files. Does this apply to AdoptOpenJDK 11 as well? Or is this restricted to Oracle's JDKs? How do I know they are available? 回答1: According to this guide: I’ve been asked whether Java’s Cryptography/Security extension (JCE) is

JCE in AdoptOpenJDK 11

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-16 19:22:07
问题 Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) can be found here, but that page says Current versions of the JDK do not require these policy files. They are provided here for use with older version of the JDK. JDK 9 and later ship with, and use by default, the unlimited policy files. Does this apply to AdoptOpenJDK 11 as well? Or is this restricted to Oracle's JDKs? How do I know they are available? 回答1: According to this guide: I’ve been asked whether Java’s Cryptography/Security extension (JCE) is

Spring Cloud Config 加密和解密

感情迁移 提交于 2021-01-03 21:35:49
要使用加密和解密功能,您需要在JVM中安装全面的JCE(默认情况下不存在)。您可以从Oracle下载“Java加密扩展(JCE)无限强度管理策略文件”,并按照安装说明(实际上将JRE lib / security目录中的2个策略文件替换为您下载的文件)。 如果远程属性源包含加密内容(以 {cipher} 开头的值),则在通过HTTP发送到客户端之前,它们将被解密。这种设置的主要优点是,当它们“静止”时,属性值不必是纯文本(例如在git仓库中)。如果值无法解密,则从属性源中删除该值,并添加具有相同键的附加属性,但以“无效”作为前缀。和“不适用”的值(通常为“<n / a>”)。这主要是为了防止密码被用作密码并意外泄漏。 如果要为config客户端应用程序设置远程配置存储库,可能会包含一个 application.yml ,例如: application.yml spring: datasource: username: dbuser password: '{cipher}FKSAJDFGYOS8F7GLHAKERGFHLSAJ' properties文件中的加密值不能用引号括起来,否则不会解密该值: application.properties spring.datasource.username: dbuser spring.datasource.password: {cipher

Oracle 12c CC安装碰见的认证问题

前提是你 提交于 2020-12-23 15:14:54
维护的系统增加,导致对应需要维护的开发数据库环境也增加了,为了简化管理和监控,搭建图形化管理平台,是一种不错的解决方案,我们知道,11g就有了GC(Grid Control),发展到现在,已经有了12c CC和13c CC(Cloud Control)。 这两篇文章,介绍了安装12c CC的整个流程。 Oracle 12c CC安装部署攻略 (上) Oracle 12c CC安装部署攻略 (下) 这次要说的是,由于机房搬迁,需要用新的机器来搭建,但即使安装步骤,和之前一样,运行到62%的时候,总是会出错, 看下日志,报的是未连接Node Manager,还有一些General SSLEngine problem的错误, ...... Connecting to Node Manager ... This Exception occurred at Thu Jul 13 14:33:03 CST 2017. javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: General SSLEngine problem Thu Jul 13 14:33:03 CST 2017 Node Manager is not running ...... Jul 13, 2017 2:33:04 PM oracle.sysman.omsca.util

基于【CentOS-7+ Ambari 2.7.0 + HDP 3.0】搭建HAWQ数据仓库01 —— 准备环境,搭建本地仓库,安装ambari

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-12-06 02:33:05
一、集群软硬件环境准备: 操作系统: centos 7 x86_64.1804 Ambari版本:2.7.0 HDP版本:3.0.0 HAWQ版本:2.3.0 5台PC作为工作站: ep-bd01 ep-bd02 ep-bd03 ep-bd04 ep-bd05 其中ep-bd01作为主节点,用于安装ambari-server。 二、配置操作系统,安装必备软件 1,安装CentOS 7操作系统: 环境配置,安装必备软件。 2,安装配置NTP服务,保证集群时间保持同步,以防止由于时间不同而造成掉线故障。 详细看随笔: 基于【CentOS-7+ Ambari 2.7.0 + HDP 3.0】搭建HAWQ数据仓库之——安装配置NTP服务,保证集群时间保持同步 见《安装配置NTP服务》 3,安装MariaDB Server用于Ambari server以及Hue和Hive 详细过程,参见: 基于【CentOS-7+ Ambari 2.7.0 + HDP 3.0】搭建HAWQ数据仓库之一 —— MariaDB 安装配置 4,安装yum priorities plugin yum install yum -plugin-priorities -y 三、搭建本地仓库: 1,下载软件包: cd / root mkdir downloads cd downloads wget http: //

How to correctly encrypt and decrypt a file using a secret key derived from a password

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-12-05 20:20:27
问题 I am trying to work out the correct process to encrypt and decrypt a file using the "PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_256" standard. From what I understand from looking at this example code from Oracle. I have gathered that a salt is needed, as well as an iteration count and the hash standard. So I have my main method, passing into the encryption method: a user-defined password new String(key).toCharArray() as a byte array (using this method for other encryption runs) a secure random IV initVector as

How to correctly encrypt and decrypt a file using a secret key derived from a password

点点圈 提交于 2020-12-05 20:11:13
问题 I am trying to work out the correct process to encrypt and decrypt a file using the "PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_256" standard. From what I understand from looking at this example code from Oracle. I have gathered that a salt is needed, as well as an iteration count and the hash standard. So I have my main method, passing into the encryption method: a user-defined password new String(key).toCharArray() as a byte array (using this method for other encryption runs) a secure random IV initVector as

Spring cloud

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-11-24 19:00:06
从配置获取的配置默认是明文的,有些像数据源这样的配置需要加密的话,需要对配置中心进行加密处理。下面使用对称性加密来加密配置,需要配置一个密钥,当然也可以使用RSA非对称性加密,但对称加密比较方便也够用了,这里就以对称加密来配置即可。 1、安装JCE JDK下的JCR默认是有长度限制的,需要替换没有长度限制的JCE版本。 JAVA 1.7 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce-7-download-432124.html JAVA 1.8 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.htm 把下载包里面的两个jar文件复制替换到JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security目录下。 2、添加加密KEY 配置中心配置文件中加入加密密钥。 下面是配置中心的代码: Pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi