
I am trying to fetch data from database where date = jdatechooser:

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-02 11:39:35
问题 I have a table with a column datetime i want to retrieve data from database where date is specified in jdatechooser but em continously getting error: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getDate() from the type JDateChooser Here is the code: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Date date = JDateChooser.getDate(); try{ String query = " Select *from Transactions WHERE "+date+"=? "; PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(query); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();

Background color on specific dates using JCalendar

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-02 11:19:26
问题 Im trying to set specific dates in my JCalendar in a different color depending on if there is something planned for that date in my database, the date is stored as"yyyy-MM-dd" in the database, I've seen similar posts here on stackOverflow but I just cant get it to work. I'm not sure how "component[day].setBackground(Color.green)" works like and how I can set it to only dates that has something planned for them in the database public void kalender() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal

Get jDateChooser date to jLabel

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-02 10:56:02
问题 This is my infernal problem. nowadays i'm trying to create my project according to my Degree. I already have added jcalender to my project in netbeans, and i already added jDateChooser to my jFrame. my problem is, when i chooseing a date from jDateChooser how will display this date on a jLabel. i tried to using jLabel1.setText(jDateChooser1); but in this case error will occur. http://imgur.com/nMa9JMw 回答1: First, you need to get the date from the component, something like... Date date =

Disable past dates and 2 weeks from now in JCalendar

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-02 10:49:14
I want to disable past dates and 2 weeks from now from a JCalendar . I already have this code: jDateChooser1.getJCalendar().setMinSelectableDate(new Date()); ((JTextFieldDateEditor)jDateChooser1.getDateEditor()).setEditable(false); I already can disable past dates but how about disabling future dates like 2 weeks from now? trashgod As shown here , you can use an IDateEvaluator like MinMaxDateEvaluator to invalidate a range of dates: private static class RangeEvaluator extends MinMaxDateEvaluator { @Override public boolean isInvalid(Date date) { return !super.isInvalid(date); } } Then you can

JCalendar multiple day selection

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-02 09:14:45
Is it possible to select multiple days in toedter's JCalendar? Like I would be able to highlight 2 or 3 days in the calendar and then get the days highlighted after I would trigger an event using a button. or should i be better off using a JTable for a calendar? trashgod I'd use a one column JTable having a JDateChooserCellEditor and a custom renderer . DemoTable is an example, seen here . The TableModel should contain a List<java.util.Date> , as Date implements Comparable for easy sorting . You can supply an addRow() method in DemoTableModel , which can be invoked in your Add button's handler

Using JCalendar in a JDialog

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-02 07:43:20
My program uses JDialog s to open up forms and in the form I want to use JCalendar for the user to select a date and for me to use it for other methods afterwards. I have downloaded JCalendar library. I read some example codes but still not sure how to do it. I have an idea that in the form you press a button (Select Date) and like a small window opens with that JCalendar and when the date is selected it is displayed in the form as a TextField. Can someone recommend me some method of doing this with the least trouble? I have an idea that in the form you press a button (Select Date) and like a

Background color on specific dates using JCalendar

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-02 06:29:12
Im trying to set specific dates in my JCalendar in a different color depending on if there is something planned for that date in my database, the date is stored as"yyyy-MM-dd" in the database, I've seen similar posts here on stackOverflow but I just cant get it to work. I'm not sure how "component[day].setBackground(Color.green)" works like and how I can set it to only dates that has something planned for them in the database public void kalender() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); int offset = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); int mon = kalender

I am trying to fetch data from database where date = jdatechooser:

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-02 03:44:57
I have a table with a column datetime i want to retrieve data from database where date is specified in jdatechooser but em continously getting error: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getDate() from the type JDateChooser Here is the code: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Date date = JDateChooser.getDate(); try{ String query = " Select *from Transactions WHERE "+date+"=? "; PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(query); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); table.setModel(DbUtils.resultSetToTableModel(rs)); }catch (Exception e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); } } It

Adding actionListener to jCalendar

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-30 23:34:23
How would I add an actionListener to the jDayChooser component of an existing jCalendar placed using netbeans? I would like to only trigger an event only when the day buttons are clicked. as the propertyChange in jCalendar listens to even the jMonthChooser and jYearChooser P.S. using toedter's jCalendar Alternatively, you can listen for the specific propertyName , "day" . JDayChooser jdc = new JDayChooser(); jdc.addPropertyChangeListener("day", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { System.out.println(e.getPropertyName()+ ": " + e

JCalendar problem (the month February)

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-11-30 09:47:45
问题 I have a graphical component JCalendar for choosing the date. A problem (or bug) persists when my local date is June 30; for example, I go through the months with the arrow when I go through the month of February, the date is inserted automatically (February 28) because the event "propertyChange" is starts unless I select. What do you think? 回答1: Assuming JCalendar and JSpinnerDateEditor , I see no discontinuities near June 30 or February 28 in JCalendarDemo . You might verify that you are