
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: in anonymous inner class

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-20 06:29:17
问题 Im' running this code on a Linux Red Hat with the sun/oracle JVM 1.6_23, inside a VMWare server. After some times the JVM seem to be unable to access my anonymous inner classes. My classpath is fine, since it works for a period. All i got is errors like this one : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : com/mycompany/impl/MyClassImpl$1 at com.mycompany.impl.MyClassImpl.markAsDeletable ( :45). line 45 is the first line below, it can't find my new Predicate DomaineVO domaineVO =

How to extract data from HTML page source of (a tab within) a webpage?

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-20 06:21:10
问题 I have tried several solutions specified in other answers, like experimenting with different user agents (Chrome, safari etc), and getting HTML directly using HTTPClient and BufferedReader, but none of them work. How do I make the Android output similar as a web output? Here is the web output I am looking for; (View page source of for full output - this basically contains the AJAX tab named "Quarterly" which contains a table . I need to

How to extract data from HTML page source of (a tab within) a webpage?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-20 06:20:34
问题 I have tried several solutions specified in other answers, like experimenting with different user agents (Chrome, safari etc), and getting HTML directly using HTTPClient and BufferedReader, but none of them work. How do I make the Android output similar as a web output? Here is the web output I am looking for; (View page source of for full output - this basically contains the AJAX tab named "Quarterly" which contains a table . I need to

XML Schema: replacing imports with corresponding schema

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-20 06:16:23
问题 I have a XML Schema that contains multiple imports which in turn contain imports. I need to generate semantically equal schema where all imports are inlined. I want to replace these: <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/> with the contents of referenced schemata. And I need to get output as a string, not as some internal representation. I tried Apache Xerces but did not find a way to write XSModel to a string. Is there? I tried Apache XmlSchema 2 but when

XML Schema: replacing imports with corresponding schema

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-20 06:13:58
问题 I have a XML Schema that contains multiple imports which in turn contain imports. I need to generate semantically equal schema where all imports are inlined. I want to replace these: <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/> with the contents of referenced schemata. And I need to get output as a string, not as some internal representation. I tried Apache Xerces but did not find a way to write XSModel to a string. Is there? I tried Apache XmlSchema 2 but when

XML Schema: replacing imports with corresponding schema

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-20 06:13:08
问题 I have a XML Schema that contains multiple imports which in turn contain imports. I need to generate semantically equal schema where all imports are inlined. I want to replace these: <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/> with the contents of referenced schemata. And I need to get output as a string, not as some internal representation. I tried Apache Xerces but did not find a way to write XSModel to a string. Is there? I tried Apache XmlSchema 2 but when

Should I use upper-case naming to declare java constant variables?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-20 06:00:08
问题 My question: Should names of constant Java variables (within methods) be upper-case? I've always been under the impression that a) if a variable is never going to change, it should be declared final (to show/enforce that it won't change) b) it should be named in upper-case However, I've noticed in eclipse, when changing a variable (within a method) to be final/constant, and subsequently refactoring/renaming it to something like below: final int NODE_COUNT = 3; I get the following warning:


时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-20 05:58:39
背景 不知道各位在生产日志中定位问题时有没有碰到这样的场景:由于coding的时候日志输出的比较少,出现问题时,很难通过日志去定位到问题。又或者是,你明明coding的时候有输出日志。但是在庞大的日志文件中,由于业务线程并发比较多,你输出的日志又没有加关键信息。你也很难定位到你所需要的日志信息。 之前在公司里写业务代码时,为了使每个RPC调用能被日志记录下来,我们在公司基础组件里定义了一个切面,拦截所有的RPC调用,方法开始之前,在日志里输出调用的服务和方法以及参数,方法结束时输出方法的耗时。我相信很多人也是这么做的。 这样一来 ,所有的调用都能通过参数里的关键信息被搜索到。也能定位到调用是什么结束的以及耗时。 但是在有些业务方法中,也打上了很多的业务日志。由于核心业务的tps和qps很高,日志是互相穿插的。如果你的日志没有打上关键的业务信息(比如订单号,业务ID),那就很难在日志中被定位出来。 也许有些童鞋会说,用线程号呀。通过搜索业务ID定位到调用开始的地方,再搜索这条线程的线程号,就可以定位整个请求的所有日志。其实之前我也是这么干的,但是线程一般都是由线程池进行管理的,在tps很高的业务中,同一个线程号有可能短时间会出现多次,但是却是不同的请求。而且业务方法中可能也会有异步线程,导致了线程号会变。这样对于定位日志就又增加了难度。当然最后可以通过对时间戳的分析

flutter: 窗口初始与绘制流程

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-20 05:55:09
环境: flutter sdk v1.7.8+hotfix.3 @stable 对应 flutter engine: 54ad777f 这里关注的是C++层面的绘制流程,平台怎样驱动和响应绘制与渲染的过程,并不是Dart部分的渲染。 结合之前的分析,在虚拟机实例的构造函数中调用了一个重要方法 DartUI::InitForGlobal() , 调用流程再罗列一下: DartVMRef::Create DartVMRef::DartVMRef DartVM::Create DartVMData::Create DartVM::DartVM DartUI::InitForGlobal() 实现体很明了,注册了各种类对象的方法,也就是说,这些在dart语言继承 NativeFieldWrapperClass2 的类都有一份在C++层的实现,也说明了DartSDK是如何提供接口绑定与C++层的实现,相当于java语言中的jni。 另外还有针对 Isolate 的初始化,不过只是设置了一个可以import的路径,并不重要: DartIsolate::CreateRootIsolate DartIsolate::CreateDartVMAndEmbedderObjectPair DartIsolate::LoadLibraries DartUI::InitForIsolate Dart

java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '???ú±ê×??±??'...

三世轮回 提交于 2021-02-20 05:52:38
【报错信息】    【百度翻译】   服务器时区值'???ú±ê×??±??'无法识别或表示多个时区。如果要利用时区支持,必须配置服务器或JDBC驱动程序(通过ServerTimeZone配置属性),以使用更具体的时区值 【解决方法】   数据库连接配置conf.xml(在原地址后面加 ?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8 ) <property name= " url " value= " jdbc:mysql://服务器地址:端口号/数据库名称 ?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8 " /> 【注解】   🍕serverTimeZone时区常用值说明     UTC :协调世界时,又称世界统一时间、世界标准时间、国际协调时间。由于英文(CUT)和法文(TUC)的缩写不同,作为妥协,简称UTC。中国时间与UTC的 时差 为+8,也就是UTC+8。    GMT%2B8 :中国时间(GMT+8这种方式支持全部时区,通过修改最后的数字实现,不过%2B不能写成+)    Asia/Shanghai: 上海时间 【重点】   更多请参考: mysql-connector-java-8.0.15.jar 加包中 com.mysql.cj.util 包中的 文件 来源: oschina 链接: https://my