
Would Stream.toList() perform better than Collectors.toList()

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-01-24 07:03:35
问题 JDK is introducing an API Stream.toList() with JDK-8180352. Here is a benchmarking code that I have attempted to compare its performance with the existing Collectors.toList : @BenchmarkMode(Mode.All) @Fork(1) @State(Scope.Thread) @Warmup(iterations = 20, time = 1, batchSize = 10000) @Measurement(iterations = 20, time = 1, batchSize = 10000) public class CollectorsVsStreamToList { @Benchmark public List<Integer> viaCollectors() { return IntStream.range(1, 1000).boxed().collect(Collectors

Would Stream.toList() perform better than Collectors.toList()

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-24 07:01:28
问题 JDK is introducing an API Stream.toList() with JDK-8180352. Here is a benchmarking code that I have attempted to compare its performance with the existing Collectors.toList : @BenchmarkMode(Mode.All) @Fork(1) @State(Scope.Thread) @Warmup(iterations = 20, time = 1, batchSize = 10000) @Measurement(iterations = 20, time = 1, batchSize = 10000) public class CollectorsVsStreamToList { @Benchmark public List<Integer> viaCollectors() { return IntStream.range(1, 1000).boxed().collect(Collectors

Connecting to LDAPS with GSS and Channel Binding

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-12-15 05:38:40
问题 I'm trying to bind to an Active Directory server with GSS on a Windows computer that is logged in as a domain user. Normally, this works fine. But when signing and binding is being enforced (see GSS fails to bind. According to, this feature was added in JDK 16 (b18), but I have been unable to successfully bind failing with the

Connecting to LDAPS with GSS and Channel Binding

三世轮回 提交于 2020-12-15 05:38:38
问题 I'm trying to bind to an Active Directory server with GSS on a Windows computer that is logged in as a domain user. Normally, this works fine. But when signing and binding is being enforced (see GSS fails to bind. According to, this feature was added in JDK 16 (b18), but I have been unable to successfully bind failing with the

Connecting to LDAPS with GSS and Channel Binding

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-12-15 05:38:37
问题 I'm trying to bind to an Active Directory server with GSS on a Windows computer that is logged in as a domain user. Normally, this works fine. But when signing and binding is being enforced (see GSS fails to bind. According to, this feature was added in JDK 16 (b18), but I have been unable to successfully bind failing with the