

梦想与她 提交于 2020-08-16 12:06:47
当家里一个新生儿呱呱坠地的时候,一些繁琐的事也伴随着喜悦随之而来,奶粉、纸尿裤、起夜冲奶等等,其中最让家长头大的,还是:打疫苗。现在的孩子仅从出生到一岁就要频繁地去医院接种疫苗,少则十余次,多则二十余次。疫苗不仅选择多,而且不同的选择和不同的接种顺序还会产生不同的效果。这十几种疫苗的选择和接种安排,对于大部分的没有医学背景的新手爸妈来说,的确复杂了一些。不过不用担心,这里给大家普及一些关于疫苗的基本知识,读完之后就不用感到困扰啦。 >为什么疫苗能保护孩子 疫苗是人类健康的第一道防线,我们可以简单的把疫苗分为减毒疫苗和灭活疫苗。减毒疫苗具有一定的接种风险,因此现在全球接种的疫苗大多数是灭活疫苗,例如脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗(IPV)。我们以灭活疫苗举例,来说说疫苗是怎么保护孩子的。所谓灭活疫苗,通俗说就是“死疫苗”。其主要成分是将病毒或细菌杀灭后的大分子,例如蛋白质或多糖。我们可以把这些成分看成有害物质的标记。孩子在接种这类疫苗后,这些大分子(标记)会刺激免疫系统产生免疫反应,产生防御性物质,孩子的免疫系统就获得抵抗病毒/细菌的能力和记忆。当再次接触到这种病原体时,免疫系统会识别其标记,根据过去的记忆,制造更多的保护物质来抵抗对应病毒/细菌的伤害,产生免疫效果,也就是免疫应答 [1] . 接种疫苗产生免疫的过程如同给免疫系统看“安全教育视频”,告诉免疫系统哪些事物是危险的,以及应对方法。

中国首款智能显微镜获批进入临床:病理诊断AI化,腾讯AI Lab打造

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-04-10 12:59:46
癌症被称为「众病之王」,若能尽早检测诊断,病人则更可能得到有效救治。一般来说,癌症的检查和诊断依赖于病理学检查;而在病理学检查过程中,显微镜观察是必不可少的步骤。钟南山院士曾表示:「临床病理水平是衡量国家医疗质量的重要标志」。今日,腾讯 AI Lab 宣布,联合舜宇光学科技、第三方医学检验机构金域医学宣布三方研发的智能显微镜已获得 NMPA 注册证,成为国内首个获准进入临床应用的智能显微镜产品。 据介绍,该智能显微镜产品研发始于 2018 年,集成了目前病理分析与诊断方面的最新技术,并针对病理医生工作流程和习惯进行多次产品迭代,现已支持乳腺癌免疫组化(IHC)Ki67(肿瘤细胞增殖指数)、ER(雌激素受体)、PR(孕激素受体)和 Her2(细胞表面生长因子 2)等常用核染色和膜染色量化分析场景的判读。 该产品在测试被证明能有效提升病理医生的工作效率、病理分析的精确度和一致性,有望缓解医院(尤其是基层医院)病理医生数量短缺且经验不足的问题,也是精准医疗从前沿研究走向落地探索的一个良好例证。 以前,病理医生要花大量的时间和脑力劳动、依靠经验在显微镜下识别和判断病变组织,并粗略估算其细胞数量,分析结果可能因医生经验不同而有所差别。现在,有了智能显微镜,如金域病理专家丁向东主任评价的那样:「医生只要用脚轻轻一踏,智能显微镜就会将分析结果和判断实时、精确地呈现在显微镜视野内

Why does the Jama matrix inner dimension agree in the first iteration, but later it does not?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-01-23 00:48:10
问题 Following Jama Matrices are defined in my code: P: 3*3 Matrix I: 3*3 identity Matrix K: 3*2 Matrix H: 2*3 Matrix Q: 3*3 Matrix Following is my code snippet: private Matrix getP() { P= (I.minus(K.times(H))).times(Q); Log.d("csv", "P is calculated"); return P; } While running the code, at first iteration it works, i.e, P is calculated is printed at the Logcat. However, it happens only once and the application gets stopped. Following is the error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Matrix inner

Why does the Jama matrix inner dimension agree in the first iteration, but later it does not?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-23 00:47:59
问题 Following Jama Matrices are defined in my code: P: 3*3 Matrix I: 3*3 identity Matrix K: 3*2 Matrix H: 2*3 Matrix Q: 3*3 Matrix Following is my code snippet: private Matrix getP() { P= (I.minus(K.times(H))).times(Q); Log.d("csv", "P is calculated"); return P; } While running the code, at first iteration it works, i.e, P is calculated is printed at the Logcat. However, it happens only once and the application gets stopped. Following is the error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Matrix inner

Dependencies for Jama in Maven

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-24 19:28:34
问题 Where can i find jama dependencies for maven. I checked in MVN Repo but could nt find. I am using Jama-1.0.2.jar. Any suggesions. 回答1: <dependency> <groupId>gov.nist.math</groupId> <artifactId>jama</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency> 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20065521/dependencies-for-jama-in-maven

List<List<Double>> to double[][] for JAMA or other libs

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-24 13:59:00
问题 i cannot get my List> to double[][] to work on linear algebra package like JAMA. Basically i have some sort of List with coordinates like this : [[2.63, 11.087, -12.054], [2.357, 13.026, -15.29], [1.365, 16.691, -15.389], [0.262, 18.241, -18.694]] And i am trying to put these coordinates to JAMA class which is double[][]. I tried to use method toArray, but i failed. double[][] array = list.toArray(new double[list.size()][]); How to do that? Or is there other packages to cope with SVD, which i

How to overwrite/update a Jama Matrix in Android Studio without any error?

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-24 03:49:04
问题 Jama Matrices are defined in my code ( Matrix computation class ) as follows: private Matrix A; private Matrix B; private Matrix C; The matrix A is initialized as follows: A = new Matrix(2,2); A.set(0,0,1.5); A.set(0,1,0.0); A.set(1,0,0.0); A.set(1,1,1.5); Matrix B is a 2*2 matrix, initialized as an identity matrix and is updated every second by the next matrix of the same size from the MainActivity class. Matrix C is initialized and computed as follows: if(C!=null) C = A.plus(C.times(B));

Problems using Jama in java for LSA

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-13 00:54:33
问题 i am making using of the jama package for finding the lsa . I was told to reduce the dimensionality and hence i have reduced it to 3 in this case and i reconstruct the matrix . But the resultant matrix is very different from the one i had given to the system heres the code a = new Matrix(termdoc); // get the matrix here a = a.transpose() ; // since the matrix is in the form of doc * terms i transpose it SingularValueDecomposition sv =new SingularValueDecomposition(a) ; u = sv.getU(); v = sv

Singular Value Decomposition: Different results with Jama, PColt and NumPy

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-11 08:36:51
问题 I want to perform Singular Value Decomposition on a large (sparse) matrix. In order to choose the best(most accurate) library, I tried replicating the SVD example provided here using different Java and Python libraries. Strangely I am getting different results with each library. Here's the original example matrix and it's decomposed (U S and VT) matrices: A =2.0 0.0 8.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 7.0 5.0 0.0 7.0 4.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 U =-0.54 0.07 0.82 -0.11 0.12 -0.10

Issue with Jama's Eigenvalue decomposition function

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-07 23:22:31
问题 I am getting a wrong eigen-vector (also checked by running multiple times to be sure) when i am using matrix.eig() . The matrix is: 1.2290 1.2168 2.8760 2.6370 2.2949 2.6402 1.2168 0.9476 2.5179 2.1737 1.9795 2.2828 2.8760 2.5179 8.8114 8.6530 7.3910 8.1058 2.6370 2.1737 8.6530 7.6366 6.9503 7.6743 2.2949 1.9795 7.3910 6.9503 6.2722 7.3441 2.6402 2.2828 8.1058 7.6743 7.3441 7.6870 The function returns the eigen vectors: -0.1698 0.6764 0.1442 -0.6929 -0.1069 0.0365 -0.1460 0.6478 0.1926 0.6898