
Custom deserialization of List using Jackson

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-01-21 05:24:24
问题 I am trying to write a custom deserializer in order to trim down a big set of data I receive from somewhere else. I return a List of custom objects from the deserializer. My question is, how do I do that, if this is my custom deserializer : public class MyCustomDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<CustomClass>> { ... } I certainly can't do this : final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule(); module.addDeserializer(List<CustomClass>.class, new MyCustomDeserializer()); Will something

Custom deserialization of List using Jackson

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-01-21 05:24:07
问题 I am trying to write a custom deserializer in order to trim down a big set of data I receive from somewhere else. I return a List of custom objects from the deserializer. My question is, how do I do that, if this is my custom deserializer : public class MyCustomDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<CustomClass>> { ... } I certainly can't do this : final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule(); module.addDeserializer(List<CustomClass>.class, new MyCustomDeserializer()); Will something

每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-21 05:02:38
每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 1. 配置环境 每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 2. 普通查询 每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 3. 高级查询(一) 每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 4. 高级查询(二) 每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 5. 高级查询(三) 每天玩转3分钟 MyBatis-Plus - 6. select 查询 代码下载:https://github.com/Jackson0714/study-mybatis-plus.git mybatis-plus的查询功能非常强大, 上一篇,我们通过例题的方式讲解了mybatis-plus的高级查询功能:条件查询. 这一篇我们继续以例题的方式讲解mybatis-plus的 select 查询功能。 准备数据 #创建用户表 CREATE TABLE user ( id BIGINT ( 20 ) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL COMMENT ' 主键 ' , name VARCHAR ( 30 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 姓名 ' , age INT ( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 年龄 ' , email VARCHAR ( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ' 邮箱 ' ,


☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-20 03:37:05
前言 大家好,又双叒叕见面了,我是天天放大家鸽子的蛮三刀。 在被大家取关之前,我立下一个“远大的理想”,一定要在这周更新文章。现在看来,flag有用了。。。 本篇文章是我这一个多月来帮助组内废弃fastjson框架的总结,我们将大部分Java仓库从fastjson迁移至了Gson。 这么做的主要的原因是公司受够了fastjson频繁的安全漏洞问题,每一次出现漏洞都要推一次全公司的fastjson强制版本升级,很令公司头疼。 文章的前半部分,我会简单分析各种json解析框架的优劣,并给出企业级项目迁移json框架的几种解决方案。 在文章的后半部分,我会结合这一个月的经验,总结下Gson的使用问题,以及fastjson迁移到Gson踩过的深坑。 文章目录: 为何要放弃fastjson? fastjson替代方案 三种json框架的特点 性能对比 最终选择方案 替换依赖时的注意事项 谨慎,谨慎,再谨慎 做好开发团队和测试团队的沟通 做好回归/接口测试 考虑迁移前后的性能差异 使用Gson替换fastjson Json反序列化 范型处理 List/Map写入 驼峰与下划线转换 迁移常见问题踩坑 Date序列化方式不同 SpringBoot异常 Swagger异常 @Mapping JsonObject作为入参异常 注意:是否使用fastjson是近年来一个争议性很大的话题

Generic class type parameter detail at runtime

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-01-19 22:17:01
问题 Libraries like Jackson can create objects from JSON if we provide enough information about generics. In Jackson, we can do Class<?>[] parameterTypes; JavaType type = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ObjectClass, parameterTypes); objectMapper.readValue(json, type); In java, a Generic class can be defined in many ways, like one generic class having another generic class and that can have another generic class, for simple illustration consider these three classes. public

Generic class type parameter detail at runtime

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-19 22:05:19
问题 Libraries like Jackson can create objects from JSON if we provide enough information about generics. In Jackson, we can do Class<?>[] parameterTypes; JavaType type = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ObjectClass, parameterTypes); objectMapper.readValue(json, type); In java, a Generic class can be defined in many ways, like one generic class having another generic class and that can have another generic class, for simple illustration consider these three classes. public

Generic class type parameter detail at runtime

允我心安 提交于 2021-01-19 22:03:33
问题 Libraries like Jackson can create objects from JSON if we provide enough information about generics. In Jackson, we can do Class<?>[] parameterTypes; JavaType type = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ObjectClass, parameterTypes); objectMapper.readValue(json, type); In java, a Generic class can be defined in many ways, like one generic class having another generic class and that can have another generic class, for simple illustration consider these three classes. public

SQL取外国人名字的缩写(如Michael Joseph Jackson写成M* J* Jackson)

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-01-19 12:31:37
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetForeignerShotName ( @str NVARCHAR(4000) ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(2000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @retval NVARCHAR(2000); SET @str=RTRIM(LTRIM(@str)); SET @retval='' WHILE CHARINDEX(' ',@str,1)>0 BEGIN SET @retval+=LEFT(@str,1)+'* '; SET @str= LTRIM(RIGHT(@str,LEN(@str)-CHARINDEX(' ',@str,1))); END set @retval+=@str; RETURN @retval; END GO SELECT dbo.fnGetForeignerShotName('Michael Joseph Jackson'); 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/bigball/blog/4912725

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine tomcat jackson

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-01-17 18:37:31
问题 Below is a stacktrace I get when my rest service tries to fetch a large data set (database and tomcat are on my local machine, so everything is local). It works on smaller ones, but in some cases user wants a lot of data. I checked similar problems posted here, but there seems to be none like mine. My questions are 1. Why does it fail to display a response? 2. Is response size limited somehow on tomcat? Maybe there is a timeout or something like that? 3. Maybe it is Jackson that fails to do

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine tomcat jackson

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-17 18:31:55
问题 Below is a stacktrace I get when my rest service tries to fetch a large data set (database and tomcat are on my local machine, so everything is local). It works on smaller ones, but in some cases user wants a lot of data. I checked similar problems posted here, but there seems to be none like mine. My questions are 1. Why does it fail to display a response? 2. Is response size limited somehow on tomcat? Maybe there is a timeout or something like that? 3. Maybe it is Jackson that fails to do