
Is it possible to make Jackson serialize a nested object as a string

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-20 09:10:01
问题 Given these classes: @Value private static class Message { private final String type; private final MyType message; } @Value public class MyType { private final String foo; } Jackson will produce: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : {"foo" : "bar"} } Is there some type of annotation or instruction I can give to Jackson to ask it to serialize the nested complex type as a string, e.g. the desired JSON would be: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}" } I tried both of these annotations

Is it possible to make Jackson serialize a nested object as a string

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-20 09:08:10
问题 Given these classes: @Value private static class Message { private final String type; private final MyType message; } @Value public class MyType { private final String foo; } Jackson will produce: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : {"foo" : "bar"} } Is there some type of annotation or instruction I can give to Jackson to ask it to serialize the nested complex type as a string, e.g. the desired JSON would be: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}" } I tried both of these annotations

Is it possible to make Jackson serialize a nested object as a string

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-20 09:07:11
问题 Given these classes: @Value private static class Message { private final String type; private final MyType message; } @Value public class MyType { private final String foo; } Jackson will produce: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : {"foo" : "bar"} } Is there some type of annotation or instruction I can give to Jackson to ask it to serialize the nested complex type as a string, e.g. the desired JSON would be: { "Type" : "Test", "Message" : "{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}" } I tried both of these annotations

Why do we need jackson databind?

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-10 11:57:59
问题 I am new in JAVA EE. My question is, why do we need jackson databind? Because We can receive the Request Params by @ModelAttribute and requests through http PUT or POST by @RequestBody . I can't find a reason why we need jackson databind to convert json/xml to POJO or vice versa. Thanks. 回答1: Why do we need jackson databind? Because representing structured data is much easier using XML (or JSON) than using simple name-value pairs. Because it is more convenient to send and receive JSON from

Why do we need jackson databind?

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-10 11:50:38
问题 I am new in JAVA EE. My question is, why do we need jackson databind? Because We can receive the Request Params by @ModelAttribute and requests through http PUT or POST by @RequestBody . I can't find a reason why we need jackson databind to convert json/xml to POJO or vice versa. Thanks. 回答1: Why do we need jackson databind? Because representing structured data is much easier using XML (or JSON) than using simple name-value pairs. Because it is more convenient to send and receive JSON from

Why do we need jackson databind?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-10 11:50:22
问题 I am new in JAVA EE. My question is, why do we need jackson databind? Because We can receive the Request Params by @ModelAttribute and requests through http PUT or POST by @RequestBody . I can't find a reason why we need jackson databind to convert json/xml to POJO or vice versa. Thanks. 回答1: Why do we need jackson databind? Because representing structured data is much easier using XML (or JSON) than using simple name-value pairs. Because it is more convenient to send and receive JSON from

Dynamically add new subtypes after the original supertype has already been configured in jackson

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-10 09:28:12
问题 I have one super class Field and there are two other classes that inherit the super class Field . I want to dynamically add subclass without affecting super class changes public class TestConfiguration { private List<Field> fields; } I want to use the mapping in this way when fields is instance of same class Field then without className property "Field" used for mapping { "fields" : [ { "name" : "First_name", "type" : { "fieldType" : { "name" : "string" } }, "required" : true }] } I want to

Catching & Handling Jackson Exceptions with a custom message

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-08 12:19:57
问题 I'm hoping to to catch some jackson exceptions that are occurring in a spring-boot API I am developing. For example, I have the following request class and I want to catch the error that occurs when the "questionnaireResponse" key in the JSON request object is null or blank i.e " " in the request object. @Validated @JsonRootName("questionnaireResponse") public class QuestionnaireResponse { @JsonProperty("identifier") @Valid private Identifier identifier = null; @JsonProperty("basedOn") @Valid

Convert JSON with duplicated keys with jackson

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-08 06:56:28
问题 Im converting a json to a java object but I'm not getting what I want. I have duplicated keys "friend" in my json. My json: { "id" : "5ee2e2f780bc8e7511a65de9", "friends": [{ "friend": { "id": 1, "name": "Priscilla Lynch" }, "friend": { "id": 2, "name": "William Lawrence" } }] } Using readValue from ObjectMapper only takes the last one "friend" but I need both. I know JSONObject use Map to convert so that's why it is taking the last one. Result: Contacts(id=5ee2e2f780bc8e7511a65de9, friends=[

Make Jackson Subtypes extensible without editing the Supertypes java-file

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-08 05:29:20
问题 In my company we have a fixed JSON message structure: { "headerVal1": "" "headerVal2": "" "customPayload": { "payloadType":"" } } I would like to have some kind of library, which allows me, to not care for the company defined message structure, and instead just send and receive the payload. My idea was, to define the structure of the company template as one object, and use subtypes of a PayloadObject . @JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.MINIMAL_CLASS,