
Unhandled exit code when loading Nifti with SimpleITK in python

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-25 21:26:10
问题 I am trying to load .nii.gz files using SimpleITK in python using PyCharm. Ideally, ITK has a NIFTI class and I followed these tutorials, so I presume SimpleITK has a wrapper for NIFTI class in ITK. The issue is I get a weird exit code which has no documentation (as per google) like this Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) The code is as simple as it gets : import numpy as np import SimpleITK as sitk image = sitk.ReadImage(filename) imageSize = image.GetSize() I also

Correct display of DICOM images ITK-VTK (images too dark)

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-14 10:45:08
问题 I read dicom images with ITK using itk::ImageSeriesReader and itk::GDCMImageIO after reading i flip the images with itk::FlipImageFilter (to get right orientation of the images) and convert the itkImageData to vtkImageData using itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter. I visualization images with VTK using vtkResliceImageViewer in QVTKWidget2. I set: (vtkResliceImageViewer)m_imageViewer[i]->SetColorWindow(windowWidthTAGvalue[0028|1051]); (vtkResliceImageViewer)m_imageViewer[i]->SetColorLevel

ITK Importing Image Data from a Buffer

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-06 18:12:34
问题 I have coded a method to create an Itk image from a buffer (in my case it's a Cimg image type). This is the algorithme : void Cimg_To_ITK (CImg<uchar> img) { const unsigned int Dimension = 2; typedef itk::RGBPixel< unsigned char > RGBPixelType; typedef itk::Image< RGBPixelType, Dimension > RGBImageType; typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< RGBPixelType, Dimension > ImportFilterType; ImportFilterType::Pointer importFilter = ImportFilterType::New(); typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< RGBImageType >

ITK Importing Image Data from a Buffer

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-06 18:12:27
问题 I have coded a method to create an Itk image from a buffer (in my case it's a Cimg image type). This is the algorithme : void Cimg_To_ITK (CImg<uchar> img) { const unsigned int Dimension = 2; typedef itk::RGBPixel< unsigned char > RGBPixelType; typedef itk::Image< RGBPixelType, Dimension > RGBImageType; typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< RGBPixelType, Dimension > ImportFilterType; ImportFilterType::Pointer importFilter = ImportFilterType::New(); typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< RGBImageType >


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-04 09:51:32
利用CMake管理QT5.5+VTK6.3+ITK4.8+Opencv3.0工程 2016年03月16日 19:16:42 RaymondLove~ 阅读数:1859 主要参考: opencv3.1.0的Tutorial: QT Documentation: Cmake手册: ITK用户手册 博客: VTK6.2&6.3+VS2013+QT5编译配置 前提: 系统环境:win64+VS2013+CMake3.3.1+ITK4.8+VTK6.3+Opencv3.0+QT5.5 1. 已经安装好:VS2013,QT和qt-vs-addin,并将QT与VS2013整合完毕。 2. 已经利用CMake对ITK,VTK和opencv进行编译,并配置好环境变量 注:由于我是64位系统,故在CMake编译过程中的编译器都选择的是64位的 利用CMake创建工程: 1. 新建文件夹:D:\test_ITK_VTK

Operate on slices of 3D image in SimpleITK and create new 3D image

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-02 07:26:09
问题 I have a 3D image read in to SimpleITK (using python) from a NIfTI file, take each axial slice, do something with it and re-insert the new 2D slice into a 3D volume with the (hopefully) appropriate dimensions. For example, output = sitk.Image(original.GetSize(), sitk.sitkFloat32) output.CopyInformation(original) for z in numpy.arange(original.GetDepth()): image = original[:,:,z] << Do Something in SimpleITK>> << Produce a new 2D image = newimage >> output[:,:,z] = newimage The final step is

Access to pixel values of a tif image using ITK

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-25 11:56:39
问题 I am new to ITK and I am trying to read a tif file using ITK and access to its pixels. Here is the piece of my code for this purpose: typedef float PixelType; // Pixel type const unsigned char Dimension = 2; typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > ImageType; ImageType::Pointer image; typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType > ReaderType; ReaderType::Pointer reader; reader = ReaderType::New(); const char * filename = "test.tif"; reader->SetImageIO(itk::TIFFImageIO::New()); reader-

How to use itkvtkglue to use ITK with VTK?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-24 12:23:12
问题 I wanted to make the example which combines ITK with VTK called IO/ImageFileReader from wiki examples. I downloaded itkvtkglue, extracted to a folder, configured with cmake and built with visual studio 2010. but i can't use it when i try to configure the example given. Even though cmake finds the ItkVtkGlue_DIR by itself, it gives the error that he couldn't include the necessary files. Fails to include(${ItkVtkGlue_USE_FILE}) Should I somehow change the folders CMake looks for my ItkVtkGlue

ITK简介与ITK Pipeline

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-24 10:56:34
ITK 概述 ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit) 是一个开源,跨平台的图像分析框架,里面有大量的前沿算法,广泛用于图像 配准 和 分割 。ITK使用C++开发,可由 CMake 生成不同环境下的可编译工程,并且ITK有对Tcl, Python和Java的封装层,使得开发者可以使用不同的语言进行开发。 ITK的主要特征有:   1,ITK提供了通用的方式表示图像(任意维度)和面片(非结构化的meshes),提供用于进行分割和配准的算法,主要面向医学应用,尽管也可以处理其他应用;   2,ITK不提供可视化的用户接口,仅提供最小化的文件接口,留由其他库提供;   3,ITK大量使用泛型编程技术;   4,ITK内存模型使用智能指针维护对象的引用计数,使用对象工厂实例化对象;   5,ITK支持多线程并行处理;   6,ITK使用命令/观察者模式进行事件处理;   7,ITK基于数据流的架构进行组织,数据被表示成数据对象(data object),数据对象由处理对象(process object)处理,数据对象和处理对象连在一起形成Pipeline。   8,ITK的开发基于极限编程( extreme programming )原则,设计、实现和维护是快速迭代的过程,而测试是这个过程的核心,每当有文件check in

Reading *.mhd/*.raw format 3D images in ITK

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-24 01:09:05
问题 How to load and write .mhd/ .raw format 3D images in ITK? I have tried to use the following code but it is not getting loaded as the dimension of the loaded image is displayed as 0,0,0. Can someone please point out the mistake I am making? typedef float InputPixelType; const unsigned int DimensionOfRaw = 3; typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType, DimensionOfRaw > InputImageType; //typedef itk::RawImageIO<InputPixelType, DimensionOfRaw> ImageIOType; typedef itk::ImageFileReader<InputImageType >