IDEA 启动报错could not find main class com/intellij/idea/main解决办法
1.现象: 安装完首次打开 intellij 出现 could not find main class com/intellij/idea/main? 2:解决办法 You should create IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable and set its value to JDK8 instance location on your computer. This JDK8 instance can be used only for idea and JAVA_HOME can point to the Java 7 at the same time without any problems. Via documentation: idea64.exe uses this JDK search sequence: IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable ..\jre64 directory system Registry JDK_HOME environment variable JAVA_HOME environment variable JAVA_HOME can point to the Java 7 at the same time with no problems. 这是英文文档里的内容,大致意思是说