

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-02 10:39:29
这里是修真院前端小课堂,每篇分享文从 【 IN,TYPEOF,INSTANCEOF,===运算符分别是干什么的?】 大家好,我是IT修真院北京分院25期的学员,一枚正直纯洁善良的web前端程序员 今天给大家分享一下,修真院官网css任务13,深度思考中的知识点——移动端有哪些常见的布局方式? 1.背景介绍 在JavaScript中,有很多常见的运算符和关键字,这次我们来看看其中的 in,typeof,instanceof,还有===,分别是干什么的,有什么用,和什么情况下可能会用到 2.知识剖析 2.1、IN运算符 in 运算符作用:就是判断 属性是否存在于对象中,如果存在,返回值为:true,如果不存在,则为:false 语法:属性 in 对象 var obj = { name1: “jack”, age: 9, abc: undefined }; // 如果是对象中存在的成员或者是原型中的成员,此时,返回的结果就是 trueconsole.log(“name1” in obj); // true console.log(“age” in obj); // true console.log(“age123” in obj); // false console.log(“abc” in obj); // true console.log(“toString” in obj); //


ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-02 10:35:19
由于项目需求使用了原生组件 ion-slides 来实现轮播图,从此踏上了一条不归路 首先上HTML代码 <ion-slides #slide1 [options]="slidesOpts" (click)="onClickSlide()"> <ion-slide *ngFor="let item of bannerList"> <img [src]="item.img" /> <div class="bannerIntro"> <div class="bannerIntroTitle">{{item.title}}</div> <div class="bannerIntroNum">{{item.num}}</div> </div> </ion-slide> </ion-slides> JS public slidesOpts = {//轮播图属性 speed: 500, autoplay: { delay: 5000, disableOnInteraction: false//这个属性很关键,拖动完自动播放 }, loop: true, zoom: false, } 问题一:拖动手势和点击手势冲突 第一次实现点击 (click)="onClickSlide()" 是在 <ion-slide> 上添加的点击事件,刚开始好好的,可以点击,突然有一天点击事件没有响应了

Is this an acceptable use of instanceof?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-02 07:13:25
I am working on an implementation of the card game UNO (mostly to run simulations to test some house rules, but that's a different story). For those who've never played it, it's similar to Crazy Eights. Players take turns playing a card on the discard pile. The card has to match in number or color. There are also draw cards, which force the next player to draw either two or four cards. It's also quite friendly to house rules, which makes it pretty interesting. I have a Card class with the value and color of the card. What I would like to do is to create DrawCard which extends Card . Then, in


扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-02 05:22:02
转自 本文真的很赞,对于初级程序员来说,无不相当于是个大力丸啊,所以我就本着友好的学习态度,复制粘贴到了我的博文。 本文从以下几点入手分析: ###1.equals()的所属以及内部原理(即Object中equals方法的实现原理) 说起equals方法,我们都知道是超类Object中的一个基本方法,用于检测一个对象是否与另外一个对象相等。而在Object类中这个方法实际上是判断两个对象是否具有相同的引用,如果有,它们就一定相等。 实际上我们知道所有的对象都拥有标识(内存地址)和状态(数据),同时“==”比较两个对象的的内存地址,所以说 Object 的 equals() 方法是比较两个对象的内存地址是否相等,即若 object1.equals(object2) 为 true,则表示 equals1 和 equals2 实际上是引用同一个对象。 ###2.equals()与‘==’的区别 或许这是我们面试时更容易碰到的问题”equals方法与‘ ’运算符有什么区别?“,并且常常我们都会胸有成竹地回答:“equals比较的是对象的内容,而‘ ’比较的是对象的地址。”。但是从前面我们可以知道equals方法在Object中的实现也是间接使用了‘==’运算符进行比较的,所以从严格意义上来说

数据类型 &数据类型判断

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-02 01:59:04
avascript中有六种数据类型:string;boolean;Array;Object;null;undefined。如何检测这些数据类型呢,总结方法如下: 方法一:采用typeof var fn = function(n){ console.log(n); } var str = 'string'; var arr = [1,2,3]; var obj = { a:123, b:456 }; var num = 1; var b = true; var n = null; var u = undefined; //方法一使用typeof方法。 console.log(typeof str);//string console.log(typeof arr);//object console.log(typeof obj);//object console.log(typeof num);//number console.log(typeof b);//boolean console.log(typeof n);//null是一个空的对象 console.log(typeof u);//undefined console.log(typeof fn);//function 通过上面的检测我们发现typeof检测的Array和Object的返回类型都是Object

Inherit from Error breaks `instanceof` check in TypeScript

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-02 01:45:33
问题 Can someone explain me why the error instanceof CustomError part of below code is false ? class CustomError extends Error {} const error = new CustomError(); console.log(error instanceof Error); // true console.log(error instanceof CustomError); // false ??? class ParentClass {} class ChildClass extends ParentClass { } const child = new ChildClass(); console.log(child instanceof ParentClass); // true console.log(child instanceof ChildClass); // true Is something special about Error object? I

How is instanceof implemented in modern JVM implementations?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-02 01:03:22
Due to the benchmarking done in other threads (cf. ) it was shown that instanceof in Java 6 is actually quite fast. How is this achieved? I know that for single inheritance, the fastest idea is having some nested interval encoding where each class maintains a [low,high] interval and an instanceof is simply an interval inclusion test, i.e. 2 integer comparisons. But how is it made for interfaces (as interval inclusion only works for single inheritance)? And how is class loading handled? Loading new subclasses means that a lot of intervals have to be

The difference between “instanceof List” and 'o instanceof List<?>"

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-02 00:23:28
问题 I don't see any difference in the following: Object o = new LinkedList<Long>(); System.out.println(o instanceof List); System.out.println(o instanceof List<?>); Is there any practical use of instanceof List<?> when instanceof List can't be used instead and vise versa? 回答1: No difference. The wildcard is erased at compile time. 回答2: According to this blog the answer is 'they are exactly the same': as javac forbids instanceof expressions whose target type is a generic type; for casts, the

Inherit from Error breaks `instanceof` check in TypeScript

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-01 22:29:00
Can someone explain me why the error instanceof CustomError part of below code is false ? class CustomError extends Error {} const error = new CustomError(); console.log(error instanceof Error); // true console.log(error instanceof CustomError); // false ??? class ParentClass {} class ChildClass extends ParentClass { } const child = new ChildClass(); console.log(child instanceof ParentClass); // true console.log(child instanceof ChildClass); // true Is something special about Error object? I would like to make my own error types that i can check against. Btw i've checked the above code on

JavaScript (五) js的基本语法 - - - 面向对象、工程模式、内置对象、JSON

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-01 22:16:26
一、编程思想 1、定义: 编程思想:把一些生活中做事的经验融入到程序中 面向过程:凡事都要亲力亲为,每件事的具体过程都要知道,注重的是过程 面向对象:根据需求找对象,所有的事都用对象来做,注重的是结果 面向对象特性:封装,继承,多态 (抽象性) js不是面向对象的语言,但是可以模拟面向对象的思想 js是一门基于对象的语言: 万物皆对象:---------->程序猿 程旭媛 什么是对象? 看的见,摸得到,具体特指的某个东西 2、对象分享有什么特点: 特征和行为 对象 : 有特征和行为,具体特指的某一个事物 对象 : 有属性和方法,具体特指的某个事物 二、对象及其创建方式 1、创建对象 的三种方式: (1)调用系统的构造函数创建对象 var 变量名= new Object(); Object 是系统的构造函数 Array 示例: //实例化对象 var obj = new Object(); //对象有特征---属性和行为---方法 //添加属性-----如何添加属性? 对象.名字=值; = "小苏"; obj.age = 38; = "女"; //添加方法----如何添加方法? 对象.名字=函数; = function () { console.log("我喜欢吃油炸榴莲凉拌臭豆腐和大蒜"); }; =