
Is it possible to create an 'input box' in VBA that can take a text selection with multiple lines as an input?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 15:26:35
问题 I am trying to create a macro that will filter out relevant information from some selected text (smaller than a page long). This information will then be used to fill out a MS-Word template. I have been opening the selected texts via a .txt file however I feel it will improve workflow if it were possible to copy & paste the selected text into some form of an input box. I have tried the following: Dim text As String text = InputBox("Enter selected text here:") This however only accepts a

Get hwnd of Excel InputBox Method

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-10 17:52:41
问题 I think I have a fairly simple question. I'm looking for a method to get the hwnd for an excel input box. I'm automating a process and I'm noticing that a type 8 input box is consistently underneath the excel window (I'm automating excel from another application if that is helpful.). Obviously, I'd like it to show up on top, and I'm attempting to use the SetForegroundWindow function. Any advice? By request, the only thing I've found that seemed worth trying: Public Function GetHwnd() as Long

Is it possible to disable autocomplete?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-10 14:07:03
问题 I know i shouldnt do it but it may be easier then explaining to the clients that you should do it through the browser. They have a public computer and a server running on the machine in an admin account (the code i am writing). They want people to enter their information but they dont want someone pressing down on the email input box to display ppls email address. Is there a way i can disable this through code in IE? (i believe they are using 6 but they may use 7 or 8). 回答1: Use the non

How to add a tooltip on inputbox dynamicaly in angular 2

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-10 11:27:37
问题 I have an input box and I want to show a Tooltip message on hover on input box, which will be based on the response we get from service. If service response is 'true', the message in tooltip will be "true message" and if service returns false then the message will be "false message". Here is my app.component.html: <div class="col-sm-8"> <input class="form-control" type="text" [(ngModel)]="user.FormName"> <button type="btn">Servicecall()</button> </div> app.component.ts: Servicecall(){ if

put an image as the background of an input box

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-08 11:26:30
I wanted to put an image in a msgbox . After I searched for it I found it impossible so I decided to put the image into the background of a input box on msgbox . But I can't find how to do that: Putting an image as the background of a input box Customize the input box like removing the border and change the background color The built-in InputBox function doesn't support custom backgrounds. You can build custom dialogs using the Internet Explorer COM object , though: Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Navigate "about:blank" ie.document.title = "some title" ie.ToolBar =

Get img src from input box into a div

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-07 23:15:23
问题 I'm self teaching myself CSS HTML and now Javascript. The idea behind this small project of mine is to have an user enter an URL for an img, when the user hits a button the img should then be inserted into a new <div> within the page. I tried looking for hours at stackoverflow but i honestly don't understand how i can use other answers to my own code. most of the CSS and HTML code is already done, i just need help with the javascript part if its possible at all. here is what i have so far:

Input Box doesn't appear when macro is run from shortcut key

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-07 08:45:47
问题 I have a simple little Excel macro that opens a template, asks for a filename, and saves the file. It runs from the Microsoft VBA window without issues, but when the shortcut key is used from Excel, it opens the file, but doesn't show the input box. Sub NewCommentSheet() ' ' NewCommentSheet Macro ' Opens the Comments and Recheck template. A dialog box asks for the data module name, ' which is then used for the filename of the new comment sheet. ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+N ' 'Opens the

Get img src from input box into a div

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-06 08:29:17
I'm self teaching myself CSS HTML and now Javascript. The idea behind this small project of mine is to have an user enter an URL for an img, when the user hits a button the img should then be inserted into a new <div> within the page. I tried looking for hours at stackoverflow but i honestly don't understand how i can use other answers to my own code. most of the CSS and HTML code is already done, i just need help with the javascript part if its possible at all. here is what i have so far: (sorry it's not much) html code: <form name="imgForm"> enter URL: <input type="text" name="inputbox1"

javascript, getelementbyname and focus

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-06 04:53:06
问题 I am trying to create function that will look at the username if it is not valid send an alert to the user, clear the username field, and put the username field back into focus. I am trying to do this all with the getElementsBynName() function. It is all working with the exception of getting the field back into focus. My code is below. Does anyone have any suggestions. function uchecker(uname) { var validUname =^\$/); if(validUname != 0) { alert("You have entered an

Input Box doesn't appear when macro is run from shortcut key

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-05 18:16:07
I have a simple little Excel macro that opens a template, asks for a filename, and saves the file. It runs from the Microsoft VBA window without issues, but when the shortcut key is used from Excel, it opens the file, but doesn't show the input box. Sub NewCommentSheet() ' ' NewCommentSheet Macro ' Opens the Comments and Recheck template. A dialog box asks for the data module name, ' which is then used for the filename of the new comment sheet. ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+N ' 'Opens the file Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ "C:\Users\Kelly.Keck\Documents\Projects\SBIR\QA Notes\Comments and