
how to get current url, on exit event InAppBrowser, Ionic2

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-11 00:52:26
问题 I am trying to implement a solution where I need to get the current url on exit event of InAppBowser Ionic2. My Code is import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular'; import {InAppBrowser} from 'ionic-native'; @Component({ selector: 'page-list', templateUrl: 'list.html' }) export class ListPage { browser:any; exit:boolean = false; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) { } startPayment(){ this.browser = new

Ionic 4 missing buttons on select dropdown element in InAppBrowser

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-10 12:04:43
问题 Opening a page with the cordova-plugin-inappbrowser and opening a dropdown/select list, I get the list, but without any confirm or cancel buttons displayed. I do get these outside of the inAppBrowser, in my normal app. This answer does not solve my question, because the element is inside the inAppBrowser, I think: Now I can't close the select / dropdown element, unless I "click" something on the page containing this element. Is there any way to

Bypass SSL Error in InAppBrowser Cordova Plugin

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-10 10:22:56
问题 I have added an InAppBrowser plugin into a Cordova project to access a site and get token but while the site is opening normally in desktop browsers the same is giving error while opening from mobile browser. Also the default native browser will ask to continue in case of SSL error but the Cordova InAppBrowser is not asking for such option and instead showing an error page. I am opening the IAB using the following code : var iab ='', '_blank', 'location=yes'

InAppBrowser (Apache cordova plugin) does not open in Windows 8.1

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:09:07
问题 I am developing an app using visual studio tools for apache Cordova (Cordova CLI : 4.3.1) and AngularJS. It uses InAppBrowser plugin via ngcordova library. Here is my code: var url = ""; var target = "_blank"; var options = { location: 'no', toolbar:'no', hidden: 'no' }; document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () { var browserRef = $, target, options).then(function (event) { }, function (error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

InAppBrowser not being called in Phonegap 3.1.0

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-09 21:31:08
问题 I've grabbed the latest version of phonegap from NPM and installed it. I created a new project and added the InAppBrowser plugin per the docs on the PhoneGap . I then make a JavaScript call from my webapp but I never see the alert I have coded below nor do I see it with any breakpoints I have setup in Xcode for the plugin. Here's the code for the JS: var pdfViewer = { loadPdf: function(record, successCallback, errorCallback) { var filename = record.get('building') + "-" + record.get('floor')

iOS / Cordova: InAppBrowser not working

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-09 06:54:46
问题 I'm building an app for Android and iOS using Cordva (v3.3.0) and JQuery Mobile. Now I'm trying to use the InAppBrowser plugin. On Android this works fine but on iOS the webpage seems to open in the Cordova WebView and not in the system browser. The problem ist that it is not possible to return to the app as soon as the browser is opened because there is no location bar / back button. I already tryed to remove the plugin and to add it again and I also updated Cordova to the latest Version (3

Cordova InAppBrowser Doesn't scale the page loaded

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-08 07:59:44
问题 Can anyone please help me get the external page that the Cordova InAppBrowser loads on Android app to fit to the phone screen size ?. I am invoking the inapp browser from a Sencha Touch app using the follwing code. var opt = 'location=no,clearcache=yes,closebuttoncaption=Back,EnableViewPortScale=yes';'','_blank', opt); When ever I invoke the url I get the following screen Could anyone please help me out ?. 回答1: If the external page fit to

Cordova 3.4.0 InAppBrowser Not Working

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-08 07:11:09
问题 I'm new to Cordova and JS and have been struggling with the InAppBrowser plug-in for Cordova 3.4.0 to work in iOS (Xcode v5.0.2). The cordova project was built successfully using these command line commands: cordova create InAppBrowserTest3-4 local.test InAppBrowser_Test3-4 cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser cordova platform add ios cordova plugins [ 'org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser' ] www config file contains: <feature name="InAppBrowser"> <param name="ios-package" value=

Is there an elegant way to access the camera from the inappbrowser under iOS?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-08 04:32:01
问题 I am currently developing an hybrid app with Cordova. The project is mainly a webview for an external website (implemented with the Cordova inappbrowser plugin). On this site I want the user to be able to take a picture with their device camera and use it on the website. On Android I intercept the "loadstart" event and launch the camera plugin for a specific url, which works just as I want it to. On iOS however, the camera does not launch and I get a warning Warning: Attempt to present

Phonegap build app - inappbrowser window is not shown automatically

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-08 03:27:51
问题 We need to create a simple iOS App that is wrapper for some existing website (will be used internally, not for Apple Store of course). We're using Phonegap Build service and built a few successfull apps already. But with this app we have some issue. We want the App opens inappbrowser window when starts, and that's all we need. We include plugin in config.xml: <plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source="npm" spec="~1.3.0" /> then we have a js code that should open inappbrowser