
How can I set up custom ImageResizer urls?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-13 00:39:52
问题 I'm just getting started with ImageResizer and I'm stuck on what seem like totally basic questions: I have an uploader that I use to put images into a directory that's not directly accessible over HTTP. (If I just put a image at, say, /images/myimage.jpg , then anyone could access it by just asking for it, whereas I want to limit access via thumbnails, watermarks, etc.). So I want to put it at /offlimits/myimage.jpg , but be able to serve it up at /public/images/myimage.jpg . I don't really

快速搭建 Serverless 在线图片处理应用

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-12 23:16:01
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 作者:倚贤 首先介绍下在本文出现的几个比较重要的概念: 函数计算(Function Compute) :函数计算是一个事件驱动的服务,通过函数计算,用户无需管理服务器等运行情况,只需编写代码并上传。函数计算准备计算资源,并以弹性伸缩的方式运行用户代码,而用户只需根据实际代码运行所消耗的资源进行付费。函数计算更多信息 参考 。<br /> ImageMagick :ImageMagick 是一个用于查看、编辑位图文件以及进行图像格式转换的开放源代码软件套装。它可以读取、编辑超过100种图象格式。。参见维基百科 词条 ImageMagick 是图片处理的利器,借助 ImageMagick 可以轻松实现图片的裁剪和缩放。虽然很多语言都封装了 ImageMagick 的调用库,但是把图片处理功能和核心业务功能放在同一个服务内,在软件架构上往往不适合。有如下两方面的原因: 一方面,图片处理依赖外部的 bin,已经编译好的二级制不具备可移植性,给打包发布带来了麻烦。另一方面,图片处理往往是比较耗费计算资源的,对于大多数业务系统来说图片处理属于边缘业务,而非核心业务,所以为整个服务预留较多的计算资源是不划算的。更好的选择是把图片处理类业务以微服务的形式切分出来,部署在具备弹性的底层服务之上。对于此类技术需求,

Image resizer “creating breakpoints”

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-12 03:34:00
问题 I'm using ASP.NET ImageResizer library , I have my application working well. But I came across two problems, first is single ip requesting many images like: image.jpeg?width=10 image.jpeg?width=11 image.jpeg?width=12 image.jpeg?width=13 But this I simply resolve alowing X request per minute. My second problem is that I dont want to create ALL images, I want breakpoints, somethig like: 1º - 320w- 213h 2º - 453w- 302h 3º - 579w- 386h 4º - 687w- 458h 5º - 786w- 524h ... This table I get from

why does ImageResizer is rotating automaticlly image photographed vertical and show it horizontal

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-12 02:57:07
问题 Hello i Have uploaded image using ImageResizer using this code var instructions = new ImageResizer.Instructions { Width = Convert.ToInt32(Newwidth), Height = Convert.ToInt32(Newheiht), Format = "jpg", Mode = ImageResizer.FitMode.Crop, Scale = ImageResizer.ScaleMode.Both, }; File.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob(File, Filepath, instructions); i.CreateParentDirectory = false; i.Build(); i have tried using AutoRotate = true i still got

UrlRewrite IIS to make existing image urls work with ImageResizer

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:52:58
问题 We are trying to use Imageresizer with the disk cache feature as well as the sqldatareader. It expects urls to be in the form of:{imageid}.{extension} whereas all the image links in our site is currently:{imageid}&format={extension} The best solution I have found so far to convert these is UrlRewrite but we are kind of doing the opposite of what it intends (taking nice urls to nasty). I have been struggling to get the rewrite

Imageresizer remote reader plugin not working on live site

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-12 01:44:13
问题 I have followed the imageresizer's troubleshooting for when images do not appear as they are listed here: Potential causes: You are using the .jpg.ashx syntax, and you did not register the HttpModule properly in both places of your Web.config file. You are using the .jpg.ashx syntax, but you're not using a query string. You should drop the '.ashx' unless you actually want to process the file. You are using ASP.NET MVC, but do not have the MvcRoutingShim plugin installed. You have

Using ImageResizing with a custom naming convention

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-11 19:29:04
问题 Hi I was looking in the project to see if there is a plugin that handle this but I didnt find it. I need to set up imageresizer to handle images with prefix, the prefix will define the size and different properties of the resized image. Example is on disk we have the image /Images/Folder1/12345.jpg So the request would be like /Images/Folder1/small_12345.jpg So i need to handle the request, take the prefix (small in this case) and based on an xml decide what properties apply

ImageResizer - ParseQueryOnly - Response is not available in this context, when initialized on production server

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-11 18:00:03
问题 This error occurs only in our production enviromnent, not locally or on the test server. I´ve narrowed it down to the preset-node in the configuration. The exception is thrown when I have presets defined and start the web site. If I comment the preset-element the site starts and images can be scaled manually through the query params. The call stack: Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Response is not available in this context. [HttpException (0x80004005): Response is not available in

ImageResizer custom urls for bundled effects

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-11 17:57:29
问题 We're looking to do something with ImageResizer that should be very easy but couldn't find any documentation on it. We'd like to bundle effects into a shorter url request. For example, instead of doing something like guid.jpg?maxwidth=100&maxheight=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&rotate=90 we'd like to just request guid_thumb.jpg or guid.jpg?bundlemode=1. Then we'd translate bundlemode into the desired effects. That way, if we want to add other effects to the bundle, we can just modify the

Upgrade to imageresizer 4.1.9 loses my license

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-11 15:26:07
问题 I've just upgraded from imageresizer 4.0.5 to 4.1.9 . I had a license for the 4.0.5 product, but when i upgraded via nuget, I'm now getting the red dot and /resizer.debug.ashx tells me that no licenses are found. If i go to my original order quote, i see that i have an ImageResizer v4 Elite License [deprecated], which is news to me that it's deprecated. Does that mean that, even though i have a v4 license, i don't have access to new v4 updates without purchasing a new license? If that's not