

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-02-07 12:01:08
开头介绍   最近对python爬虫和数据分析挺有兴趣的, 看到一个小项目, 利用python调取比特币接口, 然后利用IFTTT设置实时更新和阈值警告, 比较简单适合新手, 自己写了下. 项目开始   首先我们理清思路, 要实现在手机app上接受实时更新和阈值警告, 首先就是要调取比特币接口, 拿到数据, 然后利用IFTTT接口发送到手机app上, 得到实时更新, 阈值警告则是利用拿到的数据与自己设定的阈值相比, 然后再利用IFTTT接口发送到手机上, 所以第一步我们还是利用python获取数据接口.   这里 https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/bitcoin/ 就有比特币及其他相关币种的接口数据, 关于调用接口这里使用requess库.   首先新建一个bitcoin.py项目 1234567 import requestsBITCOIN_API_URL = 'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/bitcoin/'response = requests.get(BITCOIN_API_URL)response_json = response.json()print(response_json) 目录执行python3 bitcoin.py, 然后在控制台即可看到输出的数据. 配置IFTTT

run bash script in raspberry pi via IFTTT

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-20 03:07:45
问题 I have a raspberry pi running Alexa (amazon echo) that can instantly push a trigger to IFTTT, for an example I say "Alexa, trigger email to blablabla" and I immediately receive an email. My Goal I want to execute a bash script on the same raspberry pi with voice command (by Alexa) via IFTTT. Is there any IFTTT recipe that can instantly push a trigger to my raspberry pi? (so that I can instantly run a bash script) (Note: Dropbox doesn't support raspberry pi, though there is an uploader

Slack logon trigger

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-11 06:12:41
问题 I want to create something in Slack that sends a message (starting by calling someone with '@') to a channel when specific users login. I've checked ifttt and zapier. I also checked the slack api to create something myself, but I couldn't really find anything usefull. Anyone has any ideas? 回答1: Slack does not track user login or logoff in a traditional sense. Instead, users are always always "logged in" and available to receive messages once they have joined a team / channel. There also is

Can I post an image in json request to URL in IFTTT Maker Trigger?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-10 19:08:20
问题 Recently, IFTTT introduce its Channel Maker. You can trigger an action by send post request to a specific URL with a json(three key:value elements). It means by making your own trigger URL, you can easily post { "value1": "your first value", "value2": "your second value", "value3": "your third value" } data to trigger an action. I have made an Applet to post some text value to the URL and create a note in my Evernote account with those text. To carry this idea further, I want to post images

Making a ifttt enabled home automation system with raspberry pi

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-07 10:58:30
问题 Hi everyone I am trying to make a relatively simple home automation system with ifttt and my raspberry pi model b+. My goal is to create a python script which hosts a web server which can be posted to by ifttt maker channel. The pi needs to be able to detect the post by ifttt and then run an action in my case change the color/brightness/state of an RGB LED. I have already tried use email to control actions but that was very slow and whenever wifi dropped out on my pi the script crashed so I

Making a ifttt enabled home automation system with raspberry pi

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-05 13:16:48
Hi everyone I am trying to make a relatively simple home automation system with ifttt and my raspberry pi model b+. My goal is to create a python script which hosts a web server which can be posted to by ifttt maker channel. The pi needs to be able to detect the post by ifttt and then run an action in my case change the color/brightness/state of an RGB LED. I have already tried use email to control actions but that was very slow and whenever wifi dropped out on my pi the script crashed so I also will need a detection system that can detect when wifi is out to prevent crashes. I am currently 11

IFTTT Evernote 自动生成笔记

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-03 10:07:09
当我们看到某个博客博文不错,想自动更新到笔记下,以便方便离线随时查看,也不至于等要看的时候却忘记了网址。这个可以通过IFTTT+Evernote来实现。下面来说说如何实现: 1. 应用说明: IFTTT是“if this then that”的缩写。它是一个让你可以通过一些简单的设置就能讲各种互联网服务衔接关联起来的服务。 使用IFTTT里面的印象笔记(Evernote)频道,你能够创建和分享各种可以自动生成笔记、同步内容、归档数据等等任务的规则。如: 1.1 每周在一个设定的时间,在指定的笔记本里面自动生成一条笔记。 1.2 当某个RSS feed里面有新内容的时候,自动生成一条笔记。 2. 步骤: 2.1 先注册IFTTT账号 2.2 创建一个配方 2.3 选择RSS源 2.4 选择触发条件 2.5 输入Feed地址 2.6 选择要导入到哪里 这里有很多种选择,如email、evernote、等等。我这里是导入到evernote 2.7 激活 2.8 选择服务类型 2.9 以印象账号登录 2.10 授权 2.11 选择接下去的动作 2.12 属性更改 2.13 创建 2.14 验证 打开印象笔记,在博客上更新一篇新的文章,看是否同步过来 网站: 运维生存时间 网址: http://www.ttlsa.com/html/3986.html 来源: oschina 链接:

run bash script in raspberry pi via IFTTT

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-02 00:52:33
I have a raspberry pi running Alexa (amazon echo) that can instantly push a trigger to IFTTT, for an example I say "Alexa, trigger email to blablabla" and I immediately receive an email. My Goal I want to execute a bash script on the same raspberry pi with voice command (by Alexa) via IFTTT. Is there any IFTTT recipe that can instantly push a trigger to my raspberry pi? (so that I can instantly run a bash script) (Note: Dropbox doesn't support raspberry pi, though there is an uploader/downloader and the below script uses it with cronjob). I found one ( Raspi Runner ) that runs cronjob every