
Issue with reduced quality on file after saving/converting from canvas

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-02 19:56:07
问题 This is the code I am using. (code is at way bottom of this post but here is link to GitHubGist :: Noitidart / _ff-addon-snippet-browseForBadgeThenCreateSaveAnApply.js) It is copy pastatble to scratchpad (i tried fiddle but it needs privelage scope). When you run it will ask you to select a 16x16 image. Then it will take the firefox icon and put it on a canvas and then take the icon you browsed to and overlay it on the bottom right. Then it will convert it to .ico and save to your desktop as


陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-02 19:31:53
1、区块链所在的“家族”:    核心点:互联网+去中心化: 去中心化:Decentralization 边缘计算:     即 三者联盟:      P2P 下载:【共享用户磁盘】 + CDN :【共享用户宽带】 + 分布式计算:【共享CPU资源】   P2P 下载:【共享用户磁盘】     1999年,Shawn Fanning创立了一个叫Napster的mp3音乐分享网站,他也是Facebook最早的顾问、投资人和股东之一。       Napster本身并不拥有MP3,它可以找到一首歌曲所在各个用户的磁盘上,然后需要这个歌曲资源的用户从各个其他用户磁盘上下载。       P2P下载对版权保护的冲击很大,美国后来禁止用这种方式来分享MP3,Napster也于2002年宣告破产。      P2P的本质,是一种硬盘的共享,是把每个人电脑上的一部分硬盘,拿出来与其他人共享。   CDN :【共享用户宽带】     不同地区访问相同的资源(如视频等占用较大带宽的资源),路径不同,访问速率也不同;     为解决这个问题,分别在几个地区放置相同资源,通过CDN技术,用户可以访问与其最近的资源。      即:分布式的存储,共享分布式的带宽     进化版:P-CDN       将每个用户的电脑都变成CDN       迅雷出的一款产品赚钱宝,后来叫玩客币,使用的就是P-CDN;

Issue with reduced quality on file after saving/converting from canvas

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-02 10:13:19
This is the code I am using. (code is at way bottom of this post but here is link to GitHubGist :: Noitidart / _ff-addon-snippet-browseForBadgeThenCreateSaveAnApply.js ) It is copy pastatble to scratchpad (i tried fiddle but it needs privelage scope). When you run it will ask you to select a 16x16 image. Then it will take the firefox icon and put it on a canvas and then take the icon you browsed to and overlay it on the bottom right. Then it will convert it to .ico and save to your desktop as profilist16.ico and profilist32.ico . It will then change the icons of all your firefox windows. After

Why isn't my favicon appearing in IE7/8?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-02 03:13:38
Page of interest: https://www.gsb-yourbank.com/test/ ICO file: https://www.gsb-yourbank.com/test/favicon.ico My favicon is a 16x16 resolution, 16-color ICO file. It will not appear in IE 7/8 no matter what I do! I've tried everything I can think of, including: generating the ICO with a variety of different utilities, changing the syntax of the favicon link elements in the document head, using absolute, relative, and root-relative URLs in the favicon link elements, using a PNG instead of an ICO file, ensuring that I am uploading the file via FTP in binary mode, As a longtime web developer

Display an .ico within an image element <img>

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-30 11:10:28
I'm trying to display an .ico within an image element <img> but in Internet Explorer it does not work/show. This is my code: <img src="images.ico" > Does anybody how to make it show up in all browsers? Displaying an ico file in an img tag is not guarenteed to work in all browsers(and i wouldn't recommend it). Convert the ico files to another format if you want to display them on the web. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13094257/display-an-ico-within-an-image-element-img

JavaFX. Set different icons for the title bar and the operating system task bar

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-30 06:49:01
Is there a way in JavaFX to set different application icons for the title bar and for the operating system task bar? The problem is that the icon shown in the system task bar is much bigger compare to the icon in the title bar and they cannot be re-sized properly by the system. I would like to use different images for the different icon sizes. Similar to what you do in an .ico file. If I call stage.getIcons().add(...) two times, the former image will be always used for both bars. I was also not able to use an already existing .ico file (that supports different sizes) for this purposes. There


99封情书 提交于 2019-11-30 06:16:02
核心方法 将PyQt5与tinker结合实现程序简化同时打包成exe后完全脱离依赖读取资源文件(只测试了图片) 实现 为了简单,我写了一个最简单的程序作为参考 为了直观,我将所有代码,运行后的截图,打包后的exe截图发出来 上次上传的文件竟然审核不过? 主函数a.py代码,(名字随便) import tkinter as tk class App: def __init__(self, root): tk.Label(background="white",text="测试").pack() separator0 = tk.Frame(height=10, bd=10) separator0.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.hi_there = tk.Button(separator0, text="现在在tinker中,点击此处调用pyqt5", fg="black", background="white",command=self.start) self.hi_there.pack() def start(self): import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon import b class Example(QWidget)


我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-29 15:58:17
如何安装Favicon favicon.ico图像放在根目录下(也可以是其他目录) 在页面源文件的<head></head>标签之间插入 < link rel ="shortcut icon" href =" /favicon.ico" /> 最后形成: < head > ... < link rel ="shortcut icon" href ="/favicon.ico" /> </ head > 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/1590001/blog/268188 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/cheshifei3571/article/details/100849064

JavaFX. Set different icons for the title bar and the operating system task bar

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-29 06:46:56
问题 Is there a way in JavaFX to set different application icons for the title bar and for the operating system task bar? The problem is that the icon shown in the system task bar is much bigger compare to the icon in the title bar and they cannot be re-sized properly by the system. I would like to use different images for the different icon sizes. Similar to what you do in an .ico file. If I call stage.getIcons().add(...) two times, the former image will be always used for both bars. I was also


天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-28 18:02:08
   步骤一:管理-文件-选择文件-上传即可      注: 这里上传文件图片类型不能是 png jpg, 建议用后缀为 ico 的图标,图标体积很小   可能有小伙伴会问后缀为 ico 的图标是用来干嘛的?   简单来说一般是作为网站的缩略标志,显示位于浏览器地址栏,如下图红色圈所示      这也是用谷歌开发者工具查看网站 network 选项时,常会看到名为 favicon.ico 图标的原因       上传成功后,可直接点击上传图片的链接后复制地址,也可以右键审查元素获取地址          最后在 css 样式 body 里加 cursor: url(https://files-cdn.cnblogs.com/files/zouwangblog/cursor.ico),auto; (这里地址为上面获取到的地址)    补充: png 和 jpg 可以直接转换为 ico 格式,使用一个在线生成 ico 图标的网站即可       http://www.bitbug.net/ 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/tu-0718/p/11417905.html