
网站图标 favicon.ico

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-23 00:45:11
默认情况下,浏览器访问一个网站的时候,同时还会向服务器请求“/favicon.ico”这个URL,目的是获取网站的图标。 若没有配置的话,Django就会返回一个404错误,并且浏览器接收到这个404错误后不会显示出来,一般不会被察觉。 但是服务器要是开启日志记录的话,这错误就会一直记录下来,累积一大堆无用的记录。 添加网站图标步骤如下: 制作一个ico文件,使用PS或者某些在线生成ico的网站即可 将此文件命名为“favicon.ico”后放在static/下 from Django.views.generic.base import RedirectView urlpatterns=[ url(r'^favicon.ico$',RedirectView.as_view(url=r'static/favicon.ico')), ] 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/changqing8023/p/9057239.html

How to convert an .ICO to .PNG with Python?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-22 08:19:53
问题 I'm trying to convert a batch of .ICO images over to .PNG images in Python. I have quite a few images to go through so I'd like to find a programmatic solution. I've tried using PIL but I can't seem to get the images and transparency to come out correctly. I'd prefer to use Python but if it can't be done another language or library would also help. 回答1: If it's just a batch job, why not just use imagemagick? 回答2: See http://code.google.com/p/casadebender/wiki/Win32IconImagePlugin It's a PIL

Replacing icon in Windows *.exe from open-source platform-independent Java code

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-21 09:06:07
问题 First of all, this is not a duplicate of the very common question of making an EXE from Java classes. I do not need to do that. To solve NetBeans RFE #64612 without manual steps I need a Java (6+) library which can take an existing Windows *.exe file and replace its icon with a substitute in a common format. The executable, which is generic and prebuilt (distributed in binary form), already knows how to load an application-specific config file and then start the JRE with various application

Why isn't my favicon appearing in IE7/8?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-20 04:16:54
问题 Page of interest: https://www.gsb-yourbank.com/test/ ICO file: https://www.gsb-yourbank.com/test/favicon.ico My favicon is a 16x16 resolution, 16-color ICO file. It will not appear in IE 7/8 no matter what I do! I've tried everything I can think of, including: generating the ICO with a variety of different utilities, changing the syntax of the favicon link elements in the document head, using absolute, relative, and root-relative URLs in the favicon link elements, using a PNG instead of an

.ico icons not showing up on Windows

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-17 20:35:06
问题 I followed the The Qt Resource System guide and the .ico icons appear on Linux. The icons are not showing up on Windows when I try to run the applicaton from Qt Creator. I suspect a plugin issue based on Qt/C++: Icons not showing up when program is run under windows O.S but I failed to figure out what to do from the guide How to Create Qt Plugins. Is it a plugin issue or why aren't the icons showing up on Windows? If it is a plugin issue: How do I tell my applicaton where to find the qico.dll

.ico not displayed in IE? is there any way I can show ico file in IE?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-12 14:29:56
问题 Code: <img src="../images/icons2/check.ico" alt=""/> ico file is not diaplayed in IE. is there any way I can show ico file in IE 回答1: take a look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_browsers#Image_format_support those are all the image formats that a browser can support. Convert your image to png, jpg or gif. There are even some online tools to do the job for you. One example is: http://www.coolutils.com/online/image-converter/ 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6503096

.ico and transparency [closed]

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-10 16:55:44
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 8 years ago . I've been trying to make an icon that has transparency. I've tried Axialis but the documentation is crummy and the ui is somewhat inscrutable. Everytime I think I've figured out how to set transparency, it's coming in with white space. MS documenation mentions using magenta as the background, so I also tried

how to determine the transparent color index of ICO image with PIL?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-09 13:30:01
问题 Specifically, this is from an .ico file, so there is no "transparent" "info" attribute like you would get in a gif. The below example illustrates converting Yahoo!'s favicon to a png using the correct transparency index of "0", which I guessed. how to detect that the ico is in fact transparent and that the transparency index is 0 ? import urllib2 import Image import StringIO resp = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.yahoo.com/favicon.ico") image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(resp.read())) f = file(


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-09 11:03:11
问题分析: 当我们用浏览器打开一个网页比如http://pythoner.net 时,浏览器会去下载http://pythoner.net/favicon.ico 这个文件作为浏览器收藏夹的图标,如果我们想在Django的项目中也加上这样一个图标该如何操作呢? 解决办法: 1,当然得先制作一个ico文件,使用PS或者某些在线生成ico的网站即可 2,将此文件命名为“favicon.ico”后放在static/images/下 3,在项目的urls.py 文件中添加如下代码 (r'^favicon.ico$','django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to',{'url':'/static/images/favicon.ico'}), 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/940444/blog/162438

Ideal size for .ico

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-09 07:38:13
问题 What is an ideal size for a .ico file, that would sit in the top corner of a window? 回答1: Short answer: 16 x 16 pixels. Long answer: .ico files can actually contain multiple images, at multiple colour depths - you can provide 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 in a single file and the OS will pick the best one to show. Of course to keep the file size low you don't want to put too many in there, but if you think people might be saving a link on their desktop (say it's a web application) then it's