
What is the purpose of payload in packet too big ICMPv6 message

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-01-29 08:19:04
问题 I have gone through the RFC 4443 and 8201, perhaps I did not understand as I am new to some terminology described in these RFC but I want to understand the implication of using payload in ICMP packet to big message? As per the RFC 4443 Linkt to 4443 RFC The payload will contain as much of invoking packet not exceeding the minimum path MTU in packet to big message. I don't understand the use case of such payload, even in the RFC 8201 there is no mention about the usages of payload. only one

Scapy - Function 'sr1()' doesn't Return Response-Packet

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-07-23 07:26:21
问题 Hello guys I have a problem with Scapy in Python 3 on Windows 10. I tried to send a Ping (ICMP) request to my default-gateway. This is the packet command: p = IP(dst='')/ICMP(type='echo-request')/Raw('Hello') But after I write r = sr1(ping) the program is stuck on this output: Begin emission: Finished sending 1 packets. I used Wireshark to check the packets and I saw the both packets: Request and response. What do I do wrong? This has been working for me for whole life until now.

Scapy - Function 'sr1()' doesn't Return Response-Packet

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-07-23 07:25:48
问题 Hello guys I have a problem with Scapy in Python 3 on Windows 10. I tried to send a Ping (ICMP) request to my default-gateway. This is the packet command: p = IP(dst='')/ICMP(type='echo-request')/Raw('Hello') But after I write r = sr1(ping) the program is stuck on this output: Begin emission: Finished sending 1 packets. I used Wireshark to check the packets and I saw the both packets: Request and response. What do I do wrong? This has been working for me for whole life until now.

Scapy - Function 'sr1()' doesn't Return Response-Packet

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-07-23 07:24:25
问题 Hello guys I have a problem with Scapy in Python 3 on Windows 10. I tried to send a Ping (ICMP) request to my default-gateway. This is the packet command: p = IP(dst='')/ICMP(type='echo-request')/Raw('Hello') But after I write r = sr1(ping) the program is stuck on this output: Begin emission: Finished sending 1 packets. I used Wireshark to check the packets and I saw the both packets: Request and response. What do I do wrong? This has been working for me for whole life until now.

icmp request received, but doesn't reply [closed]

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-06-09 11:22:05
问题 Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago . I set up 3 CentOS servers, configured server2 as router between and, but ping can't get through. I tried ping from server1, according to tcpdump on server3, ICMP request is received, but it doesn't generate ICMP response. 23:36:06.436243 IP 30.0

What data is included in ICMP (ping) request?

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-14 16:07:53
问题 I know the ICMP request contains the IP address. Is the client MAC address included in an ICMP request? What other info (if any) is included in a ping request? 回答1: An ICMP request is a layered packet which is sent over the internet. It contains the Ether layer, which has the target and source MAC address in it. It also contains the IP layer, which has the source and target IP and also a couple of flags included. And at last it contains the ICMP data. This contains a type, a subtype, then a

What data is included in ICMP (ping) request?

半腔热情 提交于 2020-05-14 16:07:14
问题 I know the ICMP request contains the IP address. Is the client MAC address included in an ICMP request? What other info (if any) is included in a ping request? 回答1: An ICMP request is a layered packet which is sent over the internet. It contains the Ether layer, which has the target and source MAC address in it. It also contains the IP layer, which has the source and target IP and also a couple of flags included. And at last it contains the ICMP data. This contains a type, a subtype, then a

What data is included in ICMP (ping) request?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-05-14 16:06:07
问题 I know the ICMP request contains the IP address. Is the client MAC address included in an ICMP request? What other info (if any) is included in a ping request? 回答1: An ICMP request is a layered packet which is sent over the internet. It contains the Ether layer, which has the target and source MAC address in it. It also contains the IP layer, which has the source and target IP and also a couple of flags included. And at last it contains the ICMP data. This contains a type, a subtype, then a


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-04-06 08:21:50
scapy 介绍: 在python中可以通过scapy这个库轻松实现构造数据包、发送数据包、分析数据包,为网络编程之利器! scapy安装 : pip install scapy ======> scapy 不是内置模块,故需要额外安装 导入scapy方式: from scapy.all import * 构造包: a = Ether()/IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=80)/ 应用层数据 print(a.show()) ======> 可以先通过 a.show() 函数查看数据包的构成部分,然后在构造包时就知道有哪些参数可以填了 发送包: sr(IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=(1,65535)), timeout=2) =====> 发送三层数据包,等待接收一个或多个数据包的响应 ( 注意:当依次向每个 IP 的 65535 个端口发送完才算执行完这个函数,而不是调用一 次只发一个包,以下所有发包方式都与之一样 ) sr1() ======> 发送三层数据包,并仅仅只等待接收一个数据包的响应 srp(Ether(dst='11:11:11:11:11:11')/IP(dst='')/ICMP()) ======> 发送二层数据包,并且等待回应 ( 这个函数可以编辑二层头部, sr()


痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-04-02 16:30:00
前言 网络层是OSI参考模型中的第三层,同时也是TCP/IP模型的第二层。它介于传输层和数据链路层之间,它在数据链路层提供的两个相邻端点之间的数据帧的传送功能上,进一步管理网络中的数据通信,将数据设法从源端经过若干个中间节点传送到目的端,从而向运输层提供最基本的端到端的数据传送服务。主要内容有:虚电路分组交换和数据报分组交换、路由选择算法、阻塞控制方法、X.25协议、综合业务数据网(ISDN)、异步传输模式(ATM)及网际互连原理与实现。 一、功能目的 网络层的目的是实现两个端系统之间的数据透明传送,具体功能包括寻址和路由选择、连接的建立、保持和终止等。它提供的服务使传输层不需要了解网络中的数据传输和交换技术。 网络层提供的两种服务: 1.网络层向上只提供简单灵活的、无连接的、尽最大努力交付的数据报服务,以及每一个分组独立交付的策略。 2.网络层不提供服务质量的承诺。 虚电路服务与数据报服务的对比: 二、网际协议IP 网际协议IP是TCP/IP体系中两个最主要的协议之一,同时IP协议也是最重要的互联网标准协议之一。 与IP协议配套使用的还有三个协议: (1)地址解析协议 ARP( address resolution protocol ) (2)网际控制报文协议 ICMP( internet control message protocol ) (3)网际组管理协议 IGMP(