
不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-13 15:32:40
function getUserIP(onNewIP) { // onNewIp - your listener function for new IPs //compatibility for firefox and chrome var myPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; // 判断是否IE浏览器 var MSIE = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf(“MSIE”) >= 1 if (!!window.ActiveXObject || “ActiveXObject” in window || MSIE) { alert(‘抱歉目前不支持IE浏览器, 请更换’); } else { var pc = new myPeerConnection({ iceServers: [] }), noop = function() {}, localIPs = {}, ipRegex = /([0-9]{1,3}(.[0-9]{1,3}){3}|[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7})/g, key; function iterateIP(ip) {


夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-09 10:46:23
9代酷睿处理器已经登陆桌面平台,不过,仅有三款,而且都是价格不菲的型号。按惯例,Intel将会逐步面向移动平台、入门级桌面等部署更多的款式。 联想网站一款名为IdeaPad S530-131WL的笔记本电脑规格页面,处理器一栏赫然写着Core i7-9550U、i5-9250U、i3-9130U,都是新面貌。 同时,按照联想的表述,i7-9550U对位i7-8565U,i5-9250U对位i5-8265U,i3-9130U对位i3-8145U,看来性能方面几无差别。后三款是Intel8月份发布的8代酷睿新品,隶属于Whiskey Lake家族。 早先的消息称,用于笔记本平台的9代低电压酷睿CPU预计2019年Q2发布,热设计功耗均为15W,每核心配2MB三缓。 至于这批Core 9000U处理器是不是10nm的Ice Lake,或者是新曝光的Comet Lake(彗星湖),还不得而知。由于10nm的延期,14nm工艺是优化再优化,阵容实在是有些混乱。 原文来自: 本文地址: 编辑:任倩倩,审核员:逄增宝 来源: oschina 链接:


我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-05 23:27:30
Google发布了很多令人惊喜的产品,但同时,它也悄悄地也关闭了很多你听过或者没听过的产品。曾经一断时间,它每个季度都来一次“季末大清仓”(大厂就是这么任性),将那些不打算持续的项目和产品,快狠准地扔进自己的“小黑屋”。今天笔者就给大家盘点下, 这10年间,谷歌究竟砍掉了多少令人唏嘘的项目和产品? 2011.10.14——Google Labs Labs 是 Google 的一个实验平台,Labs托管了Google一些早期产品原型,终端用户可以尝试这些原型,但不保证这些产品会正常运行,也不保证在未来会上线。Google 很多成功和受欢迎的产品都来自Labs,包括Google新闻、Google阅读器和Google地图。 2012.4. 20——Google Sync Google正式停止了其BlackBerry的Google Sync应用程序,该应用程序历来使BlackBerry用户的日历和联系人保持同步。 2012. 4. 30——Google Wave Google Wave糅合了多种沟通工具,包括电子邮件、电子邮件群组、即时聊天工具、在线协作文档、线上社区等等,将它们当中的特性彻底打散,同时组合在一起,力图创造出一种高效、协作的沟通环境。 2012. 7. 3——iGoogle Google将所有视频内容移至YouTube,iGoogle和Symbian

MSVC gives up on template heavy code with “fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space”

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-05 21:33:52
I am trying to compile some relatively template heavy code with MSVC (2010), and it eventually quits with fatal error C1060: compiler is out of heap space . The whole thing is just one translation unit, and, in comparsion, gcc handles it quite easily (inside a VM, with significantly fewer resources). Any hints what to look for? Are there any relevant compiler options? You might be able to counter this by explicitly adding the /Zm option to the C/C++ options of your project. e.g. /Zm256 See this page for the possible solution with the /Zm compiler option, as Mordachai suggested. Instead of

Django, how to generate an admin panel without models?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-05 00:47:24
问题 I'm building a rather large project, that basically consists of this: Server 1: Ice based services. Glacier2 for session handling. Firewall allowing access to Glacier2. Server 2: Web interface (read, public) for Ice services via Glacier2. Admin interface for Ice services via Glacier 2. The point I'm concerned with is the web interface. I want to use Django, because it's both written in python and has that incredibly useful automatic admin panel generator. The web interface doesn't access any

mysql把一个数据库中的数据复制到另一个数据库中的表 2个表结构相同

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-04 23:22:53
首页 问题 全部问题 经济金融 企业管理 法律法规 社会民生 科学教育 健康生活 体育运动 文化艺术 电子数码 电脑网络 娱乐休闲 行政地区 心理分析 医疗卫生 精选 知道专栏 知道日报 知道大数据 知道非遗 用户  机构合作 知道福利 知道合伙人  芝麻团 芝麻将 日报作者 知道之星 开放平台 品牌合作 财富商城 特色 经验 宝宝知道 作业帮 手机版 我的知道 mysql把一个数据库中的数据复制到另一个数据库中的表 2个表结构相同  我来答 分享 举报 浏览 31689 次2个回答 #过年啦# 年夜饭应该在娘家吃还是婆家吃? ice千 推荐于2017-10-04 1。表结构相同的表,且在同一数据库(如,table1,table2) Sql :insert into table1 select * from table2 (完全复制) insert into table1 select distinct * from table2(不复制重复纪录) insert into table1 select top 5 * from table2 (前五条纪录) 2。 不在同一数据库中(如,db1 table1,db2 table2) sql: insert into db1..table1 select * from db2..table2 (完全复制) insert into

How to use pthread_atfork() and pthread_once() to reinitialize mutexes in child processes

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-04 08:06:11
问题 We have a C++ shared library that uses ZeroC's Ice library for RPC and unless we shut down Ice's runtime, we've observed child processes hanging on random mutexes. The Ice runtime starts threads, has many internal mutexes and keeps open file descriptors to servers. Additionally, we have a few of mutexes of our own to protect our internal state. Our shared library is used by hundreds of internal applications so we don't have control over when the process calls fork(), so we need a way to

WiX ICE30 error but directory is correct

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-04 04:49:06
问题 My WiX ( project has 2 different web.config files from, and installed to, 2 different locations. The 2 errors from my build are: Error ICE30: The target file 'svcenub9.con|Web.config' is installed in '[TARGETDIR]\inetpub\wwwroot\barcode\' by two different components on an LFN system: 'web_config' and 'views_web_config'. This breaks component reference counting. Error ICE30: The target file 'svcenub9.con|Web.config' is installed in '[TARGETDIR]\inetpub\wwwroot\barcode\' by two

VS2015 Update 1 bug, or bad C++: Why can't a friend class access its friend's protected destructor?

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-04 01:48:47
The following appears to be a pattern employed by ZeroC ICE in the code it auto-generates, which appears to me to be a way they have made singletons (not sure why) for many releases of their tool now. Various compilers have no problem with it, until I found today that Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 (VS version 14.0.24720.00, VC++ version 19.00.23506) emits an error. Before Update 1, VS2015 also had no problem with it. I'm not sure whether it's a bug (regression?) in the VS2015 C++ compiler with Update 1, or bad (not standards-conformant) C++ code that other compilers let slide. Here is an example

Django, how to generate an admin panel without models?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-03 15:59:36
I'm building a rather large project, that basically consists of this: Server 1: Ice based services. Glacier2 for session handling. Firewall allowing access to Glacier2. Server 2: Web interface (read, public) for Ice services via Glacier2. Admin interface for Ice services via Glacier 2. The point I'm concerned with is the web interface. I want to use Django, because it's both written in python and has that incredibly useful automatic admin panel generator. The web interface doesn't access any database. It connects to an Ice service on Server #1 via the Glacier2 router and uses the API exposed