
MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI - Microsoft Graph API integration with HMA Enabled on-premise server

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-12-06 11:57:20
问题 We had integrated our application with Microsoft Graph API enabling user to access their outlook through our application. The integration works fine with office365 users but having intermittent issues with users in on-premise server. Initially after enabling HMA in on-premise server the integration started working, but for past two weeks we are facing issue with the integration and receiving error message as below. HTTP error: 404 Error code: MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI or

MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI - Microsoft Graph API integration with HMA Enabled on-premise server

可紊 提交于 2020-12-06 11:56:07
问题 We had integrated our application with Microsoft Graph API enabling user to access their outlook through our application. The integration works fine with office365 users but having intermittent issues with users in on-premise server. Initially after enabling HMA in on-premise server the integration started working, but for past two weeks we are facing issue with the integration and receiving error message as below. HTTP error: 404 Error code: MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI or

Graph API calls to OnPremise Exchange only works in Playground

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-12-05 11:35:10
问题 Our setup is an on-premise Exchange Server which is accessible over the graph api. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/hybrid-rest-support We run in the issue, that our token is only "partial" working. And a token created by "Graph-Playground" is fully working. But we can't find any difference. When I use Graph-Playground or use the token generated by Graph-Playground => all requests are working When I create a token (over my app registration) => only some requests are working The token

Graph API calls to OnPremise Exchange only works in Playground

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-12-05 11:34:09
问题 Our setup is an on-premise Exchange Server which is accessible over the graph api. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/hybrid-rest-support We run in the issue, that our token is only "partial" working. And a token created by "Graph-Playground" is fully working. But we can't find any difference. When I use Graph-Playground or use the token generated by Graph-Playground => all requests are working When I create a token (over my app registration) => only some requests are working The token

Hybrid App 开发实践总结

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-03-30 07:29:44
引言 随着 Web 技术和移动设备的快速发展,Hybrid 技术已经成为一种最主流最常见的方案。一套好的 Hybrid架构方案 能让 App 既能拥有极致的体验和性能,同时也能拥有 Web技术 灵活的开发模式、跨平台能力以及热更新机制,想想是不是都鸡冻不已。。😄。本系列文章是公司在这方面实践的一个总结! Native App 开发模式 Native App,原生APP,使用原生(即Android或iOS)开发的APP。应用的性能好是无容置疑的,但是企业大都处于尝试和摸索期,企业需要在短时间内快速推出不同的功能、产品来适应市场的需求和变化。对于有专业开发团队的互联网公司而言推陈出新都是个难题,更不要说在企业中的应用。 其缺点有: 开发、更新、维护的周期太长 无法跨平台:Android和iOS都需要开发各自平台的版本——开发成本高; 升级麻烦:每次升级都要下载安装包,Android还好,反正不需要审核,下载就下载吧,但iOS就麻烦了,发布每个版本还得经过App Store的审核 Android和iOS很难同步发布。 Web App 开发模式 HTML5技术的兴起给Web App注入了新的生机。可是Web App目前的本质是金玉其外败絮其中,功能不但无法和Native App媲美,用户体验更是众所周知的弊端。在当前iOS、Android系统主导的桌面入口的形态下,让用户打开浏览器


狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-03-16 18:46:01
1.配置文件相关命令 [Quidway]display current-configuration //显示当前生效的配置 [Quidway]display saved-configuration //显示flash中配置文件,即下次上电启动时所用的配置文件 <Quidway>reset saved-configuration //重置旧的配置文件 <Quidway>reboot //交换机重启 <Quidway>display version //显示系统版本信息 2.基本配置 [Quidway]super password //修改特权用户密码 [Quidway]sysname //交换机命名 [Quidway]interface ethernet 0/1 //进入接口视图 [Quidway]interface vlan x //进入接口视图 [Quidway-Vlan-interfacex]ip address //配置VLAN的IP地址 [Quidway]ip route-static //静态路由=网关 2.基本配置 [Quidway]super password //修改特权用户密码 [Quidway]sysname //交换机命名 [Quidway]interface

Native、Web App、Hybrid、ReactNative和WEEX的优劣

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-03-09 06:16:20
一句话概要 Native、Web App、Hybrid、ReactNative(后面以RN简称)、WEEX间的异同点 APP常用开发模式【简介】 此处APP为应用,application,并非我们通常讲的手机App 常用的几种APP开发模式-脑图 Native App 传统的原生APP开发模式,有IOS和AOS两大系统,需要各自语言开发各自APP。 优点 :性能和体验都是最好的 缺点 :开发和发布成本高 举个栗子 : 网易管家APP (Tab1,Tab2) 应用技术 :Swift,OC,JAVA WebApp 移动端的网站,常被称为H5应用,说白了就是特定运行在移动端浏览器上的网站应用。一般泛指 SPA(Single Page Application)模式开发出的网站,与MPA(Multi-page Application,再后面做介绍)对应。 优点 :开发和发布成本最低 缺点 :性能和体验不能讲是最差的,但也受到浏览器处理能力的限制,多次下载同样会占用用户一定的流量 举个栗子 : 网易管家APP (Tab3) 应用技术 :ReactJS,RegularJS等 Hybrid App 混合模式移动应用,介于web-app、native-app这两者之间的app,兼具“Native App良好交互体验的优势”和“Web App跨平台开发的优势”(百度百科解释) 主要的原理是

Hybrid Mobile App

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-03-03 11:39:30
定义 可以理解为通过 Web 网络技术(如 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript)与 Native 相结合的混合移动应用程序。H5主要用于界面的编写,比如按钮、单选框以及下拉框等; CSS3用于对界面细节化的修饰,设置不同的样式;JS实现数据交互。Native与HTML相比,性能稳定、交互流畅,可以调用本地硬件和访问本地资源,但是开发和维护成本高,发布周期长。而HTML有着跨平台,开发成本第,更新快等有点。 现在很多app都是由原生页面(native)和webview页面(H5)组成,在自动化测试中需要判断页面是native还是webview。 Hybrid 测试流程 进入的页面具有webview 使用uiautomatorviewer工具或contexts方法进行判断存在webview 使用context方法切换进webview 定位,操作 再次使用context方法返回native webview与native的判断   1、uiautomatorviewer中判断   在UI Automator Viewer中,查看结构,如果节点的class 是android.webkit.WebView 则可判断为 H5页面      2、通过contexts方法判断      driver.contexts # ['NATIVE_APP', 'WEBVIEW_com.tencent

Correct Condition For Window.External.Notify is Defined

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-03-03 09:11:06
问题 I'm developing hybrid application that require to call window.external.notify in javascript but this js code should run in browser also. So we have to have a condition for detecting is window.external.notify is defined or undefined. So we use that code but in runtime window.external.notify shows its value is like that {...} (but can't open). Are there any way to handle it? if(window.external !== undefined && window.external.notify !== undefined) 回答1: You can use this: if (typeof (window

Correct Condition For Window.External.Notify is Defined

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-03-03 09:09:29
问题 I'm developing hybrid application that require to call window.external.notify in javascript but this js code should run in browser also. So we have to have a condition for detecting is window.external.notify is defined or undefined. So we use that code but in runtime window.external.notify shows its value is like that {...} (but can't open). Are there any way to handle it? if(window.external !== undefined && window.external.notify !== undefined) 回答1: You can use this: if (typeof (window