
Android App Crashes on HTC and Sony Ericsson Phone

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-05 00:03:02
问题 We launched the app on the Market today - Nomad. I am getting reports that the app crashes on HTC and Sony Ericsson Phones. I got the following Log report from one of the USER. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.m7.nomad/com.m7.nomad.SplashActivity}: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Can't convert to dimension: type=0x3 at at

Android HTC phone with two rear cameras

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-04 05:41:29
问题 I'm trying to select the rear camera in HTC phones but in the API I have only two cameras: CAMERA_FACING_FRONT, CAMERA_FACING_BACK. When I call the open() with CAMERA_FACING_BACK, I get the camera that I don't want (lower resolution than the other one). Which id should I use to open the other rear camera? 回答1: You cannot select the camera directly. You should open the camera with CAMERA_FACING_BACK and set a picture size (it has 27 possible different sizes!). Accordingly with picture size you

maxlength attribute of input in html does not work on HTC One M7

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-04 04:37:54
I got a simple input field which has a maxlength="2" attribute. The code looks like this below: <input id="txtLoginName" maxlength="2"> It works fine on most Android devices. However, on the HTC One M7, it does not work. On this device, it just allows me to enter as many characters as I want. Any suggestion? I think it should be a device specific issue so far. Thanks in advance. Try this one: var $input = $('input') $input.keyup(function(e) { var max = 5; if ($input.val().length > max) { $input.val($input.val().substr(0, max)); } }); I've noticed this issue on a couple of projects. I think

Why don't some xhdpi mobiles display image located in /res/drawable only?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-03 17:48:03
问题 This is a scenario. There are folders: drawable drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-hdpi draawble-xhdpi An image (usually background, but not bound to such images only) is located in /res/drawable only. I test the app on Galaxy S3 and the background is displayed properly. I test on HTC One X and background image is not being displayed. If I copy the image from /res/drawable to /res/drawable-xhdpi , the One X will display image. Thinking logically, this should not be happening , right?! If

Account doesn't appear in contacts app settings on device from HTC

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-03 13:20:24
I write my own SyncAdapter based on example in SDK. It should add contacts from external source, and it works perfect in device emulator. But when I run it on HTC Desire after all I can't see my Account in Contacts->Display options Also I tried google's example on Desire and couldn't see them in this list too. Does anyone know any solution? Henry Pootle I solve it by making my account visible by default. ContentProviderClient client = getContentResolver().acquireContentProviderClient(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY_URI); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ContactsContract

Why don't some xhdpi mobiles display image located in /res/drawable only?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-03 06:30:46
This is a scenario. There are folders: drawable drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-hdpi draawble-xhdpi An image (usually background, but not bound to such images only) is located in /res/drawable only. I test the app on Galaxy S3 and the background is displayed properly. I test on HTC One X and background image is not being displayed. If I copy the image from /res/drawable to /res/drawable-xhdpi , the One X will display image. Thinking logically, this should not be happening , right?! If there is no image in drawable-xhdpi , then Android should look it into other folders until it reaches the

HTC One M8 - making use of 2nd rear camera

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-02 21:39:14
问题 I have an HTC One M8 device, which has 2 rear cameras and an additional front facing camera. My problem is trying to access the 2nd rear camera; I have managed to make an app which runs 2 simultaneous cameras (1 front and 1 rear facing), but the problem is that I cannot access the 2nd rear facing one. I have tried to access the camera through both openCV and through the android camera2 with following code: openCV for Android: CameraBridgeViewBase mOpenCvCameraView2; mOpenCvCameraView2

HTC One M8 - making use of 2nd rear camera

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-02 11:08:14
I have an HTC One M8 device, which has 2 rear cameras and an additional front facing camera. My problem is trying to access the 2nd rear camera; I have managed to make an app which runs 2 simultaneous cameras (1 front and 1 rear facing), but the problem is that I cannot access the 2nd rear facing one. I have tried to access the camera through both openCV and through the android camera2 with following code: openCV for Android: CameraBridgeViewBase mOpenCvCameraView2; mOpenCvCameraView2.setCameraIndex(int value); where value may be 0 - first rear camera, 1 - front facing camera; 2 - does not

Android manifest that will support Galaxy S4, HTC One

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-02 01:39:26
问题 Im trying to create Android manifest that Google Play will show to Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One and so on since current one doesn't list those in compatible devices list. I did search Stack Overflow, but all advices here didn't help me. Below is manifest that I am using for our app... We tried also to remove complete <compatible-screens> and leave only <support-screens> but still no-go... Thanks in advance <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="

Android manifest that will support Galaxy S4, HTC One

孤人 提交于 2019-12-02 01:04:13
Im trying to create Android manifest that Google Play will show to Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One and so on since current one doesn't list those in compatible devices list. I did search Stack Overflow, but all advices here didn't help me. Below is manifest that I am using for our app... We tried also to remove complete <compatible-screens> and leave only <support-screens> but still no-go... Thanks in advance <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.application.testapp" android:versionCode="4" android:versionName="1.01c