
Where did the Homekit Accessory Simulator go in Xcode 6 beta 6?

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-07 10:56:53
问题 In Xcode 6 Beta 5 and previous betas, I could open a HomeKit Accessory Simulator by right-clicking on the icon in the dock and choosing Open Developer Tool > HomeKit Accessory Simulator. In Xcode 6 beta 6, this seems to be no longer the case: How can I launch the accessory simulator now? 回答1: if you read release notes HomeKit Accessory Simulator • HomeKit Accessory Simulator is now included in a separate product called Hardware IO Tools for Xcode, available on developer.apple.com/downloads.

Where did the Homekit Accessory Simulator go in Xcode 6 beta 6?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-05 15:18:38
In Xcode 6 Beta 5 and previous betas, I could open a HomeKit Accessory Simulator by right-clicking on the icon in the dock and choosing Open Developer Tool > HomeKit Accessory Simulator. In Xcode 6 beta 6, this seems to be no longer the case: How can I launch the accessory simulator now? if you read release notes HomeKit Accessory Simulator • HomeKit Accessory Simulator is now included in a separate product called Hardware IO Tools for Xcode, available on developer.apple.com/downloads. (17738621) The easiest way is in Xcode go to Xcode->Open Developer Tools->More Developer tools. It will


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:38:02
前言 homekit是苹果公司的智能家居平台,可以将第三方智能产品对接到苹果的产品中,如iPhone,iPad等。今天,我们学习如何将一个开关通过homekit协议,加入到iPhone手机中,以实现手动控制或Siri语音控制Led灯的亮灭。 前人栽树后人乘凉,感谢git上的小哥开源自己的程序,源码地址 esp32-homekit 。注意:readme.md中的Setup Code是错误的,应该是053-58-197。 框架介绍 外国小哥给出了两个例程,一个普通的开关,一个温湿度传感器,经过测试,都没有什么问题。我们来一起学习这个简单的框架。 examples:是两个简单的例程,示范一下怎么用这套接口。 include:只有一个hap.h,封装了向上的函数接口和数据结构,上层开发只需要包含这一个头文件就可以了。 src:源码,不细学的话,没必要关注。 wolfssl:嵌入式SSL/TLS库服务器,和苹果服务器进行SSL加密通信。 hap.h 要学会使用HomeKit,这个hap.h是重中之重。 它含有三个枚举、两个结构体和若干个函数。我们先看这三个枚举。 enum hap_accessory_category { HAP_ACCESSORY_CATEGORY_OTHER = 1 , …… } ; enum hap_service_type { HAP_SERVICE