

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-16 17:51:07
刚刚有网友说,光连接池存在断网后,重新创建连接存在问题( https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/issues/1736 )。因此一时兴趣,也来测试检验一下小蜜蜂连接池是否也存在类似问题。 测试步骤 1:初始创建10个连接,启动截屏 2:从池中借一个连接并执行SQL 3: 停掉数据库,并立即重启,再重新执行SQL 执行效果描述:10个坏的连接自动关闭,并重新创建一个新连接 结论:小蜜蜂连接池很健壮! 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/3918073/blog/4953186


江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-12 03:13:51
数据库连接池技术 数据库连接池负责分配、管理和释放数据库的连接。 数据库连接复用。重复使用现有的数据库连接,可以避免连接频繁建立、关闭的开销。 统一的连接管理。释放空闲时间超过最大空闲时间的数据库连接,避免因为没有释放数据库连接而引起的数据库连接泄漏。 HikariCP 字节码精简:优化代码,直到编译后的字节码最少,这样,CPU缓存可以加载更多的程序代码; 优化代理和拦截器:减少代码,例如HikariCP的Statement proxy只有100行代码,只有BoneCP的十分之一; 自定义数组类型(FastStatementList)代替ArrayList:避免每次get()调用都要进行range check,避免调用remove()时的从头到尾的扫描; 自定义集合类型(ConcurrentBag):提高并发读写的效率; 其他针对BoneCP缺陷的优化,比如对于耗时超过一个CPU时间片的方法调用的研究(但没说具体怎么优化)。 数据库连接中断的情况测试: HikariCP:等待5秒钟后,如果连接还是没有恢复,则抛出一个SQLExceptions 异常;后续的getConnection()也是一样处理; C3P0:完全没有反应,没有提示,也不会在“CheckoutTimeout”配置的时长超时后有任何通知给调用者;然后等待2分钟后终于醒来了,返回一个error; Tomcat

主流数据库连接池性能比较 hikari druid c3p0 dbcp jdbc

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-11 18:55:27
背景 对现有的 数据库 连接池做调研对比,综合性能,可靠性,稳定性,扩展性等因素选出推荐出最优的数据库连接池 。 NOTE: 本文所有测试均是 MySQL 库 测试结论 1:性能方面 hikariCP>druid>tomcat-jdbc>dbcp>c3p0 。hikariCP的高性能得益于最大限度的避免锁竞争。 2:druid功能最为全面,sql拦截等功能,统计数据较为全面,具有良好的扩展性。 3:综合性能,扩展性等方面,可考虑使用druid或者hikariCP连接池。 4:可开启prepareStatement缓存,对性能会有大概20%的提升。 功能对比 功能 dbcp druid c3p0 tomcat-jdbc HikariCP 是否支持PSCache 是 是 是 否 否 监控 jmx jmx/log/http jmx,log jmx jmx 扩展性 弱 好 弱 弱 弱 sql拦截及解析 无 支持 无 无 无 代码 简单 中等 复杂 简单 简单 更新时间 2015.8.6 2015.10.10 2015.12.09 2015.12.3 特点 依赖于common-pool 阿里开源,功能全面 历史久远,代码逻辑复杂,且不易维护 优化力度大,功能简单,起源于boneCP 连接池管理 LinkedBlockingDeque 数组 FairBlockingQueue

Google Cloud dataflow : How to initialize Hikari connection pool only once per worker (singleton)?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-11 17:40:14
问题 Hibernate Utils is creating the session factory along with Hikari configuration. Currently we are doing inside @Setup method of ParDo, but it opens way too many connections. So is there any good example to initialize connection pool per worker ? 回答1: If you are using @Setup method inside DoFn to create a database connection keep in mind that Apache Beam would create connection pool per worker instance thread. This might result in a lot of database connections depending on the number of

Question about Spring Data JDBC + Hikari + Postgres JSONB

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-11 10:11:21
问题 I'm trying to build an API using Spring Boot Data JDBC with Postgres. I have a simple pojo that I wish to write to a table: public final class Test { private final String id; private final String definition; } The table has 2 columns, a varchar id column and a jsonb definition column. When using a simple CRUD repository to save the pojo, I get the following error. ERROR: column "definition" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying The solution for this would normally be to

Question about Spring Data JDBC + Hikari + Postgres JSONB

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-11 10:11:01
问题 I'm trying to build an API using Spring Boot Data JDBC with Postgres. I have a simple pojo that I wish to write to a table: public final class Test { private final String id; private final String definition; } The table has 2 columns, a varchar id column and a jsonb definition column. When using a simple CRUD repository to save the pojo, I get the following error. ERROR: column "definition" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying The solution for this would normally be to

Question about Spring Data JDBC + Hikari + Postgres JSONB

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-11 10:10:44
问题 I'm trying to build an API using Spring Boot Data JDBC with Postgres. I have a simple pojo that I wish to write to a table: public final class Test { private final String id; private final String definition; } The table has 2 columns, a varchar id column and a jsonb definition column. When using a simple CRUD repository to save the pojo, I get the following error. ERROR: column "definition" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying The solution for this would normally be to

Question about Spring Data JDBC + Hikari + Postgres JSONB

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-11 10:10:22
问题 I'm trying to build an API using Spring Boot Data JDBC with Postgres. I have a simple pojo that I wish to write to a table: public final class Test { private final String id; private final String definition; } The table has 2 columns, a varchar id column and a jsonb definition column. When using a simple CRUD repository to save the pojo, I get the following error. ERROR: column "definition" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying The solution for this would normally be to

Question about Spring Data JDBC + Hikari + Postgres JSONB

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-11 10:09:38
问题 I'm trying to build an API using Spring Boot Data JDBC with Postgres. I have a simple pojo that I wish to write to a table: public final class Test { private final String id; private final String definition; } The table has 2 columns, a varchar id column and a jsonb definition column. When using a simple CRUD repository to save the pojo, I get the following error. ERROR: column "definition" is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying The solution for this would normally be to

DB connections increase after setting aurora in MariaDB connector

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-08 06:49:01
问题 We're testing the failover behaviour using the MariaDB JDBC connector Aurora specific features. We've set the JDBC URL as the documentation suggest: jdbc:mysql:aurora://cluster.cluster-xxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com/db The problem is that as soon as we add the aurora: part in the URL schema, we can see an increase in the connections to the database writer until the point that we've to rollback the change (it even reaches 3.000 connections). Versions: MariaDB connector: 2.0.1 HikariCP