
Is Haxe worth learning? [closed]

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-11-27 04:09:07
问题 For people out there using Haxe, what makes it useful for you? Reading the website it looks very promising. Does it provide significant portability? What are some real world and perhaps under appreciated advantages? What are the pitfalls or gotchas? 回答1: Is Haxe worth learning? The short answer is: Absolutely! For people out there using Haxe, what makes it useful for you? If you're a web developer, you know you can't stick with a single technology for too long. Sooner or later you'll have to

Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code [closed]

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-26 16:59:06
问题 I use Haxe to generate PHP code. (This means you write you code in the Haxe language and get a bunch of php files after compiling.) Today a customer told me that he needs a new feature on a old project made with Haxe. He also told me that he altered some small things on the code for his own needs. Now I first have port his changes to my Haxe code and then add the new feature, because otherwise his changes will be overwritten by the next time I compile the project. To prevent that this happens