

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-04 09:15:30
问题 Using SQL Server 2005. I am building an inventory/purchasing program and I’m at the point where I need the user to “check out” equipment. When he selects a product, I need to query which stock locations have the available Qty, and tell the user which location to walk to/ retrieve product. Here is a query for a particular [StockLocation_Products].ProductID, with a particular assigned [ProductUsages].ProductUsageID. SELECT PROD.ProductID, PROD.ProductName, SL.Room, SL.StockSpace, SLPPU.ResvQty,

oracle sql select syntax with GROUP BY and HAVING clause

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-01-02 04:47:24
问题 I been going thru some of the sql syntax to study for the oracle sql exam, I found something rather confusing based on the official references, the select syntax is as follow : SELECT [ hint ] [ { { DISTINCT | UNIQUE } | ALL } ] select_list FROM { table_reference | join_clause | ( join_clause ) } [ , { table_reference | join_clause | (join_clause) } ] ... [ where_clause ] [ hierarchical_query_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ HAVING condition ] [ model_clause ] based on this you cannot have the

Mysql filter (AND) query on multiple fields in multiple joined rows

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-25 16:25:13
问题 I have created a query which returns a list of products with their fields and values. Now I want to search through fields for a certain value and get a resultlist matching this search query. The problem is that I want an AND construction, so fieldx value must be like %car% and fieldy value must be like %chrome%. Here`s an example of my query and the resultset: Query SELECT p.id as product,pf.field_name,pfv.field_value FROM product p JOIN field pf ON pf.product_id = p.product_id JOIN field_val

SQL group function nested too deeply

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-25 03:50:13
问题 I'm trying to create an sql query that will return the smallest occurrence of an id appearing between two tables however I keep getting the error with the line HAVING MIN(COUNT(E.C_SE_ID)) . Oracle is saying that the group by function is nested too deeply. I cannot think of another way of returning C_SE_ID SELECT CS.C_SE_ID, MIN(COUNT(E.C_SE_ID)) FROM COURSE_SECTION CS, ENROLLMENT E, LOCATION L WHERE CS.C_SE_ID=E.C_SE_ID AND CS.LOC_ID=L.LOC_ID AND L.BLDG_CODE='DBW' GROUP BY CS.C_SE_ID HAVING

Mysql - optimisation - multiple group_concat & joins using having

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-24 16:22:14
问题 I've looked at similar group_concat mysql optimisation threads but none seem relevant to my issue, and my mysql knowledge is being stretched with this one. I have been tasked with improving the speed of a script with an extremely heavy Mysql query contained within. The query in question uses GROUP_CONCAT to create a list of colours, tags and sizes all relevant to a particular product. It then uses HAVING / FIND_IN_SET to filter these concatenated lists to find the attribute, set by the user

How to use GROUP BY after the Having clause Mysql

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-24 02:42:59
问题 Here is the query which gets the accounts for a specific user the products are related to accounts in one-to-many relation so for each product there are four permissions All the accounts which is not Disable and also shows their permissions I got all accounts according to scenario but the problem is if one account has more than one products then it obviously shows account id more than one time * What i am looking for to GROUP BY the a.id after the HAVING clause which checks the permissions *

Count email type per customer id

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:44
问题 I have a form that people can use to send emails to our clients. The user has an option to select between two canned messages (Message "1" or Message "2"). Behind the scenes, every time they hit the "SEND" button it logs into a "RECORDS" table (so long as it makes it through the error handlers). Let's pretend the RECORDS table has 2 columns: CUST_ID EMAIL_NUM 0000 1 0000 2 0000 1 0000 1 0001 2 0002 1 0002 1 0003 2 0003 2 0003 2 I need a query that counts the ones and twos for each CUST_ID. So

What is the difference of using HAVING vs a subquery

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-24 01:16:51
问题 I am new to SQL and doing the learning via datacamp. I was wondering if you can achieve the same result with 'HAVING' as with a nested 'WHERE' clause. Related: SQL - having VS where I understand that HAVING is used with aggregate functions such as min, max, .. How could I rewrite the following with HAVING?: SELECT * FROM populations WHERE year = 2015 AND life_expectancy >( SELECT AVG(life_expectancy)*1.15 FROM populations ); Suppose I have 6 columns in the table 'populations': A (character),

Mysql | Faceted search

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-23 02:25:09
问题 I have a fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/46a7b5/18 This request return all attributes. | META_NAME | META_VALUE | COUNT | |----------------|------------|-------| | Car Type | Coupe | 2 | | Car Type | Sedan | 1 | | Color | Black | 1 | | Color | Red | 1 | | Color | White | 1 | | Interior Color | Black | 2 | | Interior Color | Grey | 1 | | Make | BMW | 2 | | Make | Honda | 1 | | Model | 2Series | 1 | | Model | 3Series | 1 | | Model | Civic | 1 | To get searched result I have the request below:

Complex join with nested group-by/having clause?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-22 00:06:08
问题 I ultimately need a list of "import" records that include "album" records which only have one "song" each. This is what I'm using now: select i.id, i.created_at from imports i where i.id in ( select a.import_id from albums a inner join songs s on a.id = s.album_id group by a.id having 1 = count(s.id) ); The nested select (with the join) is blazing fast, but the external "in" clause is excruciatingly slow. I tried to make the entire query a single (no nesting) join but ran into problems with