
Hapi: Error: Cannot set uncompiled validation rules without configuring a validator

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-29 09:40:57
问题 Here is my Package.json. I was getting error Hapi: Error: Cannot set uncompiled validation rules without configuring a validator. "@hapi/boom": "^9.1.0", "@hapi/hapi": "^19.1.1", "@hapi/inert": "^6.0.1", "@hapi/joi": "^17.1.1", "@hapi/vision": "^6.0.0", const Hapi = require("@hapi/hapi"); const Joi = require("@hapi/joi") const server = new Hapi.Server({ host: "localhost", port: 8003 }); server.route({ method: "GET", path: "/helloWorld", options: { validate: { query: { name: Joi.string()

十大 NodeJS 框架

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-03-26 23:03:12
3 月,跳不动了?>>> Node.js 是基于 Chrome V8 javascript 引擎构建的开源、跨平台运行时环境。事件驱动的非阻塞 I/O 模型使, NodeJS 能开发极其轻便且高效的 Web 应用程序。 客户端 和 服务端 脚本中使用相同的语言,并且这种独特的功能已提高了全球许多开发人员使用 NodeJS 框架快速构建任何 规模 的 Web 应用。自从 2009 年作为一种用于构建 可扩展 服务器端 web 应用的工具推出以来,它的使用量已程 指数级 增长。 让我们看一下这 10 个顶级 NodeJS 框架: Express.JS Express.js 由核心 Node 项目团队的成员之一 TJ Holowaychuk 构建。大型社区支持此框架,因此具有不断更新和改革所有核心功能的优势。这是一个极简主义的框架,用于构建 mobile 应用程序和 API 。Express 是一种小巧且灵活的 Node.JS Web 应用框架,可提供强大的功能集 强大的 API 允许用户通过配置路由在 前端 和数据库(充当 HTTP 服务器框架)之间发送或接收请求。 Koa Koa 由创建 Express.js 的同一团队开发,通常被称为下一代 NodeJS 框架。Koa 的独特之处在于它使用了一些非常酷的 ECMAScript (ES6)方法,这些方法甚至还没有出现在某些浏览器中

hapi lab AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Plugin crumb already registered

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:04:53
问题 i'm not sure why i am receiving this. I am trying to create a simple test while using @hapi/crumb . i am only registering it once in my server.js . const Path = require("path"); const hapi = require("hapi"); const inert = require("inert"); const vision = require("vision"); const Ejs = require("ejs"); const Crumb = require("@hapi/crumb"); const Blankie = require("blankie"); const Scooter = require("@hapi/scooter"); const routes = require("./routes"); // Configure the server const server = hapi

Android - Java parsing HL7 Message with HAPI v 2.2 with DefaultHapiContext

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-19 10:16:08
问题 I get this error when trying to parsing a HL7 message. I dont know why and how to fix it. I'm using hapi v2.2 . SO please help me. Thanks in advance!. Here is catlog!!! 08-28 15:03:28.552: E/dalvikvm(642): Could not find class 'ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext', referenced from method com.example.hl7demo.MainActivity.onCreate 08-28 15:03:28.673: E/AndroidRuntime(642): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext 08-28 15:03:28.673: E/AndroidRuntime(642): at com.example

Android - Java parsing HL7 Message with HAPI v 2.2 with DefaultHapiContext

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-19 10:15:03
问题 I get this error when trying to parsing a HL7 message. I dont know why and how to fix it. I'm using hapi v2.2 . SO please help me. Thanks in advance!. Here is catlog!!! 08-28 15:03:28.552: E/dalvikvm(642): Could not find class 'ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext', referenced from method com.example.hl7demo.MainActivity.onCreate 08-28 15:03:28.673: E/AndroidRuntime(642): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext 08-28 15:03:28.673: E/AndroidRuntime(642): at com.example

Unable to Parse Multiple IN1 Segment in HL7 using HAPI TERSER

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-14 02:03:29
问题 I am receiving HL7 messages version 2.5.1. MSH|.. PID|.. PV1|.. ORC|.. IN1|1|... IN1|2|.... So in the above example IN1 is repeating, however when i try to Parse the second IN1 segment with TERSER it throws an exception "Can't create repetition #1 of Structure IN1 - this Structure is non-repeating" . This is what i have tried so far string insurance = terser.Get("/.INSURANCE/.IN1(0)-1"); // Works fine string insurance = terser.Get("/.INSURANCE/.IN1(1)-1"); // Throws exception string insurance

Get Hapi to Register @Hapi/Good Plugin Only Once

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-13 03:19:38
问题 Hapi (v17 & 18) states that I can specify an option on server.register to make the plugin on get initialized once, regardless of however many times server.register is called with that plugin - link to docs. However, I have been unable to get this to work. I have tried putting options an element on the object that gets passed into server.register . When I try to run the server, I get the error [1] "once" conflict with forbidden peer "options" . This leads me to believe that it must go in the

How to register hapi cron with the latest version of hapi.js

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-13 02:55:40
问题 I have my server registered with hapijs. Here is my index.js composer((err, server) => { if (err) throw err server.initialize((errInit) => { if (err) throw errInit const register = (hapiRaven, options, next) => { return next() } register.attributes = { name: 'hapi-raven', version: '1.0.1', options: { } } server.register([ register ]) server.start(() => { // server starts }) }) }) I have to use hapi-cron and need to call an api with it for every minute. So I need to know where I can use below

Error: handler method did not return a value, a promise, or throw an error

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-13 02:54:33
问题 Error: handler method did not return a value, a promise, or throw an error { method: 'GET', path: '/departments', handler: (request, h) => { // let results=[]; connection.query('SELECT * FROM departments', function (Error, results) { if (Error) { console.log(Error); return Error; } console.log(JSON.stringify(results)); }); return h.response(results); }}, 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54862193/error-handler-method-did-not-return-a-value-a-promise-or-throw-an-error

Add prefix to all api's in hapi

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-11 19:02:14
问题 I have this code written in index.js file. My api's are running successfully on the / path. Now I need add a prefix to all my api's. I don't want to add one by one by editing each file. I need to do in one go. composer((err, server) => { if (err) throw err server.initialize((errInit) => { if (err) throw errInit server.register({ register: require('hapi-cron'), routes: { prefix: '/api' }, options: { jobs: [] } }, (err) => { server.start(() => { const env = process.env.NODE_ENV const msg = `$