
How to style GWT CellList?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-03-20 12:43:50
问题 I have a CellList that I want to style. I want to change the cursor style, the ugly color of a selected cell . I checked several questions and discussions on stack overflow,but none of them worked. I checked these one: CellList GWT CSS Style How do I style a gwt 2.1 CellTables headers? Her is my code: public interface CellListResource extends CellList.Resources { public static CellListResource INSTANCE = GWT.create(CellListResource.class); interface CellListStyle extends CellList.Style { }

GWT 2.4.0 RequestFactory polymorphism

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-22 12:44:47
问题 Does GWT 2.4 support this case: @Entity class MyBase {...} @Entity class MyChild1 extends MyBase {...} @Entity class MyChild2 extends MyBase {...} ... @ProxyFor(MyBase.class) class MyBaseProxy extends EntityProxy {...} @ProxyFor(MyChild1.class) class MyChild1Proxy extends MyBaseProxy {...} @ProxyFor(MyChild2.class) class MyChild2Proxy extends MyBaseProxy {...} ... @Service(ArticleBase.class) public interface MyBaseRequest extends RequestContext { Request<MyBaseProxy> getStuff(); // MyChild1

GWT create Image using ImageResource

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-13 12:29:10
问题 My question is really simple and shot. but hope I can have a clear answer. We can create GWT Image in many ways. Image image = new Image ( (ImageResource)imageRes); Image image = new Image ( (ImageResource)imageRes.getSafeUri() ); Image image = new Image (); image.setUrl((ImageResource)imageRes.getSafeUri().asString() ); My question is: what are the difference among these 3 ways to create a new image using ImageResouce. Which one is best or faster for first-time loading? Thanks 回答1: First,

Requestfactory Validation on Multi-Project Setup

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-11 18:17:27
问题 I tried changing to the release version of gwt2.4 and run into a problem. I use multiple projects in my setup. I have a project with serverside code, one project with shared code, that can be used in different gwt projects and a gwt project binding everything together. I build everything with maven. i followed the instructions for annotationprocessing found here: when I compile my shared project, where the

Upgrading from gwt2.4.0 to gwt2.5.0 giving exceptions

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-11 08:34:57
问题 I have a application for that i have updated from gwt2.4.0 to gwt2.5.0. When i am running the application then seeing the following exception. 18:34:25.338 [ERROR] [OneViewUI] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Users/srapolu/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-user/2.5.0/gwt-user-2.5.0.jar!/com/google/gwt/core/client/' 18:34:25.391 [ERROR] [OneViewUI] Line 276: The method setBridge(GWTBridge) in the type GWT is not applicable for the arguments (GWTBridge) can you please help. 回答1: I experienced

why does changing “module -> rename to” attribute in .gwt.xml file give error

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-10 10:21:34
问题 I am able to create and run a simple GWT application by creating all the files myself. It works fine and I am able to see the correct display. I tried playing around the code to enhance my knowledge. What I noticed is that, once I run my app with say module rename to value " testhistory " it works fine. But after that if I change rename to 's value to say " historytokentest " the app gives errors like "Unable to find ' testhistory.gwt.xml ' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you

GWT create Image using ImageResource

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-06 03:46:23
My question is really simple and shot. but hope I can have a clear answer. We can create GWT Image in many ways. Image image = new Image ( (ImageResource)imageRes); Image image = new Image ( (ImageResource)imageRes.getSafeUri() ); Image image = new Image (); image.setUrl((ImageResource)imageRes.getSafeUri().asString() ); My question is: what are the difference among these 3 ways to create a new image using ImageResouce. Which one is best or faster for first-time loading? Thanks First, you should not use the last two. An ImageResource technically represents a region within a "sprited" image: it

why does changing “module -> rename to” attribute in .gwt.xml file give error

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-05 21:50:15
I am able to create and run a simple GWT application by creating all the files myself. It works fine and I am able to see the correct display. I tried playing around the code to enhance my knowledge. What I noticed is that, once I run my app with say module rename to value " testhistory " it works fine. But after that if I change rename to 's value to say " historytokentest " the app gives errors like "Unable to find ' testhistory.gwt.xml ' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?" If I change the rename to 's value back to " testhistory

GWT 2.4.0 RequestFactory polymorphism

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-03 09:08:22
Does GWT 2.4 support this case: @Entity class MyBase {...} @Entity class MyChild1 extends MyBase {...} @Entity class MyChild2 extends MyBase {...} ... @ProxyFor(MyBase.class) class MyBaseProxy extends EntityProxy {...} @ProxyFor(MyChild1.class) class MyChild1Proxy extends MyBaseProxy {...} @ProxyFor(MyChild2.class) class MyChild2Proxy extends MyBaseProxy {...} ... @Service(ArticleBase.class) public interface MyBaseRequest extends RequestContext { Request<MyBaseProxy> getStuff(); // MyChild1 here } ... Request<MyBaseProxy> getStuffRequest = request.getStuff(); Receiver

How to add CSS AnimationEnd event handler to GWT widget?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-01 05:49:56
I would like my GWT widget to be notified when its CSS animation is over. In plain HTML/Javascript this is easily done by registering an event handler like so: elem.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", function(){ // do something }, false); // add more for Mozilla etc. How can I do this in GWT? This type of event is unknown to GWT's DOMImpl classes, so I keep getting an error " Trying to sink unknown event type webkitAnimationEnd ". Thanks! Rok Strniša You can always write some of the native (JavaScript) code yourself: public class CssAnimation { public static native void registerCssCallback