

前提是你 提交于 2020-02-11 02:42:45
  Groupon的成功上市之后,远在大洋此岸的“中国学徒”处境如何?   最近消息不断:拉手网借Groupon东风冲击纳斯达克未果,资本风声收紧,行业洗牌加速,接二连三的传言和坏消息,让已经饱受质疑的“团购模式”再次蒙上一层阴影。   眼下的局面,似乎不是Groupon的中国学徒们最初能够想象到的。   一年前,依靠模仿Groupon模式,国内大大小小的团购网站一夜之间遍地开花。团购给了一些人新的创业梦想,也给了一些个人站点低门槛进入的机会。“团购时代”的带来,似乎描绘了一个美好的蓝图。创业者、投资界,商家和消费者都为之激动。   然而,接下来的游戏却渐渐变得有门槛,不好玩起来。“千团大战”让竞争变得激烈,跑马圈地,同质化严重,“烧钱”游戏不断升级。为了改善生存环境,提高用户的忠诚度,中国团购采取很多利于消费者权益的措施。但融资难,洗牌、集中化,已经不可避免。   据数据显示,TOP10团购网站占据了80%多的市场份额。据《全国团购网站普查数据公报》显示,截至2011年10月底,全国范围内已有1483家团购网站在激烈的竞争中关闭、退出团购市场。   接下来的问题是,Groupon的“中国学徒”谁能从混战中“剩”出,又有谁可以顺利毕业?中国团购是否可以迎来第二春么?   严酷的事实证明,简单模范Groupon的已经难有出路,或者难以走的更远。Groupon可以让毛利率保持在40%

Authorize/Capture for PayPal

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-21 02:56:13
问题 Using PayPal IPN, can we implement delayed payment. Perfect example is Groupon where card is charged only when deal is tipped. Can someone throw light on implementation part using PayPal IPN and also how multiple cards can be charged at once when deal is tipped. 回答1: For Authorize And Capture: To make a payment authorize you will have to pass "authorization" in paymentmethod parameter instead of "sale" <input type="hidden" name="paymentaction" value="authorization" /> So, For this type of

Authorize/Capture for PayPal

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-03 09:03:11
Using PayPal IPN, can we implement delayed payment. Perfect example is Groupon where card is charged only when deal is tipped. Can someone throw light on implementation part using PayPal IPN and also how multiple cards can be charged at once when deal is tipped. jimy For Authorize And Capture: To make a payment authorize you will have to pass "authorization" in paymentmethod parameter instead of "sale" <input type="hidden" name="paymentaction" value="authorization" /> So, For this type of payment, paypal will not charge the sender immediately but will wait till receiver confirmation. To