问题 I'm trying to get the thumbnail of a file but am getting an error 404, the url that return drive is like this in some files https://docs.google.com/feeds/vt?gd=true&id=1DnoJzxnZXVERyqC5jfTwfpd8uEn&v=39&s=AMedNnoAAAAAUL0gv5da9U81UzT-L4N59b1BwNuZmzgU&sz=s220 but in others is https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/ACwqFdvBX0NUJO6SR9fyemnCnSel-TpCZTaddu9CEkZqxtQpJY84cP_cFj64CA6=s220 the last one is from picasa and works, so apparently the url's that works are from picasa, how can i get the url's of