
What does “You are in the middle of an am session” mean?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-30 16:45:36
问题 When I run git status , this is what I am seeing: $ git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) You are in the middle of an am session. (fix conflicts and then run "git am --continue") (use "git am --skip" to skip this patch) (use "git am --abort" to restore the original branch) Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard

Git merge pending due to an abandoned commit

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-11-30 15:40:03
I have two commits. Commit B depends on commit A. Commit A was abandoned. Now I am getting error for merging B. It says submitted, merge pending due to dependency of B on A. I have googled around but cant find an exact answer. I need step by step solution as I am a novice in git and am finding hard to understand how to resolve this. This is what happened. git commit in local for A. git push for A in remote. A got abandoned, but my local git has commit A. git commit in local for B in same branch (Makes B dependent on A). git push B in remote in same branch. Now B is not merging since A is


会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-11-30 14:36:27
Gerrit 是一个免费、开放源代码的代码审查软件,使用网页界面。 利用网页浏览器,同一个团队的软件程序员,可以相互审阅彼此修改后的程序代码,决定是否能够提交,退回或者继续修改。 它使用 Git 作为底层版本控制系统。它分支自 Rietveld , 作者为Google公司的Shawn Pearce,原先是为了管理Android计划而产生。这个软件的名称,来自于荷兰设计师赫里特&middot;里特费尔德(Gerrit Rietveld)。 最早它是由Python写成,在第二版后,改成用Java与SQL。使用Google Web Toolkit来产生前端的JavaScript。 评审问题列表页面: 问题详细页面: 来源: oschina 链接:


半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-30 09:42:54
旧gerrit服务器IP: 新gerrit服务器IP: 1:备份56.101服务器数据库: pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres review_db > review_db.sql 2:复制review_db.sql到56.103服务器上 scp -r review_db.sql gerrit@ 03 3:在执行以下操作时,要暂停gerrit 4:复制56.101上面的Git到新的56.103上: scp -r /home/gerrit/review_site/git/* gerrit@ 5:复制56.101上的password到56.103上 scp / etc/apache2/passwords ubuntu @ etc/apache2 6:执行安装命令: java -jar gerrit.war init -d gerrit_sites 7:重启gerrit 来源:

Getting local gerrit and repository working (including branches) based on a github project

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-30 09:40:15
Our goal is to do internal development based on a project hosted on an external repo (github) using git and gerrit. We would pull from the external repo periodically to bring in new changes and branches, and use gerrit to manage the review process (and Jenkins to build it all). Our initial process is to clone from the external repo to a local repo via git, then create an empty project in gerrit, and finally push the local clone to gerrit. At that point, however, we see no branches in the gerrit repo! Right now we're working around that by manually adding the branched and refids, but that seems

How to install delete-project plugin in gerrit?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-30 09:05:05
I want to install delete-project plugin to my gerrit server. As per the latest version, I should clone it from google source and use buck build. I cloned it and my buck is also ready. What are the steps to be followed to build the delete project plugin and add it to my gerrit server. I tried buck build . in the cloned source of delete-project. But, I am getting the following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gerrit/buck/src/com/facebook/buck/parser/", line 872, in <module> main() File "/home/gerrit/buck/src/com/facebook/buck/parser/", line 867, in main

Google authentication for Gerrit and Jenkins

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-30 08:39:01
Jenkins and Gerrit have both plugins for OpenID 2.0, but this API has been deprecated by Google May 19 2014 ( ) making it impossible for new installation to use and existing installations must migrate to OAuth2.0(OpendID connect). When trying to use OpenID 2.0 you will get the error message "Error 400: OpenID auth request contains an unregistered domain". The Gerrit team is aware of the problem but no solution as of yet: Not sure about Jenkins. Update 2014/11/05 : For those coming

Gerrit Add Reviewers

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-30 06:43:44
I have a project in Gerrit and each time I submit a change I manually have to add a group of reviewers to that change. Is there a mechanism that would allow me to specify reviewers that I want to be emailed for each change? Motti Strom You can use the syntax on your branch specifier during a push to automatically add reviewers to a change. You can add as many emails as you want and all will be emailed, e.g. git push tr:kernel/common HEAD:refs/for/,, It’s a good idea to just specify this in a remote block in your git config so you

Gerrit: remote rejected (you are not allowed to upload merges) even though I allowed “Push merge commit”

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-30 03:09:26
问题 I've configured Gerrit to allow Push Merge Commit on my branch, but I still get the following error when I try to push a merge commit: ! [remote rejected] ANDROID-foo -> ANDROID-foo (you are not allowed to upload merges) I'm running Gerrit 2.8-1-gaa9367b. 回答1: This is a bug in gerrit. The workaround is to create another reference named refs/for/refs/heads/<BRANCH_NAME> , and allow Push Merge Commit on it. To be more specifically, add following lines in your project.config file [access "refs

实操案例:使用Prometheus Operator进行集群监控

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-11-30 02:45:16
据Sysdig发布的容器报告,容器以及如Kubernetes等编排工具的使用增长了51%以上,大家开始将工作负载在集群中进行托管并管理。鉴于集群中短暂的状态,对于端到端的集群有一个十分重要的需求,即能够详细监控节点、容器以及pod。 IT工程师需要管理应用程序、集群(节点和数据),并且需要减少手动配置service、目标和数据存储的工作量,同时在应用程序每次关闭和返回时进行监控。这就需要一个无缝部署以及管理高可用监控系统(如Prometheus),其中可以与Operator一起处理抓取目标的动态配置、服务发现以及用于告警集群中各种目标的配置规则。同时,使用Operator模式编写代码以减少人工干预。 本文,我们将关注Prometheus Operator是如何工作的,service monitor在Prometheus Operator中是如何发现目标和获取指标的。 在集群监控中Prometheus Operator所扮演的角色 能够使用原生Kubernetes配置选项无缝安装Prometheus Operator 能够在Kubernetes命名空间中创建和摧毁一个Prometheus实例,某个特定的应用程序或者团队能够轻松地使用Operator 能够预配置配置文件,包括Kubernetes资源的版本、持久性、保留策略和replica 能够使用标签发现目标service