
Error in R gbm function when cv.folds > 0

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-11 12:44:23
问题 I am using gbm to predict binary response. When I set cv.folds=0, everything works well. However when cv.folds > 1, I got error: Error in object$var.levels[[i]] : subscript out of bounds when the first irritation of crossvalidation finished. Someone said this could because some factor variables have missing levels in training or testing data, but I tried only use numeric variables and still get this error. > <- gbm(model.formula, + data=dataall_train, + distribution = "adaboost", + n

Gradient Boosting using gbm in R with distribution = “bernoulli”

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-08 09:26:21
问题 I am using gbm package in R and applying the 'bernoulli' option for distribution to build a classifier and i get unusual results of 'nan' and i'm unable to predict any classification results. But i do not encounter the same errors when i use 'adaboost'. Below is the sample code, i replicated the same errors with the iris dataset. ## using the iris data for gbm library(caret) library(gbm) data(iris) Data <- iris[1:100,-5] Label <- as.factor(c(rep(0,50), rep(1,50))) # Split the data into

gbm.plot function: How can I insert a scale break in one of the plot charts

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-29 14:24:28
问题 I wish I could insert a scale break in my depth chart so that I can better visualize the variation within the data. I have some very extreme points (between 1000 and 4000 m), they are not the majority but they are preventing me from properly viewing the other values, closer to zero. I'm having a hard time inserting individual changes for each chart. Im using the dismo package. gbm.plot(ina, n.plots= 3, y.label= "fitted function", x.label= "", write.title= FALSE, common.scale= FALSE, cex.axis=

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-01-28 15:12:08
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

久未见 提交于 2021-01-28 15:11:17
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-01-28 15:10:47
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-28 15:10:44
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-01-28 15:10:29
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

一世执手 提交于 2021-01-28 15:10:25
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am

doRedis/foreach GBM parallel processing error in R

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-28 15:09:49
问题 I am running a gbm model using the caret package and trying to get it working using parallel processing with the doredis package. I can get the backend workers all up and running, but am having issues when they recombine into the final model. I am getting this error: Error in foreach(j = 1:12, .combine = sum, .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% : target of assignment expands to non-language object This is my first time trying to run the foreach loop (let alone on a complex problem like gbm) and am