

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-24 13:54:12
用户空间文件系统(Filesystem in Userspace,简称FUSE)是操作系统中的概念,指完全在用户态实现的文件系统。目前Linux通过内核模块对此进行支持。一些文件系统如ZFS,glusterfs和luster使用FUSE实现。 Linux用于支持用户空间文件系统的内核模块名叫FUSE,FUSE一词有时特指Linux下的用户空间文件系统。 文件系统是一个通用操作系统重要的组成部分。传统上操作系统在内核层面上对文件系统提供支持。而通常内核态的代码难以调试,生产率较低。 Linux从2.6.14版本开始通过FUSE模块支持在用户空间实现文件系统。 在用户空间实现文件系统能够大幅提高生产率,简化了为操作系统提供新的文件系统的工作量,特别适用于各种虚拟文件系统和网络文件系统。上述ZFS和 glusterfs都属于网络文件系统。但是,在用户态实现文件系统必然会引入额外的内核态/用户态切换带来的开销,对性能会产生一定影响。 目前Linux,FreeBSD,NetBSD,OpenSolaris和Mac OSX支持用户空间态文件系统。 比较知名的用户空间文件系统: ExpanDrive: 商业文件系统,实现了SFTP/FTP/FTPS协议; GlusterFS: 用于集群的分布式文件系统,可以扩展到PB级; SSHFS: 通过SSH协议访问远程文件系统; GmailFS:


北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-22 22:22:23
FUSE:用户空间文件系统(Filesystem in Userspace),是Linux 中用于挂载某些网络空间,如SSH,到本地文件系统的模块。 如果装的是双系统,centOS并不支持ntfs分区,所以挂载就成了第一件大事。 1. 安装fuse 网上建议不要用二进制包安装而应该用源代码安装,所以我直接用的源码安装,去这里下载fuse: [url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=121684[/url] 也可以去这里:[url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=121684&package_id=132802[/url] (这里的版本比较多) 我是装的fuse-2.8.0-pre1,才成功的。之前试了一下 2.7.4,2.7.3,2.7.2,2.7.1,均以失败告终。 在下载文件包的README里,有编译步骤 即: ./configure make make install modprobe fuse 用比较老的版本的fuse,在./configure时出现错误: FATAL: Module fuse not found. fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first FUSE

Move object from one array to another

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-13 13:53:53
问题 i have one object that one of the properties is an array of objects, the idea is to move objects from that array to no new one if one condition is true. public $onInit(): void { this.getTicket(); } public ticket: any; // Object with the array public comments: any = []; // New array to move the elements public getTicket(): void { this.ticketService .getTicketComplete(this.$stateParams.ticketID) .then((response: any) => { this.ticket = response; this.stringToDate(this.ticket); this.ticket

Move object from one array to another

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-13 13:53:10
问题 i have one object that one of the properties is an array of objects, the idea is to move objects from that array to no new one if one condition is true. public $onInit(): void { this.getTicket(); } public ticket: any; // Object with the array public comments: any = []; // New array to move the elements public getTicket(): void { this.ticketService .getTicketComplete(this.$stateParams.ticketID) .then((response: any) => { this.ticket = response; this.stringToDate(this.ticket); this.ticket


女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-07 01:18:19
MFS概述 MooseFS是一个具有容错性的网络分布式文件系统。它把数据分散存放在多个物理服务器上,而呈现给用户的则是一个统一的资源。 优势 1、高可靠(数据的多个拷贝被存储在不同的计算机上) 2、通过附加新的计算机或者硬盘可以实现容量的动态扩展 3、删除的文件可以根据一个可配置的时间周期进行保留(一个文件系统级别的回收站) 4、不受访问和写入影响的文件连贯快照 缺点 master服务器不能解决单点故障 MFS的构成 元数据服务器(Master): 在整个体系中负责管理文件系统,维护元数据,目前不支持高可用。 元数据日志服务器(MetaLogger): 备份Master服务器的变化日志文件,当master服务器损坏,可以从日志服务器中取得文件恢复。 数据存储服务器(Chunk Server): 真正存储数据的服务器,服务器越多,容量就越大,可靠性越高,性能越好。 客户端(Client): 可以像挂载NFS一样 挂载MFS文件系统 实验拓扑图 实验环境     服务器                 IP地址              master服务器 log日志服务器 chunk1服务器 chunk2服务器         192.168.13


独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-06 21:58:45
转载请注明出处: https://www.cnblogs.com/darkknightzh/p/12150637.html 论文 HRNet:Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.09212 HRNetV2:High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.04514 官方代码: https://github.com/HRNet 包括如下内容 1 简介 论文指出,有两种主要的计算高分辨率特征的方式:1 从ResNet等网络输出的低分辨率特征恢复高分辨率特征,同时可以得到中分辨率特征,如Hourglass、SegNet、DeconvNet、U-Net、encoder-decoder等。此时,可以使用上采样网络得到高分辨率特征,上采样网络应当和下采样网络互为对称网络(也有不对称的上采样过程,如RefineNet等)。2 通过高分辨率特征及并行的低分辨率特征来保持高分辨率特征。另一方面,空洞卷积可以用于计算中分辨率的特征。 HRNet能够保持高分辨率的特征,而不是从低分辨率的特征恢复高分辨率的特征。 2

FUSE filesystem hide from nautilus

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-25 04:17:31
问题 I have written a FUSE driver for linux, and when I mount it I get an entry in the nautilus sidebar. I do not want this - the unmount button doesnt even work. I would like to hide this entry in the nautilus sidebar for my mounted fuse filesystem. I dont want to add it to the fstab because running it as root opens security holes. Is there anything I can add to the options line or the code itself to prevent it from showing in nautilus? 回答1: I believe Nautilus will only show those sidebar entries

FUSE filesystem hide from nautilus

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-25 04:17:15
问题 I have written a FUSE driver for linux, and when I mount it I get an entry in the nautilus sidebar. I do not want this - the unmount button doesnt even work. I would like to hide this entry in the nautilus sidebar for my mounted fuse filesystem. I dont want to add it to the fstab because running it as root opens security holes. Is there anything I can add to the options line or the code itself to prevent it from showing in nautilus? 回答1: I believe Nautilus will only show those sidebar entries

How do I check whether a fuse folder is present

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-24 15:10:16
问题 I have a folder mounted on the server that points to an sftp site. I need to check via php whether we can see the folders inside it. I tried file_exists("/path/to/the/mount/folder"); but its returning false (which I kind of expected), I can navigate to it through the file system and using terminal. (also tried is_dir && is_link ) Here's how I mounted it from the shell echo PASS | sshfs UNAME@URL: /path/goes/here -o password_stdin 回答1: This turned out to be a configuration problem. In /etc

Flatpak (flatpak-build) fatal error when building submodules

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-24 09:08:15
问题 Following on from here, when using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed I cannot get flatpak-builder to compile submodule dependencies. I first noticed this issue when developing a console application within Gnome Builder using the Vala dependencies Gee and GXml. As a test, I have installed org.gnome.Books.json and issued the following command (as documented here): $ flatpak-builder --repo=repo books-app org.gnome.Books.json The outcome is the same as I observed when developing my own application, the fatal