
Forgot to close the Lucene IndexWriter after adding Documents to the index

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-05 17:59:17
I had a program running for 2 days to build a Lucene index for around 160 million text files, and after the program ended, I tried searching the index and found the index was not correctly built, indexReader.numDocs() returned 0. I checked the index directory, it looked good, all the index data seemed to be there, the directory is 1.5 Gigabytes in size. I checked my code and found that I forgot to call indexWriter.optimize() and indexWriter.close(), I want to know if it is possible to re-optimize() the index so I don't need to rebuild the whole index from scratch? I don't really want the

List which columns have a full-text index in SQL Server 2005

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-05 16:57:26
问题 How do I list all tables / columns in my database that have a full-text index? 回答1: select distinct object_name(fic.[object_id]) table_name, [name] column_name from sys.fulltext_index_columns fic inner join sys.columns c on c.[object_id] = fic.[object_id] and c.[column_id] = fic.[column_id] 回答2: This one gives you more information SELECT t.name AS TableName, c.name AS FTCatalogName , i.name AS UniqueIdxName, cl.name AS ColumnName, cdt.name AS DataTypeColumnName FROM sys.tables t INNER JOIN

MongoDB - Logical OR when searching for words and phrases using full text search

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-05 01:44:09
问题 I asked a related question previously, and as suggested by the poster there have created this new question as a follow up: MongoDB full text search - matching words and exact phrases I was having some problems with unexpected results when using the full text search functionality in MongoDB, specifically when searching for a mixture of words and phrases. Using this helpful example provided by the poster in the previous question... > db.test.drop() > db.test.insert({ "t" : "I'm on time, not

How does MySQL fulltext search work?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-04 17:56:25
问题 I have a pretty good idea how to implement fulltext search with MySQL. I know how to add indexes and make a query and sort my results. But I have been trying to get some more in-dept information on how it works, so to say what happens behind the scenes. How does MySQL determine the results relevance. What does the score even mean? Which can reach from 0.1 to over 4.6 (which I have seen at least, probably more) And what is really being indexed? What happens to my search string that is entered?

List which columns have a full-text index in SQL Server 2005

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-04 03:08:23
How do I list all tables / columns in my database that have a full-text index? select distinct object_name(fic.[object_id]) table_name, [name] column_name from sys.fulltext_index_columns fic inner join sys.columns c on c.[object_id] = fic.[object_id] and c.[column_id] = fic.[column_id] Sadra Abedinzadeh This one gives you more information SELECT t.name AS TableName, c.name AS FTCatalogName , i.name AS UniqueIdxName, cl.name AS ColumnName, cdt.name AS DataTypeColumnName FROM sys.tables t INNER JOIN sys.fulltext_indexes fi ON t.[object_id] = fi.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.fulltext_index_columns

MongoDB - Logical OR when searching for words and phrases using full text search

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-03 17:30:35
I asked a related question previously, and as suggested by the poster there have created this new question as a follow up: MongoDB full text search - matching words and exact phrases I was having some problems with unexpected results when using the full text search functionality in MongoDB, specifically when searching for a mixture of words and phrases. Using this helpful example provided by the poster in the previous question... > db.test.drop() > db.test.insert({ "t" : "I'm on time, not late or delayed" }) > db.test.insert({ "t" : "I'm either late or delayed" }) > db.test.insert({ "t" :

mysql - any way to help fulltext search with another index?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-03 16:51:30
Let's say i have an "articles" table which has the columns: article_text: fulltext indexed author_id: indexed now i want to search for a term that appears in an article that a particular arthor has written. so something like: select * from articles where author_id=54 and match (article_text) against ('foo'); the explain for this query tells me that mysql is only going to use the fulltext index. I believe mysql can only use 1 index, but it sure seems like a wise idea to get all the articles a particular author has written first before fulltext searching for the term... so is there anyway to

Multilingual elasticsearch indexing best practice/experiences

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 04:49:48
问题 Wondering what are the best practice or experiences used for multilingual indexing and search in elasticsearch. I read through a number of resources, and as best as I can distill it the available options for indexing are: separate index per language; multi field type for multilingual field; separate field for all the possible languages. So, wondering what are the side-effects for choosing one or the other of these options (or some other that I've missed). I guess having more indices does not

Lucene.Net Best Practices

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-03 01:10:32
问题 What are the best practices in using Lucene.Net? or where can I find a good lucene.net usage sample? 回答1: If you're going to work with Lucene, I'd buy a good book that covers it from A to Z. Lucene has a very steep learning curve (in my opinion). It's not only knowing how to search your that's important - it's also about indexing it. Doing a basic search is easy, but creating an index that consists of millions of records of data and still being able to do a lightning fast search over it is

Fulltext Indexing on MyISAM, single column vs multiple column indexing

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-02 18:48:19
问题 I have an extremely large table (4M+ rows) with disk space of more than 40Gb (14Gb data and 28Gb index). I needed fulltext search on multiple fields both combined and separated, meaning that I needed to make it possible to fulltext search on both single columns and multiple columns together, like below: for combined search SELECT `column_a`, `column_b` FROM `table_1` WHERE MATCH (`column_a`, `column_c`, `column_x`) AGAINST ('+$search_quesry*' IN BOOLEAN MODE); for separate search SELECT