
Get data from Materialize css chips

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-18 17:44:09
问题 I need get data from MaterializeCSS chips, but I don't know, how. $('.chips-placeholder').material_chip({ placeholder: 'Stanici přidíte stisknutím klávesy enter', secondaryPlaceholder: '+Přidat', }); function Show(){ var data = $('.chips-placeholder').material_chip('data'); document.write(data); } <!--Added external styles and scripts--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src="

duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 framework included twice

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-11 10:44:44
问题 This is not the regular duplicate symbols error. I am using AFNetworking library for networking with cocoa pods. I also using a third party framework that has been added to the target "Link Binary With Libraries" list in build phases section. Unfortunately, This third party framework includes the AFNetworking that apparently is being used by it for networking. Therefore, it makes sense that this error has been produced. Any idea how can this be solved? Edit: Here it shows that

duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 framework included twice

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-11 10:43:24
问题 This is not the regular duplicate symbols error. I am using AFNetworking library for networking with cocoa pods. I also using a third party framework that has been added to the target "Link Binary With Libraries" list in build phases section. Unfortunately, This third party framework includes the AFNetworking that apparently is being used by it for networking. Therefore, it makes sense that this error has been produced. Any idea how can this be solved? Edit: Here it shows that

How to use 3rd party framework depends from dylib for IOS in Delphi Firemonkey

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-11 07:16:51
问题 I'm using 3rd-party SDK, presented as libXXX.a, that needs libstdc++.dylib libz.dylib 15/05/2017 ANSWER. Finally I have found a time to write down my solution. If your 3rd party SDK depends from some dynamic libraries, do this: For example dynamic library is called as "libSuperLibrary.dylib". For example 3rd party SDK is called as "SuperFramework.framework". Go to "Project - Options - Delphi Compilier - Framework Search Path" Fill the field by path to your framework like "C:\path\to\my

Entity Framework Core- passing parameters to Where IN Clause Raw Query

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-11 06:25:20
问题 I just want to select data for range of values from db. e.g. "SELECT * from VwCampaigns where PmcId in (1,2,3)" This is my code in Entity Core _dbContext.CampaignsView.FromSql("SELECT * from VwCampaigns where PmcId in ({1})", pmcIds).ToList() How to pass range of integer in raw query? Please Help 回答1: I do not think there is any way to do it by passing a list of Ids as a parameter because EF tries to interpret it as a single parameter. What worked for me was the following: Given a list of IDs

How to force Wicket “onchange” AJAX events to be triggered if fields fail validation conditions

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-09 06:54:26
问题 The specific case I've got in mind is as follows: an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") is added to a TextField in a form. The behavior verifies the text for certain conditions (either the model object or the form component model, doesn't matter), based on which it might display a message (or hide it, if it has already been shown). The problem is, there are also validators added to the TextField. One of the possible (and likely) scenarios consists of the user typing in, first, a

“No such module” error when archiving

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-07 11:40:13
问题 My Swift 4 app rebuilds and runs successfully on all simulators except for Generic iOS Device . If I try to archive it or do a rebuild on Generic iOS Device , I get a No such module error relating to one of my pod frameworks. I tried adding the framework to Linked Frameworks and Libraries , and that removed the error, but then it fails on the next pod framework, and so on. I have tried all sorts of paths in Framework Search Paths with no luck. Currently, the value is set to: I even tried

Java framework/tool for simple distributed computing problem

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-05 20:12:35
问题 We generate pdf files with data regarding monthly financial balance of tens of thousands of clients. At it's peak (100.000 files at the end of year), the process may take as long as 5 days to complete using distribute the load between 5 servers. The distribution of workload is a manual process (eg. server 1 generates pdf for clients 1 to 20.000, server 2 from 20.001 to 40.000, and so on). We use Java, so we would like to use a Java tool or framework in a fashion similar to BOINC (BOINC is not

Java framework/tool for simple distributed computing problem

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-05 20:12:06
问题 We generate pdf files with data regarding monthly financial balance of tens of thousands of clients. At it's peak (100.000 files at the end of year), the process may take as long as 5 days to complete using distribute the load between 5 servers. The distribution of workload is a manual process (eg. server 1 generates pdf for clients 1 to 20.000, server 2 from 20.001 to 40.000, and so on). We use Java, so we would like to use a Java tool or framework in a fashion similar to BOINC (BOINC is not

The Best way to use ElasticSearch in Spring java framework

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-02-05 13:15:12
问题 I'm developing a system which is planning to use elasticsearch as an data repository. I'm trying to choose the best way to develop my application that can index and query data from elasticsearch. The system I have is built on top of Spring framework. Is it a good choice to use Spring-data-elasticsearch ( Or is it a good choice to use elasticsearch core libraries itself ? I need to handle nested data (inner object) but Spring-data