
Pylons FormEncode @validate decorator pass parameters into re-render action

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-14 04:15:29
问题 I am attempting to use the validate decorator in Pylons with FormEncode and I have encountered an issue. I am attempting to validate a form on a controller action that requires parameters, and if the validation fails, the parameters aren't passed back in when the form is re-rendered. Here's an example. def question_set(self, id): c.question_set = meta.Session.query(QuestionSet).filter_by(id=id).first() c.question_subjects = meta.Session.query(QuestionSubject).order_by(

Decoding query strings in PHP

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-10 17:12:19
问题 Okay, so I've written a REST API implementation using mod_rewrite and PHP. I'm accepting a query string via the body of HTTP DELETE requests (... collective groan?). Arguments about the wisdom of both previous statements aside, what I've found is that PHP doesn't automatically parse the request body of DELETE requests (i.e. $_POST is empty despite form-encoded query string appearing in body of request). This didn't particularly surprise me. What I did find surprising was that I've been unable

Pylons FormEncode with an array of form elements

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 09:46:41
问题 I have a Pylons app and am using FormEncode and HtmlFill to handle my forms. I have an array of text fields in my template (Mako) <tr> <td>Yardage</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]',

Pylons FormEncode with an array of form elements

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-03 04:01:36
I have a Pylons app and am using FormEncode and HtmlFill to handle my forms. I have an array of text fields in my template (Mako) <tr> <td>Yardage</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]', maxlength=3, size=3)}</td> <td>${h.text('yardage[]'

Recommendation for python form validation library [closed]

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-29 20:36:11
I would like a form validation library that 1.separate html generation from form validation; 2.validation errors can be easily serialized, eg. dumped as a json object What form validation library would you choose in a python web project? Y.H Wong Disclaimer Generally speaking I'm a little wary about HTML form libraries now. If you use something from a mega-framework, you invariably have to bring in the whole mega-framework as your dependency. Many sub-components of many mega-frameworks claim to not depend on the framework but let's not kid ourselves. If you don't use one, there are at least a

Recommendation for python form validation library [closed]

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-28 16:14:49
问题 As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 6 years ago . I would like a form validation library that 1.separate html generation from form validation; 2.validation errors can be easily