
Converting into FLV using Java

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-11-30 15:56:00
does anybody know how to convert any kind of video format into flv using java, i have been searching for a java api for converting video but it seems that there is no such thing but there might be a way to do it, i mean to make something like youtube service does converting the videos, but using java, i need a web application that can show videos into FLv Format but to be uploaded in any format, if somebody has made something like this please let me know how or any idea, thanks. None in Java comes directly to mind, even Java's own media framework JMF doesn't support FLV, but you may find this

Play FLV from ByteArray in Flash Player

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-30 15:31:35
问题 I have a flash video file (FLV) stored in the ByteArray object and would like to play this video. Is there any way to achieve it? Maybe using Alchemy? Thank you! 回答1: i think "why ByteArray" is actually THE question ... how did it get there? :) there are numerous approaches ... one was given by konrad ... but as he said it will be slow ... in fact, i think it'll be much slower than you can even imagine ... so here another one: pass the ByteArray to a server and load the flv from there ...

Play FLV from ByteArray in Flash Player

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-30 14:55:52
I have a flash video file (FLV) stored in the ByteArray object and would like to play this video. Is there any way to achieve it? Maybe using Alchemy? Thank you! back2dos i think "why ByteArray" is actually THE question ... how did it get there? :) there are numerous approaches ... one was given by konrad ... but as he said it will be slow ... in fact, i think it'll be much slower than you can even imagine ... so here another one: pass the ByteArray to a server and load the flv from there ... there are several options: remote server: load it to a remote server (probably the one distributing

How to Play FLV Video in HTML Video tags?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-11-30 13:12:02
问题 I have had a look at a couple of players like Flow Player, JW Player and a couple more but I can't get it to work exactly in PHP code. Is there any way to play FLV within HTML Video Tags? I know MP4 and OGG files will but the thing that I am working on will produce an FLV file. 回答1: You should look at video.js from www.videojs.com I have been using it streaming live video feeds. It mimicks the video tag like this: <video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload=

Check file type (FLV) before PHP upload file in temporary folder by reading only starting 3 bytes of file

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-30 08:26:25
First 3 bytes of FLV file are signature "FLV". Now my question: Is there any possibility in PHP to handle file uploads so that we can hook into the input stream of uploading file and check the first 3 bytes? The scenario is i don't want the complete file to be uploaded (in temporary folder) and then check if the file is FLV or not, i just want to read first few bytes of uploading stream and if it is not "FLV" then return/exit. The file needs to be uploaded by HTML based form. Can't rely on javascript,flash uploader or any client side validation workarounds i.e. need a pure PHP based solution.

What is the best tool to convert common video formats to FLV on a Linux CLI [closed]

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-30 06:56:18
Part of a new product I have been assigned to work on involves server-side conversion of the 'common' video formats to something that Flash can play. As far as I know, my only option is to convert to FLV. I have been giving ffmpeg a go around, but I'm finding a few WMV files that come out with garbled sound (I've tried playing with the audio rates). Are there any other 'good' CLI converters for Linux? Or are there other video formats that Flash can play? Flash can play the following formats: FLV with AAC or MP3 audio, and FLV1 (Sorenson Spark H.263), VP6, or H.264 video. MP4 with AAC or MP3

How to convert uploaded video and get a screenshot from this file?

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-30 05:26:37
I'm building a cms and I want users to be able to upload videos but I'm not familiar with video upload & conversion. Is there an example or has anybody coded a solution like this? I heard about ffmpeg but I don't know how to integrate it with asp.net. As simple solution I can make my clients upload flv files but then I would still need to get a screenshot from that fvl. Thanks Answering author's question: Does ffmpeg requires to be installed server side or just exe is enough? ffmpeg.exe will be enough, no installation is required. The code below gets a screenshot on captureTime on video

Extract Audio from FLV stream in C#

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-30 04:07:09
I'd like to extract audio stream from a FLV stream in C#. I searched in Google and I found FLVExtract , but it supports only extracting from FLV files, and not from streams. How can I do this? I didn't find anything, so I had to write it myself. It is very fast and it's working great. Here's the code: protected byte[] ExtractAudio(Stream stream) { var reader = new BinaryReader(stream); // Is stream a Flash Video stream if (reader.ReadChar() != 'F' || reader.ReadChar() != 'L' || reader.ReadChar() != 'V') throw new IOException("The file is not a FLV file."); // Is audio stream exists in the

Can ffmpeg convert audio to raw PCM? If so, how?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-29 19:39:55
I'm currently using ffmpeg to convert FLV/Speex to WAV/pcm_s16le , successfully. However, I now need the output format to be RAW, that is, PCM signed 16-bit little endian, without the WAV header. I tried the following: ffmpeg -y -i input.flv -vn -acodec pcm_s16le output.raw But ffmpeg responds with: Unable to find a suitable output format for 'output.raw' I also tried using output.pcm and output as output file names, with the same result. I also tried the -f flag to specify raw format, but that gives: Unknown input or output format: raw Is this possible with FFmpeg? If so, how? Chris Haas Give

How to generate the Thumbnail of video URL flv format?

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-29 12:43:43
How can i get the Thumbnail of URL my video url like below http://ServerDomain/streams/16476084045/3d4659d8e93bdfbdb3619a4a684c93be.flv I am using this below code AVURLAsset *asset1 = [[AVURLAsset alloc] initWithURL:url options:nil]; AVAssetImageGenerator *generator = [[AVAssetImageGenerator alloc] initWithAsset:asset1]; generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = YES; //Set the time and size of thumbnail for image NSError *err = NULL; CMTime thumbTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(0,30); CGSize maxSize = CGSizeMake(425,355); generator.maximumSize = maxSize; CGImageRef imgRef = [generator