
Three.js - Fisheye effect

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-20 16:20:16
问题 So, I've messed around with three.js, works out great. The only thing I can't figure out, is how to make a camera with a real fisheye effect. How is that possible? camera.setLens() ? 回答1: The fish eye effect can be achieved using Giliam de Carpentier's shader for lens distortion. Shader code: function getDistortionShaderDefinition() { return { uniforms: { "tDiffuse": { type: "t", value: null }, "strength": { type: "f", value: 0 }, "height": { type: "f", value: 1 }, "aspectRatio": { type: "f",

Three.js - Fisheye effect

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-01-20 16:18:06
问题 So, I've messed around with three.js, works out great. The only thing I can't figure out, is how to make a camera with a real fisheye effect. How is that possible? camera.setLens() ? 回答1: The fish eye effect can be achieved using Giliam de Carpentier's shader for lens distortion. Shader code: function getDistortionShaderDefinition() { return { uniforms: { "tDiffuse": { type: "t", value: null }, "strength": { type: "f", value: 0 }, "height": { type: "f", value: 1 }, "aspectRatio": { type: "f",

Interactive Structure-aware Blending of Diverse Edge Bundling Visualizations

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-08-07 02:21:38
论文传送门 视频 论文主页 作者 山东大学 Yunhai Wang Mingliang Xue Yanyan Wang Xinyuan Yan 北京大学 Baoquan Chen 香港中文大学 Chi-Wing Fu 法国国立民航大学 Christophe Hurter 摘要 存在许多边捆绑技术(即简化数据以支持数据可视化和决策),但是它们不能直接应用于任何类型的数据集,并且它们的参数通常过于抽象并且难以设置。结果,这阻碍了用户创建有效的聚合可视化效果的能力。为了解决这一问题,我们研究了一种以任务驱动和以用户为中心的方法来处理视觉聚合的新颖方法。给定一个图形,我们的方法将产生一个杂乱的视图,如下所示:首先,用户研究不同的边绑定结果,并指定某些边绑定技术将提供用户所需结果的区域。其次,我们的系统然后计算这些指定区域之间的平滑且结构保留的过渡。最后,用户可以使用直接操作技术进一步微调全局可视化效果,以消除局部歧义并应用不同的视觉变形。在本文中,我们提供了设计原理和实现的详细信息。此外,我们展示了与当前的边捆绑技术相比,我们的算法如何提供更合适的结果,最后,我们提供了用法的具体实例,其中算法结合了各种边绑定结果以支持各种数据探索和可视化。 Introduction Edge bundling methods Force-Directed Edge Bundling Skeleton

Camera lens distortion in OpenGL

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-06-26 05:52:23
问题 I'm trying to simulate lens distortion effect for my SLAM project. A scanned color 3D point cloud is already given and loaded in OpenGL. What I'm trying to do is render 2D scene at a given pose and do some visual odometry between the real image from a fisheye camera and the rendered image. As the camera has severe lens distortion, it should be considered in the rendering stage too. The problem is that I have no idea where to put the lens distortion. Shaders? I've found some open codes that


孤者浪人 提交于 2020-04-22 11:51:28
接上一篇 文章 讲解的相机标定的基本概念,这篇文章主要阐述一下如何使用Matlab或者Opencv等软件得的Camera内参之后,如何保存调用内参完成对应Camera的标定流程。 一、Matlab标定鱼眼镜头实践 1. 这里我使用的Camera是Jetson Nano专用的鱼眼摄像机,具体参数如下所示: 我使用的畸变较大的鱼眼镜头。 由于我采用的是红外夜视的Camera,结果在光线稍微不好的时候就会出现图片偏红色的情况(解决方案: 微雪Camera-wiki ) 如果大家没有必要的夜视应用场景,建议不要使用红外夜视的摄像头,如果在后期处理的过程中还要对畸变图像矫正,建议就不要使用广角鱼眼摄像头了,因为矫正之后的视野区域也会有所减少,这一点可以在后面矫正的程序中看到(在畸变矫正的过程中,也需要消耗部分CPU资源,这样对于嵌入式板卡来说也许就不划算了) 2. 基于JetsonNano板卡,读取CSI摄像头的Demo程序如下: 1 import cv2 2 import sys 3 import glob 4 import time 5 import threading 6 import numpy as np 7 8 if len(sys.argv) == 1 : 9 print ' Please Choose the CSI-Camera id for image sample

Circular Fisheye Image dewarp to flat image

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-03-27 06:36:29
问题 UPDATE as on 12 Nov 2015 I used PanoTools plugin with Photoshop and Hugin and played with all those parameters. End up i found the parameters for projection, HFOV and image output size that fulfill my lowest requirement. Parameteres: Processed Output: My question is then how can i convert all these parameters and values into C# algorithm coding so that when I provide the original image, i will get the corrected output image? Thanks a lot. I have a square image captured from a circular fisheye

Circular Fisheye Image dewarp to flat image

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-03-27 06:35:32
问题 UPDATE as on 12 Nov 2015 I used PanoTools plugin with Photoshop and Hugin and played with all those parameters. End up i found the parameters for projection, HFOV and image output size that fulfill my lowest requirement. Parameteres: Processed Output: My question is then how can i convert all these parameters and values into C# algorithm coding so that when I provide the original image, i will get the corrected output image? Thanks a lot. I have a square image captured from a circular fisheye

OpenCV fisheye undistort issues

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-21 09:16:25
问题 EDIT: I found the cause of the problem, the fisheye::undistortImage() function was not working correctly, I replaced it with estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify() , initUndistortRectifyMap() , and remap() as in the original calibrate camera example. Not perfect yet but going in the right direction. Output image: Mat output; Mat newK; Mat view, map1, map2; Size newSize(1200, 1200); Mat rview(newSize, frame.type()); //resize(rview, rview, newSize); fisheye:

Is there a fisheye or dual fisheye to equirectangular filter for ffmpeg?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-01 02:50:13
问题 Or a way to do it with an existing filter? So that you could take in video from a fisheye or dual fisheye camera (such as the Ricoh Theta) and directly output equirectangular, in real-time, to something like RTMP? 回答1: The Remap filter does just this: This filter copies pixel by pixel a source frame to a target frame. It remaps the pixels to a new x,y destination based on two files ymap/xmap. Basic command syntax is ffmpeg -i fisheye_grid_input.jpg -i fisheye_grid_xmap.pgm -i fisheye_grid


心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-30 00:56:23
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 1.pom.xml是什么 pom是Project Object Model(项目对象模型)的缩写,是Maven中的项目文件,可用于管理与配置依赖,组织信息,项目授权,远程仓库等等.一个Maven项目,可以没有任何代码,但不能没有pom.xml. 2.基本配置 (1)<project> <project>是pom.xml的根元素,包含了一些约束信息. <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> </project> (2)<modelVersion> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> pom的版本,这是Maven 2&3唯一支持的pom版本,而且不能忽略. (3)Maven坐标 <groupId>,<artifactId>与<version>标识了仓库中的一个特定位置,叫项目坐标