
Why ContentResolver does not see added files by another app?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-02-07 16:43:28
问题 I added files to Documents/MyExcelsFolder by using ContentResolver.insert and then also added new file to Documents/MyExcelsFolder folder by another app (for ex. FileManager ) Then I try to get all files from the MyExcelsFolder folder fun getAppFiles(context: Context): List<AppFile> { val appFiles = mutableListOf<AppFile>() val contentResolver = context.contentResolver val columns = mutableListOf( MediaStore.Images.Media._ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_ADDED,

Why ContentResolver does not see added files by another app?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-07 16:40:54
问题 I added files to Documents/MyExcelsFolder by using ContentResolver.insert and then also added new file to Documents/MyExcelsFolder folder by another app (for ex. FileManager ) Then I try to get all files from the MyExcelsFolder folder fun getAppFiles(context: Context): List<AppFile> { val appFiles = mutableListOf<AppFile>() val contentResolver = context.contentResolver val columns = mutableListOf( MediaStore.Images.Media._ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_ADDED,

Why ContentResolver does not see added files by another app?

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-07 16:40:43
问题 I added files to Documents/MyExcelsFolder by using ContentResolver.insert and then also added new file to Documents/MyExcelsFolder folder by another app (for ex. FileManager ) Then I try to get all files from the MyExcelsFolder folder fun getAppFiles(context: Context): List<AppFile> { val appFiles = mutableListOf<AppFile>() val contentResolver = context.contentResolver val columns = mutableListOf( MediaStore.Images.Media._ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_ADDED,

How to copy selected file to app's directory

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-29 08:08:37
问题 I'm new to FileManager in iOS. I'm trying to create a simple app: there's a list of files, and when the user press a cell the the file opens. The user can also add new files. This is what I currently have: class TableViewController: UITableViewController, UIDocumentPickerDelegate { var urls: [URL] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Uncomment the following line to preserve selection between presentations // self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false // Uncomment the

UI控件DevExpress ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls v20.1全新升级,Accordion、GridView控件新功能更便捷!

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-01-13 08:44:12
DevExpress技术交流群2:775869749 欢迎一起进群讨论 DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms Controls拥有针对Web表单(包括报表)的110+种UI控件,DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Extensions是服务器端MVC扩展或客户端控件,由轻量级JavaScript小部件提供支持的70+个高性能DevExpress ASP.NET Core Controls,包含功能完善的报表平台,DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms Bootstrap Controls利用轻量级渲染、响应式布局和现代性能优化技术,扩展网站的受众范围并提高搜索排名。 DevExpress ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls v20.1日前震撼发布,新版本全新升级的Accordion、GridView等控件功能,欢迎下载v20.1体验! DevExpress ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls v20.1完整版下载 此版本包括对数据感知控件和字段编辑器的以下增强功能: 自适应性 数据筛选 数据编辑(包括批处理编辑) 触摸支持 数据导出 验证方式 Accordion 组外观选项 新属性允许您自定义组的外观: SettingsBootstrap.RenderOption -

DevExpress ASP.NET Core Controls v20.1新版亮点:全新升级的Diagram、File Manager

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-13 08:25:07
DevExpress技术交流群2:775869749 欢迎一起进群讨论 DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms Controls拥有针对Web表单(包括报表)的110+种UI控件,DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Extensions是服务器端MVC扩展或客户端控件,由轻量级JavaScript小部件提供支持的70+个高性能DevExpress ASP.NET Core Controls,包含功能完善的报表平台,DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms Bootstrap Controls利用轻量级渲染、响应式布局和现代性能优化技术,扩展网站的受众范围并提高搜索排名。 DevExpress ASP.NET Core v20.1日前震撼发布,新版本全新升级的Diagram、File Manager等控件功能,欢迎下载v20.1体验! DevExpress ASP.NET v20.1完整版下载 全新的Diagram控件 Diagram控件于2019年5月作为社区技术预览(CTP)首次引入,此次更新标志着其正式发布,功能包括: 40多种预定义形状(包括可折叠形状容器和OrgChart形状) 自定义形状 绑定到外部数据 以JSON格式加载/保存图 导出为SVG、PNG和JPEG 自动布局 模板 全屏和Simple View模式 只读模式

How to List all Internal Storage Folders in Android Q (API Level 29)?

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-12-31 07:40:32
问题 I am new in programming and want to make a file manager in android studio. I am facing problems in listing all device folders in API level 29 after getExteralStorageDirectory was deprecated. 回答1: According to the documentation, you will have to use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE. This will provide you with the URI of selected directory , once you have the URI then you can access all the children of that directory . From docs Grant access to a directory's contents File management and media-creation

How to List all Internal Storage Folders in Android Q (API Level 29)?

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-12-31 07:35:13
问题 I am new in programming and want to make a file manager in android studio. I am facing problems in listing all device folders in API level 29 after getExteralStorageDirectory was deprecated. 回答1: According to the documentation, you will have to use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE. This will provide you with the URI of selected directory , once you have the URI then you can access all the children of that directory . From docs Grant access to a directory's contents File management and media-creation

新攻击新武器:盲眼鹰 APT 组织最新攻击活动完全分析

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-09-25 05:11:57
作者:启明星辰 ADLab 公众号: 一、概述 启明星辰ADLab实验室在近几个月内,通过威胁情报检测系统接连捕获到多起针对哥伦比亚国家的政府部门,金融、银行、保险等行业及卫生和制药机构发起的钓鱼邮件定向攻击。攻击者以“冠状病毒检测紧急告知单”或“刑事诉讼通知单”等命名的诱饵文档作为邮件附件,并配合鱼叉邮件向攻击目标电脑植入远控木马。从邮件分析结果来看,攻击者会将邮件的来源伪装成哥伦比亚国家卫生部、国家税务和海关总署、民事身份登记处、检察院以及移民局等政府部门,以加强其邮件的真实性。我们通过对攻击者伪装的来源信息、域名使用偏好、IP地址关联及地理位置等特性进行对比分析,发现该系列攻击来源于盲眼鹰组织,但采用的攻击武器较以往完全不同。盲眼鹰首次被披露于2019年初,是一个疑似来自南美洲的APT组织,其最早活跃时间可追溯到2018年,主要针对哥伦比亚政府和大型公司进行攻击。 在对攻击活动深入分析后,我们发现该组织在我们发现的这批攻击中采用了更为先进攻击技术和反追踪技术。在以往的攻击中,该组织多使用MHTML格式的恶意文档作为攻击附件,而在本次攻击过程中,该黑客组织使用一个无恶意的文档作为媒介,诱使目标下载文档中提供恶意短链接(该短链接指向一个加密过MHTML的恶意文档)