
Visual Studio Team Services - Build fails, definition wrong?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:28:06
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I've been working on a project for some time now and now I want to use Visual Studio Team Services for it. Locally, the building in Visual Studio doesn't give an error and the application works as intended. I've checked in this working code to VSTS so it's in the repo and good to go. Now I want to build it. I created a new Build definition with nothing changed . When I run the build it fails. I tried editing the build definition but with my 0 experience with this I only screw up more and create more errors. My problem: Apparently, it wants

“CreateRiaClientFilesTask” task failed unexpectedly

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:06:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: This error has started occuring when attempting to build my VS 2010 Silverlight project after some minor changes to my RIA domain services, which are hosted within the Silverlight website application. There appears to be no reason for this error and I cannot understand the access denied part of the error. Things I have tried: 1) Full clean of all projects in the solution and re-build 2) Deletion of all temporary ASP.Net files from the framework folder 3) Removal of linked RIA services from project properties from the class library that is

Error deleting all tables “DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'”

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:04:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I have a script to delete all tables in my database that looks like this: -- Disable all constraints EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all' -- Disable all triggers EXEC EnableAllTriggers @Enable = 0 -- Delete data in all tables EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DELETE FROM ?' -- Dnable all constraints EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all' -- Reseed identity columns EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'', RESEED, 0)' -- Enable all triggers EXEC EnableAllTriggers @Enable = 1 When it hits

Visual Studio 2008 Winform designer fails to load Form which inherits from generic class

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:44:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: i have a winforms project, and i created a class on assembly A that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form to serve as a base class for various forms on my project, the base class is something like: public partial class DataForm : Form where T : class { T currentRecord; protected T CurrentRecord { get { return currentRecord; } set { currentRecord = value; CurrentRecordChanged(); } } } Now, when i create a form on assembly B that inherits from my DataForm the designer won't load, but if i compile it the app runs fine. The form looks like:

Validating Azure AD Token signature fails JAVA

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:23:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am struggling to validate an Azure AD token signature. When I look up the correct key description in the "jwks_uri" field under https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/.well-known/openid-configuration I check the belonging key data . I try to use the "n" - modulus and "e" fields to generate the public key for the signature validation I end up with an error: BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); byte[] modulusBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(n); byte[] exponentBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(e); BigInteger modulusInt = new BigInteger(1,

“HTTP Status 401 - Authentication Failed: Incoming SAML message is invalid” with Salesforce as IdP for implementating SSO

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:16:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I've implemented SSO using Spring SAML and everything is working fine. It worked with the following IDP's till now: 1) idp.ssocircle.com 2) openidp.feide.no Now I'm testing with salesforce.com as my Identity Provider. As there is no provision to upload Service Provider Metadata I've done the following configuration settings at its IdP: Gave my entityID and Assertion Consumer Service URL. I also uploaded my SP certificate. I've downloaded its metadata (idp metadata) which is as follows (hiding the sensitive information): <?xml version="1.0"

Git rename from index.lock to index failed

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:12:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Using the GitHub Windows client I did a sync to pull remote changes to my local machine, but before finishing the sync, I ran out of disk space and the sync failed. Now I seem to have a bunch of local changes that are actually changes that were being pulled from origin. I tried to run git pull but got: C:\Users\Tom\SourceLog [master +4 ~26 -0 !]> git pull Updating b3a86e1..5afd74f error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: SourceLog.Interface/IChangedFile.cs SourceLog.Interface/ILogEntry.cs ... Please,

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:06:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Generate keystore: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore my.keystore -keysize 2048 Generate certificate signing request (CSR): keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -file my.csr -keystore my.keystore I then go off to my hosting provider and get some certificates. These i installed as follows: keytool -import -alias root -keystore my.keystore -trustcacerts -file gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore my.keystore -trustcacerts -file gdig2.crt keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore my.keystore

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:59:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: When i run my java project using netbeans i get the following error: Deployment error: Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use. See the server log for details. at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.deploy(Deployment.java:166) at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ant.Deploy.execute(Deploy.java:104) at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:288) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor619.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke

Visual Studio - The “Copy” task failed unexpectedly

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:45:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Using Visual Studio 2013, I have suddenly started getting this error when I build the solution: The "Copy" task failed unexpectedly. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800710FE): This file is currently not available for use on this computer. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800710FE) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(Int32 errorCode) at Microsoft.Build.Shared.NativeMethodsShared.ThrowExceptionForErrorCode