
Searching Facebook all public posts only for posts with links using Graph API or FQL?

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-06 11:46:44
问题 Is it possible to search Facebook all public posts only for posts with links using the Graph API or FQL? I tried a bit with https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=watermelon&type=post but couldn't figure it out... 回答1: This query comes close: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=http:&type=post&fields=link the "q" param says "only return posts whose message contains the string 'http:'", which gives a good first cut, but still lets some through without real links. You can then walk through the

Can i get lots of share counts using facebook graph API? And how to do it

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-06 08:01:11
问题 My idea is to implement something like this: http://i.imgur.com/MHJrY.png screenshot is from here: http://www.thedrum.co.uk/opinion/2012/03/08/five-ways-new-facebook-timeline-will-impact-brands I've read that I have to use either Facebook graph API or FQL but I don't know which one is the best. This is what I have so far but it takes a long to do it so my guess is that is the wrong method: <? require_once 'libs/facebook.php'; // Create our Application instance. $facebook = new Facebook(array(

FQL query to fetch a user's Facebook friend's gender PLUS meeting_sex

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-04 07:46:13
问题 Not quite as racy as it sounds - I'm using the below code to get a user's male or female friends only and it works fine. However, I also want to check their 'meeting_sex' which is a list of the genders a user's friend is interested in meeting, i.e. male, female or both. (Described here) The meeting_sex requires the friends_relationship_details permission which I've added to the graph API explorer, but my output looks like this: "data": [ { "name": "ABCDEF", "pic_square": "https://abcdefg.jpg"

Querying Open Graph objects and actions

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-04 05:40:05
问题 I've created a few actions and object types for my application. For this question's purpose, let's assume I have an myapp:book custom type (where myapp is my application's namespace and book is the custom type) and a myapp:read action. Is is possible answer any of the following queries using Facebook's Graph API (or any other FB API)? List all objects of type myapp:book . By that, I mean retrieve a list all pages that FB's scraper has stored which have an go:type of myapp:book . List all

Retrieve user's friends who like the same fan page

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-04 02:51:08
问题 I try to find facebook api to retrieve user's friends who like the same fan page but I dont think the new graph api able to do this. While searching in the stackoverflow, I came out with this FQL: select user_id from like where object_id = "[page_id]" and user_id in (select uid2 from friend where uid1 = me()) but facebook return me with array(0) { } is there any solution ? 回答1: You can do this with FQL: SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND page

Graph Search API order by like fql

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-03 18:50:46
问题 Is there a way to sort the result with the Graph api by key? and choose desc or asc? just like in fql? in the FQL I perform my query for event with ORDER BY start_time ASC at the end anything similar in the graph api? 回答1: There's currently no way to sort the results of Graph API calls, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.1#reading In the most cases, the results are returned in the order of the creation time though. 回答2: Currently in version 2.10 I can say

An answer to the 'how to get Facebook shares and likes of some URL ?' questions

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-03 05:51:06
问题 I am building a website where I need to retrieve Facebook shares and likes of numerous links and URLs from different sites. The problem is, for some URLs it is impossible to get what I wanted. For example, when I look for data about links that look like http://www.example.com/?a=1&b=2&c=3 all I get is wrong data about http://www.example.com/?a=1 and the rest of the URL ( &b=2&c=3 ) is simply ignored by Facebook. Here at StackOverflow, a lot of people are looking for an answer and many

Facebook APIs: Anyway to see when a page was created?

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-03 04:33:28
问题 Has Facebook ever provided a way to ascertain when a page was created either through the Graph API, the Legacy API, or FQL? I can't seem to find it. 回答1: No, the creation date of a page isn't exposed anywhere in the API 回答2: According to this offical resource : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/page There is no any column that mention about the time when page is created. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7745333/facebook-apis-anyway-to-see-when-a-page-was-created

How to get email from facebook

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-02 22:59:06
问题 I have created an application. There is form, in which there are two fields email and name. There is button, which enable you to login with facebook and after that it will get the user name and email. I have tried many ways. I can get name and other detail, but I couldn't get user email. I have also used fql to get the email but didn't get. Below is the code. I want to retrive that by PHP. $fql = 'SELECT contact_email FROM user WHERE uid = '.$user; $res = $facebook->api(array('method' => 'fql

FQL my friends who are attending a particular event

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-02 22:04:32
问题 I am trying to find all my friends who are are attending a particular event of interest. I think the right way to do it is with FQL. What would be the query to do that? 回答1: Based on the example in the event_member fql table: SELECT uid FROM event_member WHERE eid = ... AND rsvp_status = 'attending' I suppose you could use something like: SELECT uid FROM event_member WHERE eid = ... AND rsvp_status = 'attending' AND uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) 来源: https://stackoverflow