
Android零基础入门第80节:Intent 属性详解(下)

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-11-27 07:44:36
上一期学习了Intent的前三个属性,本期接着学习其余四个属性,以及Android系统常用内置组件的启动。 四、Data和Type属性 Data属性通常用于向Action属性提供操作的数据。Data属性接受一个Uri对象,一个Uri 对象通常通过如下形式的字符串来表示: content://com.android.contacts/contacts/1 tel:123 Uri字符串总满足如下格式: scheme://host:port/path 例如上面给出的 content://com.android.contacts/contacts/l,其中 content 是 scheme 部分, com.android.contacts 是 host 部分,port 部分被省略了,/contacts/1 是 path 部分。 Type属性用于指定该Data属性所指定Uri对应的MIME类型,这种MIME类型可以是任何自定义的MIME类型,只要符合abc/xyz格式的字符串即可。 Data属性与Type属性的关系比较微妙,这两个属性会相互覆盖,例如: 如果为Intent先设置Data属性,后设置Type属性,那么Type属性将会覆盖Data属性。 如果为Intent先设置Type属性,后设置Data属性,那么Data属性将会覆盖Type属性。 如果希望Intent既有Data属性

Advantages of using Bundle instead of direct Intent putExtra() in Android

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-11-27 02:55:53
In my android application I'm always using direct putExtra() function of Intent class to pass any number of value to new Activity . Like this: Intent i = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class); i.putExtra(ID_EXTRA1, "1"); i.putExtra(ID_EXTRA2, "111"); startActivity(i); I know about Bundle in Android and I have seen people are using Bundle for passing values to new Activity . Like this: Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class); Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putString("EXTRA_USERNAME","my_username"); extras.putString("EXTRA_PASSWORD","my_password"); intent.putExtras(extras);

Specifying widget for model form extra field (Django)

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-27 02:07:05
问题 I have to add extra field to my model form. My approach is: class MyForm(forms.ModelForm): extra_field = forms.CharField() class Meta: model = MyModel widgets = { #Does not work 'extra_field': forms.Textarea(attrs={'placeholder': u'Bla bla'}), } But it seems that widget definition for extra_field at class Meta is ignored, because i have a bare input tag instead of textarea on a template. So I apply next approach: class MyForm(forms.ModelForm): #It works fine extra_field = forms.CharField

XML with PHP “echo” getting error “Extra content at the end of the document”

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-26 23:45:59
问题 I'm getting an error that I believe to be very specific. This PHP is stored in my domain. It access a server with a mysql database and uses it's table information to generate an XML with markers, that will afterwards be used in Google Map. Actually it is working because it's retrieving the markers, but this error doesn't go away, and I don't know what's causing it. I'm very new to all the php and android programming. If someone could clarify this for me with easy explanation, I would be