
Configure jedi not to auto-complete automatically?

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-19 05:44:39
问题 I have jedi-mode installed in emacs for python editing because I find C-. and C-, very useful for jumping to definitions and back. Automatic auto-completion, however, is not something I want. As I try to use emacs with jedi installed, it is continually trying to jump in with suggestions and bring up popups. How can I configure jedi so that it only does things in response to specific invocations, and not in response to typing or cursor movement? I've tried setting (setq jedi:complete-on-dot

Installing python server for emacs-jedi

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-13 10:25:08
问题 I am trying to install Jedi for emacs using marmalade package manager by following instructions here -- http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/latest/. The package manger installs Jedi along with its dependencies. But I cannot install python server using: M-x jedi:install-server because that command is not available even after restarting emacs after jedi installation. The only available commands are: Possible completions are: jedi:ac-setup jedi:complete jedi:dot-complete jedi:get-in-function-call

multiples jediepcserver.py for multiples virtualenvs

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-08 12:50:34
问题 I'm trying to run multiples jediepcserver.py for multiples virtualenvs for different projects. My idea is to have the proper autocompletion in each of the projects that I'm working on Emacs. For example, I'm working on two projects at the moment, one using Django 1.5 and another one using Django 1.7, so autocompletion should be different for each of the projects. This is my configuration file: (setq python-environment-directory "~/.virtualenvs") (autoload 'jedi:setup "jedi" nil t) (add-hook

Installing python server for emacs-jedi

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-05 11:22:55
I am trying to install Jedi for emacs using marmalade package manager by following instructions here -- http://tkf.github.io/emacs-jedi/latest/ . The package manger installs Jedi along with its dependencies. But I cannot install python server using: M-x jedi:install-server because that command is not available even after restarting emacs after jedi installation. The only available commands are: Possible completions are: jedi:ac-setup jedi:complete jedi:dot-complete jedi:get-in-function-call jedi:goto-definition jedi:goto-definition-next jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker jedi:setup jedi:show-doc