
SIP trunk config文件

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-25 16:24:43
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> [General Settings]中 Maximum Channels 设置为CTS提供SIP Trunk的并发数量 [Outgoing Settings]中设置 PEER Details 为如下内容: username=12345678 (CTS提供的SIP Trunk配置号码) type=friend secret=xxxxxxxxxxxx (CTS提供的SIP Trunk配置密码) qualify=yes port=5060 nat=yes insecure=very host=voip.cts.sh.cn fromuser=12345678 (CTS提供的SIP Trunk配置号码) fromdomain=voip.cts.sh.cn dtmfmode=rfc2833 disallow=all context=from-trunk canreinvite=yes allow=gsm&ulaw&alaw&g729&ilbc [Incoming Settings]中设置 USER Details 为如下内容:(如果仅申请呼出号码无需填写) username=12345678 (CTS提供的SIP Trunk配置号码) type=friend secret=xxxxxxxxxxxx (CTS提供的SIP

Stuck with Android SIP for VoIP - Registration not running

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-12 17:06:00
问题 I have an Elastix server, which is being used by my desktop calling app and Zoiper App perfectly for calling purposes. However my own app, which is using Android SIP is not working fine and I am unable to locate the real problem. Whenever I call for profile registration, it gets failed and error message of REGISTRATION NOT RUNNING shows in the logs. here is my code snippet: public void InitializeProfile() { if (mSipManager == null) { return; } if (mSipProfile != null){ closeLocalProfile(); }

How can we handle outgoing fax calls?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-12 04:23:51
问题 We have a server "Elastix". Is there a way to make something like this? If someone calls on fax machine, write this behavior in database and hangup immediately. I heard about AMD application and read a lot of information, but still don't quite understand, how to make it do what I need. Can you help me with solution, please? Thank you in advance! 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38570123/how-can-we-handle-outgoing-fax-calls

如何在Elastix 4.0 中添加自定义新模块

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:18:01
Elastix 于2016年被3CX收购,整个开源项目也因此完全停止,不再提供开源免费的Elastix系统的支持和下载; 为了保持这个开源项目的进行,社区成员又重新打包了Elastix,摇身一变成为Issabel;因此可以下载Issable作为自己的PBX系统; 这些数据库中保存了系统使用到的重要数据, 如系统用户信息、系统的菜单信息、系统地址簿系统基本设置信息及其他信息。 因此,如果需要添加自己开发的新功能模块,例如添加VPN Server 模块: 以下是操作步骤: 在/var/www/html/modules 中创建一个名为vpn_server的模块: mkdir /var/www/html/modules/vpn_server 在menu.db中,添加模块的信息,这里采用dump的方式修改menu.db: 进入/var/www/db/ ; 执行:sqlite3 menu.db .dump > menu.sql; 修改 menu.sql 文件,如图: 将menu.sql 重新 生成 menu.db, 执行:mv menu.db menu.db.bak(备份) 执行: sqlite3 menu.db < menu.sql;此时已经VPN Server 模块添加到ELastix System Network 下的菜单中,但是在web上并没有显示出来,需要进行下一步操作