
Sending ejs template using nodemailer

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-01-20 15:31:20
问题 I'm trying to build a web application using express.js. In my application, I'm using nodemailer for sending mail. If I just use it to send basic mail it work ok; however, when I try to use nodemailer to send a rendered ejs file, the recipient only receive an empty mail. So here the details of my code: var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ host: 'smtp.zoho.com', port: 465, secure: true, // use SSL auth: { user: 'testmail@zoho.com', pass: '123456' } }); fs.readFile('/test.ejs', 'utf8',


五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-14 04:08:11
前言   距上次更新博客又两个月多了,这两个月内除了上班时间忙公司的项目外,下班后也没有闲着,做了点外包,有小程序的,管理端的项目。也可能那段时间做的外包项目也都比较急,所以晚上都搞到一点左右睡,严重的压榨了自己的休息时间,搞得缓了很久才恢复过来。当然,也发现了忙外包的好处和坏处了,好处就可以多了些项目经验,例如小程序的做的是音视频类的教育应用,也算了解了一些公司项目不需要用到的api;管理端的也应用了vue+element-ui开发,算为公司项目奠定了些基础吧。坏处嘛,就是真心劳累,也由于了解市场不多,报价并不高,还可以说低,接了后问了朋友都说我的价格低啊,心累啊~~~,还有就是做的项目其实说深的,对自身技术提高感觉效果一般,所以也总结了技术的提升还是需要自身沉淀,不不能靠一味的多做项目。好了,不扯了,关于node.js的学习也已经一大段时间没更新了,现在继续更新,有讲得不到位或者错误的地方希望大佬指出。 Express   express(上)主要讲了express框架结构、路由、中间件等概念。这章我们主要实现简单的用户增改查等功能(暂不借助数据库),熟悉express框架的开发。还是先安装express-generator应用骨架并使用ejs模板 // 1.安装express-generator npm install expess-generator - g // 2


坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-13 21:03:50
首先创建一个index.js,在里面引入相关的中间件,如果没有这些中间件,则需要在nodejs里进入index.js所在的文件夹安装这些模块,安装命令:npm install express express-static cookie cookie-session body-parser multer mysql,并且创建好www文件夹和views文件夹,www文件夹放了所有要读取的css.js.img等,views文件夹下放了所有要渲染的ejs模板 const express = require("express"); // 框架 const expressStatic = require("express-static"); // 指定路径读取静态文件 const cookie = require("cookie"); // 解析cookie数据 const cookieSession = require('cookie-session'); // 基于cookie的session数据,保存在request.session const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); // 解析post数据,保存在request.body中 const consolite = require("consolite"); // 模板适配器 const

Why CSRF is not working in only POST route While working in the rest of other Post routes?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-07 03:32:31
问题 I am getting the CSRF forbidden error . However CSRF is working fine in the rest of the application like post route of logout, signUp, Signin deleteing anything et c.. But when I perform the post action in only one route `/addProduct" I am getting the error Note that I am generating my CSRF token before routes declaration. I am attaching the main file code and the front end code of addProduct. Here is my main file code where I am generating token and including it in all routes app.use


。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-01-06 04:18:12
前端必备之Node+mysql+ejs模版如何写接口 这星期公司要做一个视频的后台管理系统, 让我用Node+mysql+ejs配合写接口, 周末在家研究了一下, 趁还没来具体需求把研究内容在这里分享一下。 1、准备   准备Node环境,mysql环境,我这里用express脚手架起了一个小项目demo   2、建数据库   我这里用了可视化工具,Navicat Premium新建了一个表cookbook,以下是我的demo数据 3、mysql如何写   1>yarn add mysql安装mysql包   2>models文件夹中建立一个 pool.js 用于连接数据库 var mysql = require( ' mysql ' ); var connection = mysql.createPool({ connectionLimit : 10 , host : ' localhost ' , user : ' root ' , password : ' 12345678 ' , database : ' mysql ' }); const _delete = (sql) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { connection.query(sql, (err, result) => { if (err) {

EJS - Include return Could not find the include file “header.ejs”

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-12-31 06:01:56
问题 I try to render html with ejs like this const ejs = require('ejs'), fs = require('fs'), str = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../mail_templates/test.ejs`, 'utf8'); console.log(ejs.render(str, {name: 'abc'}); test.ejs <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> ... But got this error: Error: ejs:1 >> 1| <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> Could not find the include file "header.ejs" ... Here is how the folder structure look like: Can you tell me why? I also tried these cases but no hope: <% include header.ejs %> <%

EJS - Include return Could not find the include file “header.ejs”

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-12-31 06:01:50
问题 I try to render html with ejs like this const ejs = require('ejs'), fs = require('fs'), str = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../mail_templates/test.ejs`, 'utf8'); console.log(ejs.render(str, {name: 'abc'}); test.ejs <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> ... But got this error: Error: ejs:1 >> 1| <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> Could not find the include file "header.ejs" ... Here is how the folder structure look like: Can you tell me why? I also tried these cases but no hope: <% include header.ejs %> <%

EJS - Include return Could not find the include file “header.ejs”

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-12-31 05:58:59
问题 I try to render html with ejs like this const ejs = require('ejs'), fs = require('fs'), str = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../mail_templates/test.ejs`, 'utf8'); console.log(ejs.render(str, {name: 'abc'}); test.ejs <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> ... But got this error: Error: ejs:1 >> 1| <%- include(`header.ejs`)%> Could not find the include file "header.ejs" ... Here is how the folder structure look like: Can you tell me why? I also tried these cases but no hope: <% include header.ejs %> <%

node-- express()模块

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-12-24 19:05:37
1、代码分析 var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.send('hello world'); console.log('hello world'); }); app.listen('8808'); require() 用于在当前模块中加载和使用其他模块;此方法是模块的基础,使用中大概有路径的概念就行。PS:JS文件可以去掉".js"后缀    exports 表示模块的导出对象,用于导出模块的属性和公共方法。    PS:一个模块的代码只会在模块第一次被使用时执行,不会因require多次而被初始化多次。 express() 表示创建express应用程序。简单几行代码其实就可以创建一个应用   app.listen() 就是在给定的主机和端口上监听请求,这个和node中http模块的http.createServer(function(){...}).listen()效果一致; app.set(name, value)和app.get(name)就是你想的那样,set()为设置 name 的值设为 value,get()为获取设置项 name 的值。如俺app.js的图片16行中的一句“app.set('port', process

Can't get stylesheet to work with ejs for node.js

随声附和 提交于 2020-12-24 15:40:54
问题 I'm trying to make a simple server with node, express and ejs for the template. I've gotten the server to point to the page, load it, and am even able to generate other bits of code with the include statement. However for some reason the style sheet will not load. app.js var express = require('express'), app = express(), http = require('http'), server = http.createServer(app), fs = require('fs'); var PORT = 8080; app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.render(