
Passing C# variable using MVC/Razor for use with Dygraph

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-18 19:47:55
问题 So here is my problem, and I'm sure it's something very simple. I'm relatively new to Web Development and I'm running into a little problem that I just can't figure out. I have this code in an MVC view. . . @{ var data = ""; var count = 1; foreach (var item in ViewModel.Data) { data += count.ToString() + "," + item.Reading.ToString() + "\n"; count++; } } I want to pass this 'data' variable to a very tiny script in order to create a graph using Dygraph. This is what I currently have, and

Passing C# variable using MVC/Razor for use with Dygraph

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-18 19:47:24
问题 So here is my problem, and I'm sure it's something very simple. I'm relatively new to Web Development and I'm running into a little problem that I just can't figure out. I have this code in an MVC view. . . @{ var data = ""; var count = 1; foreach (var item in ViewModel.Data) { data += count.ToString() + "," + item.Reading.ToString() + "\n"; count++; } } I want to pass this 'data' variable to a very tiny script in order to create a graph using Dygraph. This is what I currently have, and

Display annotation of length of a plotted line when hovered over

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-08 19:44:18
问题 Using dygraphs I'll be plotting a series that looks like a staircase: consecutive horizontal and vertical lines. (With varying width and constant height). I would like to have an annotation or label show the length of a horizontal line when it is hovered over. How might this be done? Perhaps there is a way of: providing a callback that gets called when a line segment is hovered over use that callback to add a temporary annotation (with the documented annotations feature) Or perhaps there's a

Display annotation of length of a plotted line when hovered over

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-08 19:41:27
问题 Using dygraphs I'll be plotting a series that looks like a staircase: consecutive horizontal and vertical lines. (With varying width and constant height). I would like to have an annotation or label show the length of a horizontal line when it is hovered over. How might this be done? Perhaps there is a way of: providing a callback that gets called when a line segment is hovered over use that callback to add a temporary annotation (with the documented annotations feature) Or perhaps there's a

Date in dygraph (using R and xts) shows one day earlier than data

五迷三道 提交于 2021-01-28 08:01:16
问题 This is my first stackoverflow question, so apologies in advance for any lapses in etiquette or presentation. I am using the dygraphs() package in R (3.3.3 on a Mac running Mavericks, using RStudio) to graph a time series of box-office receipts from an 18th-century theater. The dates run from 1789-04-14 to 1791-03-07. I'm using the newest version of the xts package (0.10-0), but the problem was identical in the previous version. As an xts object the data looks like this: head(receipts.xts) kr

Dygraph setAnnotations with repeated x values

早过忘川 提交于 2021-01-28 05:40:40
问题 I am using Dygraph 2.0. I have a csv with repeated x values and when I call setAnnotations function with this x value drawing repeated annotation. Example csv: x,val1,val2,val3 0,1,1,3 1,2,3,5 1,3,3,3 2,4,5,5 3,1,2,2 When I set annotation on x = 1, dygraph draw 2 annotation. I need to known if exist any way that say to dygraph that drawing only one annotation 回答1: I am sure it is not the best option but right now it is the solution I have figured out and maybe it works for you http://jsfiddle

Is there an Dygraph has loaded event?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-01-27 15:51:27
问题 I want to show checkboxes for every column in my dygraph. But I can't figure out when to get the names of my columns from dygraph using g.getLabels(). It works when I call it manually after I know the graph has loaded. But how can I automate this? I couldn't find an event like "Dygraph.loaded" or a property like "Dygraph.hasLoaded". Is there some way to easily do this? 回答1: This is what the .ready() method is designed to do: g = new Dygraph(div, "/path/to/data.csv"); g.ready(function() { var


独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-03-10 22:12:22
情况一: new Date(Date.parse("Jul 8, 2005")); 输出: 2005年7月8日星期五00:00:00 GMT-0700(PST) 案例二: new Date(Date.parse("2005-07-08")); 输出: Thu Jul 07 2005 17:00:00 GMT-0700(PST) 为什么第二次解析不正确? #1楼 根据 http://blog.dygraphs.com/2012/03/javascript-and-dates-what-mess.html 的格式,“ yyyy / mm / dd”解决了常见问题。 他说:“请尽可能将日期字符串粘贴到“ YYYY / MM / DD”。它被普遍支持且明确。使用这种格式,所有时间都在本地。 我已经设置了测试: http : //jsfiddle.net/jlanus/ND2Qg/432/ 此格式:+通过使用ymd排序和4位数字的年份避免了日和月顺序的歧义+避免了UTC与本地问题的冲突 dygraphs的 家伙通过使用斜杠+ danvk来符合ISO格式,他说这种格式在所有浏览器中都很好。 #2楼 另一种解决方案是用日期格式构建一个关联数组,然后重新格式化数据。 此方法对于以异常方式格式化日期很有用。 一个例子: mydate='01.02.12 10:20:43': myformat='dd


有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-02-26 21:31:56
相信每一个想要学习前端的人对于前端三剑客html+css+js都不会陌生,这些可以说是一个前端的基本配置,而在前端的世界里,没有什么是JavaScript实现不了的,你真的了解js吗?为什么学习web前端开发要学习JavaScrip,并且必须要掌握,且精通? 关于JS有一句话:凡是可以用JavaScript来写的应用,最终都会用JavaScript,JavaScript可运行在所有主要平台的所有主流浏览器上,也可运行在每一个主流操作系统的服务器端上。现如今我们在为网站写任何一个主要功能的时候都需要有懂能够用JavaScript写前端的开发人员。 而后端代码是用什么编写的则无所谓——不管是Java,PHP,.NET,Node.js还是其他——但是客户端就一定需要一个JavaScript开发人员。事实上,现在很多开发人员依然没有认识到JavaScript有多么强大。 JS实际使用的功能和领域,下面我们就来了解一下。 1.数据可视化 数据可视化是当下大家所推崇的一种互动展示模式,而Java拥有ECharts、Dygraphs.js、D3.js、InfoVis、Springy.js等多种可实现数据可视化效果的框架。 2.移动应用 PhoneGap将WebView带向了移动应用,同时也将JavaScript带向了移动应用。 3.服务端 因为V8的性能将JavaScript带到了一个新的高度