
How to Show/View or Read .dwg files on browser

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-21 03:18:22
问题 How to Show or Read .dwg files on browser without using any software means using PHP, jQuery, Javascript or any other programming language. For this I have gone through https://developer.autodesk.com and created an app with Client ID and Client Secret, Also created index.html file. But after that i get stuck in finding next movement for getting required "Model Derivative API". So Please guide me for the same. Thanks for giving your precious response. <!-- The Viewer CSS --> <link rel=

AutoCAD library in Java to read .dwg files?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-18 03:45:37
问题 Is there any open-source Java or JavaScript library available to parse .dwg files and get the objects from it. I would like to extract data from a table of text for my project. It seems that the AutoCAD developer community prefers .NET and C/C++ over JAVA. The only free alternative I found is by converting .dwg to .dxf first and using the Kabeja lib to read from it. 回答1: The Teigha library from opendesignaliance has C++, C#, and Java interface. Teigha is the alternative of RealDWG and it is


你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-09 19:19:27
调用控件的InsertBlock函数,把一个DWG文件,插入到图上,指定一个块名,放在块表记录中。InsertBlock的函数详细说明: http://www.mxdraw.com/help/MxDrawXLib___DMxDrawX__InsertBlock@BSTR@BSTR.htm , 如果给的图块名,当前图上已经有该名称的图块,可以调用Mx_InsertBlockEx 自定义函数,告诉控件是否需要重新定义图块。Mx_InsertBlockEx的详细说明: http://www.mxdraw.com/help/MxDrawXCustomFunction__Mx_InsertBlockEx@CString@CString@INT@CString@bool.htm 然后调用DrawBlockReference函数绘制块引用,引用InsertBlock创建的块表记录。函数详细说明: http://www.mxdraw.com/help/MxDrawXLib___DMxDrawX__DrawBlockReference@DOUBLE@DOUBLE@BSTR@DOUBLE@DOUBLE.htm 下面代码,演示如何插入DWG. mxOcx.InsertBlock("G:\pt1000.dwg", "MyBlkName"); mxOcx.DrawBlockReference(0, 0,

How do I get metadata from a 2d .dwg file using Forge AutoDesk APIs?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-08 07:05:08
问题 I was using the Forge AutoDesk Data management, design management and model viewer APIs to upload my .dmg, convert it to svf and then using the metadata. It works well for 3D designs but there seems to no guid inside the metadata when I use 2D designs. Is there something I am doing wrong? EDIT: I can get the manifest alright, but when I fetch the metadata for the same, it gives an empty array. { "type": "manifest", "hasThumbnail": "true", "status": "success", "progress": "complete", "region":

How to export DWG files to images using AutoCad API with C#?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-08 01:26:26
I have AutoDesk 2014 and VS2012 installed. I already have the dlls mentioned here and also tried this but not worked. I really need to know how to export those files to images, jpg, png,.. using C# code. Thanks! The DLLs and code you mentioned are used to create plugins for AutoCAD. You can create images (PNG or other) using a code like this: http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2007/04/taking_a_snapsh.html But you may need to get started with the API, see a basic tutorial at http://www.autodesk.com/myfirstautocadplugin To meet the requirements of your post, you can

How do I get metadata from a 2d .dwg file using Forge AutoDesk APIs?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-06 16:45:33
I was using the Forge AutoDesk Data management, design management and model viewer APIs to upload my .dmg, convert it to svf and then using the metadata. It works well for 3D designs but there seems to no guid inside the metadata when I use 2D designs. Is there something I am doing wrong? EDIT: I can get the manifest alright, but when I fetch the metadata for the same, it gives an empty array. { "type": "manifest", "hasThumbnail": "true", "status": "success", "progress": "complete", "region": "US", "urn": "dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6ZGFkYXNkc2FkYS8xMTI2LmR3Zw", "version": "1.0",

Is It Possible To Include DWG Trueview In The Android SDK As A Tool To Open And View a DWG File?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-04 21:28:16
We are developing an application which is able to open and modify a DWG file without converting it to other formats (e.g. PDF, JPG). In this application we need to allow the user to open and view DWG files. Can someone please help us with this? Or suggest some other ways by which we can open and view DWG files without converting it to any other image file format ? We are developing an application...to open and modify a DWG file What in particular do you need help with? You're going to be writing an entire application devoted to opening a specific format of a vector drawing file -- this is no


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:47:01
说明 CAD控件提供的接口,可以把dwg文件转换成Bmp,Jpg文件,也可以把DWG文件中某个区域的图形绘制到CDC上或保存为Bmp文件。这些接口即能在VC中使用,也能在VB,C#,Delphi,网页中调用。 DwgToJpg 不需要使用CAD控件打开dwg文件,直接把dwg文件转成jpg文件。 MxDrawXLib.IMxDrawApplication 的成员 pszDwgFilePath pszJpgFilePath iWidth iHeight VC调用参考例程: void CTestDlg::OnBnClickedDwgtojpgButton() { // TODO: CPreviewFileDialog openDlg(TRUE,_T("dwg"),NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, //_T("dwg(*.dwg) | *.dwg||"), _T("DWG files (*.dwg)|*.dwg|DXF files (*.dxf)|*.dxf|Jpg files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp||"), this); CString sDwgFileName; if(openDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { sDwgFileName = openDlg

web html页面显示autocad等dwg格式图形文件方法

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 20:37:03
2中思路, 一种是转换后显示 ,比如vectordraw,将dwg转换成vds格式,再在web中显示,支持图层啊之类。还有CADViewer JS是转成SVG,pdf等格式,然后用web浏览……其实转换格式也是一个办法,用golang在后端,当有请求的时候,调用转换程序AutoXChange进行dwg到pdf的转换。如下列代码,缺点有3个,一个是万一后端转换不成功,等待很久,还要退出这个进程,另一个缺点是,autoxchange虽然支持字体路径,但是似乎不起作用,还是无法显示中文,最后一个当然是需要购买啦,否则有水印。 package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "time" ) func main() { iname := "Office.dwg" oname := "office.svg" // fontpath := "\\Fonts" "-FP", fontpath, arg := []string{"-i", iname, "-o", oname, "-DF", "arial", "-f", "svg", "-text", "-v=5"} //ax2017 -i office.dwg -o office.pdf -f pdf -text -v=5 cmd := exec.Command("ax2019.exe", arg...) /


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-28 19:48:06
Aspose.CAD for .NET 是一个独立的AutoCAD处理API。它提供将DWG,DWF和DXF文件转换为高质量PDF和光栅图像的功能。开发人员可以从AutoCAD文件中选择和转换特定的布局和图层,并轻松跟踪整个文件转换过程。 近期 Aspose.CAD for .Net (点击下载) 更新至最新版v19.7,新增支持DWG R11,R12格式,增强加载大型CAD文件,支持设置自定义视图以进行渲染,接下来,我们通过示例来了解新增功能! 加载大型DWG文件 Aspose.CAD for .NET提供了使用CadImage类打开非常大的DWG文件的功能。现在,您可以使用下面给出的示例示例轻松打开大文件。 //文档目录的路径. string MyDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_DWGDrawings(); string filePathDWG = MyDir + "TestBigFile.dwg"; string filePathFinish = MyDir+ "TestBigFile.dwg.pdf"; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); try { stopWatch.Start(); using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Image.Load(filePathDWG)